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Ethiopian Muslims protest against State run Islam

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Yet another update about how the Ethiopian junta try to indoctrinate, take over Islamic institutes and "train" Muslim leaders in Ethiopia; a very worrying trend since Somalis, who own the largest area, have already been somewhat acculturated by the decades of ocupation, particularly those more "educated" or keen to integrate (Amharic fluency instead of Somali, adoption of Abyssinian culture, inferiority complex etc):



"A focal point for the dispute has been at the community centered around the Awalia Mission School on the edge of the capital, where 50 Arabic teachers were removed via a letter from the Islamic council leaders, leading to the escalation of protests against the leaders’ legitimacy and state interference.


The government has tightened security at mosques – it is difficult for Western journalist to report from those in the capital without police interference. The Ministry of Federal Affairs recently accused the protesters of being extremists engaged in violence and collaborating with foreign forces to instigate jihad.


Growing radicalism?


The Ethiopian government has recently claimed that radicalism is growing in Ethiopia, citing austere Wahhabism promulgated by foreign preachers in mosques built by well-heeled Saudi organizations. Ahmedin Jebel, spokesman for a committee that says it’s elected by Muslims to represent the movement, says these claims are way off the mark. Although there may be individual extremists, there are no communities sworn to conflict, he says. Conversely, according to Mr. Ahmedin, the government risks creating extremism where it doesn’t exist with heavy-handed actions that many Muslims perceive as an attack on Islam.


“We are afraid that people will begin to fight back,” if the indoctrination and smear campaigns continue, he says. “There is a concern that they may create more extremism than they fear.”


Leaked US diplomatic cables from 2008 corroborate the Ethiopian government’s concerns about a “growing Wahhabi influence.” In the cables, American officials discuss programs to combat its influence, such as translating “The Place of Tolerance in Islam” – a book by American Muslim scholar Khaled Abou el Fadl – into local languages."



Muslims blame Ethiopian government of messing in mosques,




PS: The US embassy active involvment has been blown out by Wikileaks cables and Wahabi is used as a derogatory term for "lean, back to basics" Islam that emphasises Tawhid or pure monotheism and the prophetic authentic Sunnah as understood by the early salaf or pious predecessors (media propaganda oppose Salafists or Wahabists to Sufis and other esoteric sects less keen on textual evidence and strict orthodoxy, judged as more cooperative).


Ethiopian Muslims are lately protesting both at home and abroad (eg recently in Washington DC) as the Awaliya school takeover catalysed the frustration against interferences in Mosques and other discriminations.

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The Ethiopian regime are planting the seeds of its own destruction. It's almost like self-fulfilling prophecy though the motivation behind it is one of subjugation but the end result will be radicalization of the youth. Any state that tries to manage one individual behavior is bound to fail and ironically, this is the reason Wahabi movement fail as well.


What's more for Ethiopia is the issue of land grab where hundreds of thousands of poor peasants are displayed and the strict control of the state over personal politics and economic opportunities is troubling.

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They seem to be missing the point, it's not so much the sect one belongs to but feelings of despondence, hate and anger in young people are usually the products of oppressive politics and lack of opportunities. I'm not too familiar with Ethiopian politics, I was wondering if there is unity among the Muslims groups, i.e the Somali and Oromos?

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They EPRDF is in some serious trouble not just with the Muslim uprise in addis but also the Amhaara persecution and removing them from their land not to forget selling land to foreigners in the gambeela region. But before that Melez will wage a war against Eritrea some people close to the TPLF say that he still believes in the so called abay tigray dream.

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Ethiopia is a multi ethnic and multi-religious country. Stop potraying the country as a christian nation waging war against muslim, because that is a untrue. Ethiopia has more muslim population then Somalia or any other Eastern African country.

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^^ Ethiopia or Abyssinia as we know it was founded by the Amhaaras and their so called Solomonic dynasty in the 12 century. The Muslims were either colonized by Abyssinia later on or had their own sultanate during that time u should know that.

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He is a dictator. Almost half of the Ethiopians are muslim. there are even Amhara and Tigrey muslims. what is your point?

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Carafaat Amahara and Tigray are overwhelmingly Christians orthodox Christians to be exactly also huge section of the oromos are also Christians yes he is a dictator like the one before him Mengistu and before him Selassie and before him Menelik and before him Yohannes and so on and so on.

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