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oba hiloowlow

This is for you Juxa Enjoy!

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Xaradheer? Abaabiina Juxa reer Xamar cadeey waaye oo reer Yaaqshiid ee ka tahay, naga dhaafa hee sheekadaan reer Xamarkiina, hada waxaa mareesiin inaa magaaladaa ku dhalateen aa ka dooratiin tan qabiilkiina? aaway beezaaninimadii reer Xamarka? aaway spiritkii ciyaalka xaafada? Xamar cadeey hadaa idinkii ku dhashay oo lahaa aa saan ugu jisaaroosiin maxaa ka filee dhooreyaasha baadiyaha ka imaaday oo maanta qarax iyo bur-burka ku wado?


Reer Xamarka waxaa laga rabaa inee jiifka ka kacaan oo magaaladooda sidee kusoo ceshan lahaayeen falankeeda galaan, Reer Kismaayo hadaan nahay waxaan wadnaa howlo oo aan rabno inaan dadkeena iyo magaaladeenaba uga saarno naarta joogtada ah ay ku jiraan kunasoo jireen 21kii sano ee uu dagaalka socday, sheekada dhan waxaa bilaabay the same group oo bilaabay inay jaamacad ka dhisaan Kismaayo and Insha Allah soon many things will change for the better.


What I've noticed on SOL aa waxee tahay most guys in SOL were either born or lived in Xamar in some point of their lives yet when they're talking about it you get the sense that they don't care about it and they don't see it as their home any more simply because they identify with tuulada ay qabiilkooda dagganyihiin more which is a shame really! Everybody on SOL knows how much I love Kismayo even if I hardly remember anything about it and that will never change because that is my home, my one and ONLY home, the only place I know as home and the only city that I love with all my heart and soul.


Charity begins at home, start with yourself my fellow reer Xamar and show your unreserved love for the greatest city of our great country and most of all YOUR CITY, it's not your fault that the whole country went up in smoke BUT what is your fault is to disown your city just because it’s not as glorious and breathtaking as it was before, Xamar didn’t just crop out of the ground like a tree but rather it was built by those who called it home and today more than ever it needs the same citizens to rise and build what was the pride of every Somali under Allah’s big blue sky and until Xamar recaptures it’s former grace and glory no Somali man or woman will ever feel truly happy because we all know that without Xamar, there is no Somalia and without motherland there is no you and me.



Oba jiifka ka kac, Juxa jiifka ka kac, Somalina jiifka ka kac, Val jiifka ka kac, Che jiifka ka kac, Wareegto Luga Cad jiifka ka kac, Tuujka Xaaji jiifka ka kac, MMA jiifka ka kac, Maaddeey jiifka ka kac and the rest of you who were born in Xamar jiifka ka kaca.








Peace, Love & Unity.

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^^ awalba waa soo jeeday.


I am born and bred reer xamar balse i love xaradheere not because of qabiil, but because it has huge potential when dhulkii nabad noqdo insha allah.


Oba thank you, i actually thought you brought pictures of xamar/yaaqshiid

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Bob waa runtaa sxb Xamar meel la mid ah ma jirto mana jiri doonto laakin Ani xarardheere waaku dhashay so obviously it has a place in my heart and Juxa xitaa iney xarardheere ku dhalataan mooday iyadoo ka hadleesan arkay.


Juxa u wlc check my thread ''first pictures of xamar'' :)

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