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Wasiiro ka tirsan Xukuumada Somalia iyo oo gaaray magaalada Kismaayo ee gobolka Jubada hoose

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Wafdi uu hogaaminayo wasiirka difaaca Somalia C/xakiin Xaaji Fiqi oo saaka ka dhoofay magaalada Muqdisho ayaa gaaray magaalada Kismaayo ee gobolka Jubada hoose oo ay ka jiraan xiisado siyaasadeed iyo kuwo milateri oo u dhexeeya maamulo iska horjeeda oo halkaas looga dhowaaqay.


Wafdigan uu wasiirka difaaca C/xakiin Xaaji Maxamuud Fiqi ayaa waxaa ka mid ah wasiirka wafaafinta, boostada, isgaarsiinta iyo gaadiidka C/llaahi Ciilmooge Xirsi iyo Wasiirka Cadaalada, garsoorka iyo Owqaafta C/llaahi Abyan Nuur.


C/xakiin Xaaji Fiqi iyo wafdigiisa ayaa waxaa garoonka dayuuradaha magaalada Kismaayo ku soo dhoweeyey taliyaha ciidamada XDS Jen. Daahir Indha-qarshe iyo xubno ka tirsan guddi dhowaan xukuumada Somalia u magacowday xal u helida gobolada jubooyinka oo horey ugu sugnaa halkaas.


Ma cadda illaa hadda in wafdigan ay kulamo la qaadan doonaan dhinacyada isku haya magaalada kismaayo hase ahaatee ujeedada socdaalkooda ayaa waxaa lagu sheegay dib u habeyn ay ku sameynayaan ciidamada dowlada ee jooga magaalada Kismaayo, iyo sidii kulamo la xiriira sugida amaanka ula qaadan lahaayeen saraakiisha ciidamada Kenya ee magaca AMISOM ku jooga Kismaayo.


Wafdiga wasiirka ayaa waxaa la sheegay in loo gudbiyey gudaha magaalada Kismaayo ee gobolka Jubada hoose iyadoo la dejinayo hotel magaalada ku yaala oo ilaalo xoogan ay ka hayaan ciidamada Kenya.


Wasiiradan ayaa lagu waday iney Kismaayo gaaraan maalintii shalay hase ahaatee dib u dhac ayaa ku yimid.


Safarka wafdigan ku tageen magaalada Kismaayo ayaa ku soo aadaya xili Axmed Madoobe oo ka mid ah shanta madaxweyne ee maamulka Jubba-land uu sheegay inay ka warhayaan dhibaato uu sheegay inay magaalada Kismaayo ka wadaan wafdiyo isdaba joog ah oo oo ka socda dowladda Soomaaliya, wuxuuna tilmaamay in dowladdu ay amar ku bixisay in ciidankeeda ku sugan Kismaayo ay magaalada dagaal ka ridaan, isagoo intaasi ku daray markale inay ogyihiin in madaxda dowladda Soomaaliya ay Jubbooyinka ka wadaan qas aan qarsooneyn.


Xiisadaha ka dhashay cida maamuleysa magaalada Kismaayo iyo gobolada Jubooyinka ee u dhexeeya siyaasiyiinta iyo beelaha dega goboladaas qaarkood ayaa maalin maalinta ka dambeysa cirka isku shareereysa, waxaana laga cabsi qabaa dagaalo


Xafiiska Warqabadka

Tafatiraha Wabka

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Wafdi heer wasiiro ah oo gaaray magaalada Kismayo


Wafdi isugu jira wasiiro, saraakiil ciidan iyo xildhibaano ayaa maanta gaaray magaalada Kismayo, xarunta govolja J/hoose.



