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It's all steroids dude. I use to know this one guy in Minnesota who use to be skinny AF but some how put on at least good 50 - 70lbs of pure muscle in a short period of time. You can't tell me its' all from hard work and going to the gym. From what i remember, he didn't even like going to the Gym. Most people are starting to take stuff nowadays. Juicing.

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The unprovoked attacks on Bluelicious from newbies are pretty creepy.


Nin-Yaaban;878400 wrote:
It's all steroids dude. I use to know this one guy in Minnesota who use to be skinny AF but some how put on at least good 50 - 70lbs of pure muscle in a short period of time. You can't tell me its' all from hard work and going to the gym. From what i remember, he didn't even like going to the Gym. Most people are starting to take stuff nowadays. Juicing.

He's a professional bodybuilder, and even with steriods you have to train super hard and eat lots of food, just taking them won't make you that big. Everyday you have to go through the same routine of training and eating, it takes a lot of mind-power to sustain that physique and condition. Steriods only allow a person to recover faster after an intense work-out, and since he wants to compete with the world's best, then it makes sense that he would use them.


For me I can only train chest once a week, but a person that uses performance-enhancements could easily train that body part twice a week, and make twice as many gains because the muscles recover faster.

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Chimera;878418 wrote:
The unprovoked attacks on Bluelicious from newbies are pretty creepy.




He's a professional bodybuilder, and even with steriods you have to train super hard and eat lots of food, just taking them won't make you that big. Everyday you have to go through the same routine of training and eating, it takes a lot of mind-power to sustain that physique and condition. Steriods only allow a person to recover faster after an intense work-out, and since he wants to compete with the world's best, then it makes sense that he would use them.


For me I can only train chest once a week, but a person that uses performance-enhancements could easily train that body part twice a week, and make twice as many gains because the muscles recover faster.

Yea, that guy might not be on steroids, but there are plenty more that are using it. From what little i've read online about steroids, it get's you jacked up pretty quick without having to do any of the hard work and training.

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