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The Grand Mufti Of Iraq Speaks....

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Dude don't be ignorant.

OK.So we understand why this Mufti do not want fight againts ISIS in Anbar(Middle-Iraq).Because they are afraid of being oppressed by Shiite militias and their revenge.

But why didn't he explain why they are still fighting againts kurds in North-Iraq?

Kurds are not opressing arabs,kurds never forced arabs out of their home, hundred thousands arab refugees from other parts of Iraq have taken shelters in kurdish region.

Now think what would happen if kurds take revenge.

Would you still say that these guys (Sunni Arabs) are innocent?

So they are complaining how they are opressed by shia militias when they are doing ( at least they try)

exactly same thing to the sunni kurds.And before they did much worse to the kurds.Hypocrisy.


You might not support ISIS but you sound like one.



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Dude don't be ignorant.

OK.So we understand why this Mufti do not want fight againts ISIS in Anbar(Middle-Iraq).Because they are afraid of being oppressed by Shiite militias and their revenge.

But why didn't he explain why they are still fighting againts kurds in North-Iraq?

Kurds are not oppressing arabs, kurds never forced Arabs out of their home, hundred thousands arab refugees from other parts of Iraq have taken shelters in kurdish region.



That is a good question. We await his reply

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IS offensive against the PKK (kurdish communist) in Syria began when the YPG (Syrian branch of the kurdish communists) and allied FSA regimes announced an operation called righteous volcano were they said they would March on the capital of IS in support of coalition forces. Today they are fighting for their survival in the last inch of the what territory they have left.


In Iraq. IS never attacked the peshmerge forces. When IS TOOK MOSUL dam they wanted to create a buffer area were the Yazidis live to secure the area. The peshmerge attacked and then IS struck back and are now still 15 miles away from Erbil even with coalition Airforce.


The peshemerge have always been a western and Israeli supported movement. Barzani was supported by Israeli mossad and was trained by them. If you want the pics are all online.


So in both occasions you have the peshmerge and PKK provoking and starting the situation and then moaning about it later.


Everyone who analyses what's going on will tell you the same thing.


It's good to do your research before making claims.


I don't support any group I am telling you what happened.

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If today palestinians start revolt againts Isael would you say it was palestinians fault?

The war between isis an kurds began when isis and others extremist startet to occupy kurds lands.

The kurds were treated before Syria civil-War like second class people by their arabs “brothers“. I fully undestand why they are protecting themselves.


”IS never attacked the peshmerge forces. When IS TOOK MOSUL dam they wanted to create a buffer area were the Yazidis live to secure the area. The peshmerge attacked and then IS struck back and are now still 15 miles away from Erbil even with coalition Airforce.”


WTH???? When ISIS took Mosul dam it was in KURDISH hand in first palace. Kurds just retake it back from ISIS.

You can not create a buffer zone on others people area just like that and kill thousands of people ( you know what happened to yazidis).So in fact you are saying that isis

attacked first.



”The peshemerge have always been a western and Israeli supported movement. Barzani was supported by Israeli mossad and was trained by them. If you want the pics are all online.”


Is Israel supporting kurds by arming Turkey which have killed tens of thousand of kurds?

Are westerns countries supporting kurds by betraying them for example after WW1,Gulf-War….?

Did you know that that Yasser Arafat (Palestiinan Leander) had tons of pic with Israel leanders? If you want to see the pics are all online. Are you know saying that Mossad supported Arafat and his ideology?


”Everyone who analyses what’s going on will tell you the same thing”


Please show me these analyses because i have never seen one which have agreed with your opnion.


”It’s good to do your research before making claims”


My claims was that ISIS (arabs/baathist ) are attacking kurds and they started the war with them, which is true.




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I don't think you really know what your talking about.


I said IS never attacked kurds in Syria. They stayed within their governante of Raqqa. The PKK attacked IS in Syria even Wikipedia will tell you the same


IS fought back and now the PKK is on its death bed in Syria. Whether you know this or not doesn't matter this is what history shows.


In regards to the Palestinians. I don't really understand how you can relate the Palestinians to the PKK. In regards to Iraq the peshmerge have always been a western lacky for both the US and Israel.


Again IS never attacked them the peshmerge attacked IS around Mosul dam.


The kurds are a noble people . this has nothing to do with anti kurdish people.


All Allies of Israel and the United States are a natural enemy of IS and what makes it worse they attacked them.

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