Wafdigan ayaa waxaa ka mid ah wasiirka gaadhaandhigga, wasiirka gaadiidka cirka/dhulka, wasiirka cadaaladda iyo xubno kale. Waxaa garoobka ku soo dhaweeyay xildhibaano iyo saraakiil ciidan. Isha wararka xaqiiqda

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Wafdigan ayaa waxaa kamid ah Wasiirka Gaashaadhiga Cabdixakiim Xaaji Maxamuud Fiqi, Wasiirka Cadaalada iyo Garsoorka Cabdullahi Abyan Nuur iyo Wasiirka wafaafinta Boostada,Isgaarsiinta iyo Gaadiidka Cabdullaahi Ciilmooge Xirsi.


Wafdigan ayaa ah kii ugu horeeyey oo heer Wasiiro ah oo gaara magaalada Kismaayo tan iyo intii shirweynihii Kismaayo lagu doortay Madaxweynaha cusub ee Jubaland iyo dhaarintii Madaxweyne kuxigeenka.


Wafdigan ayaa booqashadooda lagu soo beegay xili shirkii ka dhacay magaalada Addis Ababa maalinimadii Jimcihii ay urur Gobaleedka IGAD ku baaqeen in dowlada Federaalka ay qeyb ka qaadato dib u heshiisiinta iyo maamul u sameynta gobalada dalka, isla markaana shir dib u heshiisiin iyo waan waan ah lagu qabto magaalada Muqdisho.


Maamulka Jubaland ee uu hogaamiyo Axmed Madoobe oo shalay ka jawaabay baaqa kasoo baxay IGAD ayaa lagu sheegay in wixii waan waan ah ay soo dhaweenayaan balse aan caqabad lagu keeni Karin go’aanka ay shacabka ku dhaqan Jubooyinka iyo Gedo ku qaateen sameynta maamulkooda. Wuxuu sidoo kale maamulka Jubaland ku gacanseeray in shir dib u heshiisiin lagu qabto Muqdisho, balse codsaday in lagu qabto goob dhex dhexaad ah oo ay ummada ku wada hadli karto.


Waxaa horey magaalada Kismaayo ugu sugnaa Xildhibaano ka socda dowlada Federaalka oo horey uga yimid Muqdisho, kuwaasi oo uu maamulka Jubaland ku dhaliilay inay khal khal iyo tafaaraaruq u joogaan magaalada. Axmed Madoobe Madaxweynaha Jubaland ayaa ku eedeeyey wafdigan inay doonayaan inay kala dhantaalaan ciidamada dowlada ee ku sugan Kismaayo, isagoo arrintaasi ka digay cawaaqib xumada ay la imaan karto.


Wixii war ah oo kasoo kordha booqashada Wafdigan Wasiirada Gadaal baan idiinka soo gudbin doonaa haduu eebo idmo.


Horseed Media

News Desk

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Che -Guevara;955044 wrote:
A bit late...

To be honest I do not understand you, contributions on your part are becoming more opaque, maxaad rabta che, if we leave all the qabiil talk out of it, what is it that YOU want and would like to see happening....and please no red herrings tafadhal, as some one who has been on these boards since 2002...

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A genuine reconciliation! We have tried everything, tribal warfare, warlords, using external forces and religion. It's clear no will or can conquer the entire country and impose their will, the only option left is to sit down. We need to be realistic and not be lost in moments as many here on SOL.

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Any suggestions how that can be done right now, as in within the next month, assuming everything is perfect how woud you go about it?

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Realistically, a Government with no revenue base and which is dependent on foreign armies can not exert itself beyond its immediate environs. There has always one consistent failure in every administration that came through Mogadishu from Abdiqasim to Hasan admins and that's their inability to build a proper functioning administration in Benadir that has solid tax base which can support local competent security force and knowledgeable bureaucracy. While not ignoring its larger obligation, I think the Government should invest its meager resources in securing Xamar on its own terms. Such thing would require starting reconciliation process among local tribes that have fought in the city, a commitment from them is important, establishing a solid tax base by taxing telecoms, money transfers, properties and sales taxes of businesses, I do believe the Government can gather enough resources locally to establish a functioning government in Benadir with its own forces and healthy bureaucracy backed by the local tribes, civic organizations and the religious establishment. Every nation needs a strong center. This Government needs to establish that strong center. A success in Xamar can be replicated in every town.


