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And Hold fast to the rope of ALLAH united...

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يَا أَيّÙهَا الَّذÙينَ آمَنÙواْ اتَّقÙواْ اللّهَ حَقَّ تÙقَاتÙه٠وَلاَ تَمÙوتÙنَّ Ø¥Ùلاَّ وَأَنتÙÙ… مّÙسْلÙÙ…Ùونَ {102}

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102. O ye who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared, and die not except in a state of Islam.


103. And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude Allah.s favour on you; for ye were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, so that by His Grace, ye became brethren; and ye were on the brink of the pit of Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus doth Allah make His Signs clear to you: That ye may be guided.


104. Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong: They are the ones to attain felicity.


105. Be not like those who are divided amongst themselves and fall into disputations after receiving Clear Signs: For them is a dreadful penalty,-




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Allah SWT says:


" Say O the poeple of the book, come together with us to a common word, that we do not worship other than Allah and that we do not offer any of his creatures the reverence that is due to Allah only of devotion, love, hope and fear, and that we do not allow some of us to glorify others to the point of making them like an infallible Lords (Arbaab) If they then turn away, say " be witnesses that we are those who surrender to none but Allah ( Muslims)"



Ahulul Sunnah wal Jamaacah believe that the Quraan is the complete word of Allah SWT. All those who believe in that fact and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad SAWS as compiled by the Six Sheikhs, should not be divided, as for anyone who introduces concepts alien to Islam and Tawheed, such as that Quraan is not Comnplete or that we need middlemen between man and his maker, then, we should not unite with them, please read below the belif of the Shia regarding the authenticity of the Holy Quraan.


From The Most reliable Shia books:


1. In The Book, "Faslal Khitaab fii ithbaat taxriif kitaab Rabb al Arbaab" , The Criterion in the Proof of Falsification of the Book of the Lord of Lords:


The author, the great Shia Sheikh Majlisi, the Mufti of the Safawi Dynasty of Iran who collected more than 2000 ( False)rewaayah, narrations, making a case for the falsification of the Quraan,In his book he collected the support of almost all of the reliable Shia scholars as a support for his claim.


2. Also Please read the introduction of the Book Al Burhaan, Section 4, page 49 :


" Al Sayid Abul Hassan Al Caamili said, (And it is clear to me (The falsification of Quraan) after I have verified sources and followed tracks, to the point that this (principle) is the necessary (pillar) of the Shia Mad-hab. and it was (the falsification) the driver for taking away the Khilaafa (from Alal beit) by force.



3. Please read Al Anwaar Al Nucmaaniyah Volume 2, Page 357:


The Great Shia Scholar Nicmatullah Al Jazaa'iri said as a rebuttal for those like you who say it was not falsified:


" Believing the authenticity and its integrity of the reveation contradicts with the infromation (from our sources) knowing that our (imams)diligently verified the truth of our infromation"



4. Please Read Al Kaafi, Volume 1, Page 26


" No one has ever claimed that he compltely compiled the Quraan except a LIAR, and NO ONE has ever compiled it or memorized it like Ali Ibnu Abi Talib and the Imaams"



So why are the Shia studiying the current Quraan:


The answer:


The great Scholar, Al Khoo'ee, on his death bed like all other scholars told his students to stick to the current Quraan, until the appearance of the Quraan of Fatima which was revealed after the death of the Prophet SAWS as the Shia believe that Gabriel contiued to reveal new revealtions exclussively for the Infallible Imaams.



So, What are the holy scriptures they believe?


Here are some of their holy scriptures:


Here are the other Devine books the Shia Scholars say were revealed specially for Imaam Ali Radiyallahu Canhu and the Imaams, SHIA SOURCES ONLY:


1. Al Jaamica


Reported by Abu Baseer (A scroll seventy Diraac(Yards) long like the armlength of the prophet, SAWS, it is all Halaal and all haraam, and everything people need" Source, Al Kaafi volume 1, page 239, and Bihaarul Anwaar, Volume 26 page 22



2. The Naamuus Scipture


It was reported by Redha may peace be upon him, was asked concerning the story of the coming of the (missing)Imaam, He said " ..There will be a scroll with Him(imaam) in it there will be names of his Shia until the day of the judgement, and a scroll ofn the of the names of their (shia) enemies till the day of judgement" Source, Bihaarul Anwar, V25, P 117



3. Al Abiita Scipture


It was reported that Amirul Muminiin (Ali) said: " I have many scriptures pieces of the Messenger of Allah SAWS and His Al Beit, in it there is a scripture called Al Abiita, and nothing (scripture) came down on Arabs so severe.." Source Bihaarul Anwar V26 P 37



4. Dhu'aabatul Saif Scripture


Abi Baseer reported from Abu Abdallah aleyhi salaam, that there was in the Dhu'aabah (handle) of the sword belonging to the Messenger of Allah SAWS, a small scripture in it there was the key letters each opens thousand other letters (chain letters). Source Bihaarul Anwaar V 26 p 56



5. Ali Scripture , Source Biharul Anwaar, V27 P65


6. Al Jaffar, The White Jaffar, and The Red Jaffar


Abi Alaa reported He said " I heard Aba Abdallah say " I have the White Jaffar" I asked him, " What is in the White Jaffar?" He said:


" David's Scripture ( Zabur), Torah of Moses, Gospel of Jesus, and the scriptures of Abraham, May peace be upon them, and all Halaal and haraam, and I also have the Red Jaffar"

I said " what is in the Red Jaffar?" He said " The weapon! because it will open up for blood, the owner of the sword will open to kill" Source Usuul Al Kaafi Volume 1 Page 24


A great Shia Scholar from Najaf Al Khoo'ee was asked about the Red Jaffar who will unleash it and whose blood will be spilled with the sword, he said " the absent Imam will open the sword when he comes and will spill the blood of the Caammah ( Nawaasib) ( The Sunnis) He will kill them and spill their blood like the Deglah and the Euphrates rivers and he ( The missing imaam) will take revenge on the the two idols of Qureish ( Abu Bakar and Omar) and their daughters ( Aisha and Hafsa) and Nactal ( Othman) and banu Umayyah and banu Abbas and he will desecrate their graves.



7. The Fatima Scripture


Please read the following source. Bihatul Anwaar V26 p 41, 42, 48


8. It was reported that Abdillah aleyhi salam used to read the Torah and the Gospel in Siryaaniah language. Source Al Hujja from the Kaafi Volume 1 page 207





2004 e-Nuri Aqeedah Vigils

If you don't stand up for Allah ALONE, you will fall for everything else.

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The verse u employed is obviously in appropriate and clearly addresses the ahlul kitab.


Need I remind you the hadith sharif narrated by ‘Uqbah Ibn Amir and collected in the Sahihayn [bukhari and Muslim]: ‘Rasul-Ullah (sall-Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam) ascended the minbar, and it was the last time I saw him on the minbar. He said: ‘I do not fear that you will become mushrikun after me, but I fear that, because of worldly interests, you will fight each others, and thus be destroyed like the peoples of old.’



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