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May 18: The Day Somaliland Disolved The Union With Somalia

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In the late 80s when the SNA were fighting the SNM freedom fighters every son who could carry a gun lined behind the SNM fighters, the SNA fighters were so confused who is a civilian and who are the SNM fighters as a result they shelled the entire city But even Rhodesian mercenaries couldn't stop the SNM. So for freedom one has to pay a price back than every one was like ama geeri ama nolol guusha yaa leh and the people answered SNM.


Maxa dalkan rafaad loo so maray maxa oday ciiroole qabriga u galay imisa caalin baa god lugu hubsaday dhaliyaro Mustabalka Somaliland idinka iska leh waligin taarikdina ha ilaawina. Beri baa ceelkeeni herer la inugu qabsaday laakin ma ceelka herer buu nin kale haysan kara aniga oo nool.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;823399 wrote:
In the late 80s when the SNA were fighting the SNM freedom fighters every son who could carry a gun lined behind the SNM fighters, the SNA fighters were so confused who is a civilian and who are the SNM fighters as a result they shelled the entire city But even Rhodesian mercenaries couldn't stop the SNM. So for freedom one has to pay a price back than every one was like ama geeri ama nolol guusha yaa leh and the people answered SNM.


Maxa dalkan rafaad loo so maray maxa oday ciiroole qabriga u galay imisa caalin baa god lugu hubsaday dhaliyaro Mustabalka Somaliland idinka iska leh waligin taarikdina ha ilaawina. Beri baa ceelkeeni herer la inugu qabsaday laakin ma ceelka herer buu nin kale haysan kara aniga oo nool.

dee waa maya waban nolahaye...

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Xita markan dhinto wilkayga wilkisa wilku si dhalo ba difaacayaa bi idmillah waba xarunti Suldaan Guleed lugu caleemo saaray 17 century


Maantana wa tan




Gobannimo bilaash looma helo ban iska taaltaale

Markuu gaalku buugiis ku dhigay sida biddood qaata

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check this one from 5.00min, salaanta cidaanka. when everyone standing stil. very emotional moment.

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kingofkings;823928 wrote:
dumb secessionists hahahaha full of hot air :cool:

thank you for proving my point again in regards to your inferiority complex, you remind me of an old ugly lady who wants me to chat her up...kingy like i said we aint interested. we buuuuuuuuuuuudland is over there ----------> back to the desert tuuulows of bari for you nothing but dodgy mind altering water and maraq...



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Relentless;823931 wrote:
thank you for proving my point again in regards to your inferiority complex, you remind me of an old ugly lady who wants me to chat her up...kingy like i said we aint interested. we buuuuuuuuuuuudland is over there ----------> back to the desert tuuulows of bari for you nothing but dodgy mind altering water and maraq...

full of hot air. snm enclave is irrelevant. see you in mogadishu. no wonder warabe is talking to sharif. no one is going to give you independence. hahaha dumb secessionist see you in mogadishu. :cool:

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kingofkings;823933 wrote:
full of hot air. snm enclave is irrelevant. see you in mogadishu. no wonder warabe is talking to sharif. no one is going to give you independence. hahaha dumb secessionist see you in mogadishu. :cool:

ovoiur, astalawago, vamos....Bye Bye...

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