Now obviously, there's the problem of establishing Federal States. I think the Government should own the process first having the Parliament establish the legal and technical framework to engage those entities that claim to represent regions and wants to establish states. The Constitution as it stands now is subject to interpretation. This must be rectified and the legal and technical committees that solely deal with regions should be established. Using a Xamar as benchmark, the Government can make reconciliation the bedrock of Federal States, in other words the folks in Juba should have been made to understand a transparent and inclusive reconciliation is the starting a point of the process to build the state. I think it was a mistake by the Government to simply say we oppose Juba admin without tasking those controlling the region to setup a process and without presenting its own process. The Government knew Juba was coming yet did nothing to own the process.


In short, build the center with Somali resources and forces (we will never be independent as long as Ugandans guarding Villa Somalia), complete the Constitution and engage the periphery by tasking them to prepare transparent, inclusive reconciliation overseen by the Government and in line with the Constitution, and let the Parliament take the lead on the technical and legal issues in regards to setting up Federal States, let the Government focus on establishing State Institutions (once Xamar has proper admin with local resources and force) and let the president be the guide to reconcile this troubled nation.

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Apophis;955074 wrote:
^ Good advice. Why single out J/L when actors in Hiiraan and above can do as they please.

It's the most pressing issue with threat of conflict and all but the idea applies to all regions.

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Che -Guevara;955071 wrote:
Realistically, a Government with no revenue base and which is dependent on foreign armies can not exert itself beyond its immediate environs. There has always one consistent failure in every administration that came through Mogadishu from Abdiqasim to Hasan admins and that's their inability to build a proper functioning administration in Benadir that has solid tax base which can support local competent security force and knowledgeable bureaucracy. While not ignoring its larger obligation, I think the Government should invest its meager resources in securing Xamar on its own terms. Such thing would require starting reconciliation process among local tribes that have fought in the city, a commitment from them is important, establishing a solid tax base by taxing telecoms, money transfers, properties and sales taxes of businesses, I do believe the Government can gather enough resources locally to establish a functioning government in Benadir with its own forces and healthy bureaucracy backed by the local tribes, civic organizations and the religious establishment. Every nation needs a strong center. This Government needs to establish that strong center. A success in Xamar can be replicated in every town.


Now obviously, there's the problem of establishing Federal States. I think the Government should own the process first having the Parliament establish the legal and technical framework to engage those entities that claim to represent regions and wants to establish states. The Constitution as it stands now is subject to interpretation. This must be rectified and the legal and technical committees that solely deal with regions should be established. Using a Xamar as benchmark, the Government can make reconciliation the bedrock of Federal States, in other words the folks in Juba should have been made to understand a transparent and inclusive reconciliation is the starting a point of the process to build the state. I think it was a mistake by the Government to simply say we oppose Juba admin without tasking those controlling the region to setup a process and without presenting its own process. The Government knew Juba was coming yet did nothing to own the process.


In short, build the center with Somali resources and forces (we will never be independent as long as Ugandans guarding Villa Somalia), complete the Constitution and engage the periphery by tasking them to prepare transparent, inclusive reconciliation overseen by the Government and in line with the Constitution, and let the Parliament take the lead on the technical and legal issues in regards to setting up Federal States, let the Government focus on establishing State Institutions (once Xamar has proper admin with local resources and force) and let the president be the guide to reconcile this troubled nation.


Che the Federal Goverment is repsonsible for the entire Somalia and is the goverment for all Somalis. It's responsible for Kismayo, Baidoa, Beletweyn, etc as much as it is for Banadir region. Your solution for the Federal goverment to solely focus on Xamar, would defacto make it a regional state. And

that is not what they were assigned to do.

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