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LaasCanood Guy & The Health and Safety Officer

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There was this guy from Laascaanood who lived in the UK for over ten years, but never got the chance to learn the language properly. All he knew was how much, how r u, I am fine, yes, no, etc....


He was single sharing a house with two other Somalis. The house due to the bad hygiene and age; came to be infested with cockrouches and mice. This had been found out by the local council and the council had send the Somalis a letter saying an officer will call in to assess the situation and draw a plan for this problem.


The day the council officer was coming, the other two house mates had to work and left the Laascaanood guy to show the officer around, they insisted he did not need to speak with officer but merely to point the finger at the problem.


When the health and safety officer came, the Laascaanood guy took him to the kitchen and indicated with his finger behind the fridge...The officer went round and had a look.






and jumbed back



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