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Knight of Wisdom

SNM's Crimes In Ceerigaabo

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SSC:- Somaliland's revanchist crimes against the SSC people have now become part of its raison d'etre.


It was Kalshaale last year, when joint militias from the one-clan secessionist enclave based in Hargeisa and its affiliated clan went on the warpath in the SSC Cayn region. Territorial conquest, and notably the capture of the regional capital Buuhoodle, was their main objective. This latter day colonial-like gunboat adventure was ignominiously defeated notwithstanding the loss of many innocent SSC nomads and civilians. As if they had learned nothing from that experience, this renegade administration is at it again in their vainglorious clan hegemony. This time their target is the town of Erigivao in the north east of Somalia (Somaliland as the secessionists call it), a melting pot inhabited by four clans, two belonging to the secessionist camp and the others unionists under occupation.


Until the secessionists took over the area, Erigavo has distinguished itself as the one place in Somalia where all its diverse clans have lived harmoniously and settled peacefully any problem that arose without the need for external intervention. All that centuries old heritage changed with the advent of the secessionist control over the area and their misguided ideological quest for clan hegemony. Inevitably, this his has given rise to tit-for-tat killings and the current tension in the town. It is the responsibility of any authority worth its name and valuing communal peace to intervene in a timely fashion and in an even-handed approach and solve these tensions first and foremost through traditional Somali conflict resolution modalities. For Somaliland, however, generating or exploiting tensions between its supporting secessionist clans and recalcitrant unionist ones are part of its policy tools to maintain its control or expand its SSC territorial occupation. It happened in Kalshaale and it is now taking place in Erigavo.


The recent revenge killings in Erigavo has provided the authority the pretext to implement a wider agenda that has been in the works for sometime and entailing far reaching repercussions for the demography and balance of power among the clans in the town. In pursuance of this agenda, the authority launched on the 5th and 6th of November a coordinated attack only on the SSC section of the town deploying its heavily equipped militia and supported by armed militias from fellow clans. Disarming and "pacifying" the SSC residents in their quarter was the stated objective for this military onslaught on defenceless SSC civilians. But these SSC people who are disarmed, under siege and left defenceless in the face of the combined hostilities from the authority and its revenge and land seeking clans have now been left with two clear choices: leave the town or face the consequences. Responding to this fait accompli, SSC residents have left the town in droves to seek shelter and security in the SSC heartland. Through ethnic cleansing, the town of Erigavo, hitherto a multi clan melting pot could end up as a purified unmixed one clan territory.


Somaliland's latest actions in Erigavo are also politically motivated and have to be seen against the background of the forthcoming SSC conference in Taleex, scheduled to take place in due course. Somaliland perceives this conference with deep forebodings, fearing the emergence of an SSC Regional Administration that could end its occupation of the SSC regions and in the end unravel its quest for recognition on the false claim that the whole of former British Somaliland is under its control. Somaliland therefore has an interest to create facts on the ground while it has the time and, if possible, do all it can to undo this conference.


Given its mindless disastrous adventure in Kalshaale in the Cayn region, Somaliland's current actions in Erigavo in the Sanaag region has all the hallmarks of a possible repeat of that history. Already several SSC residents have been killed and scores wounded, most of them women and children. But the casualties are likely to rise as many injured victims are forced to remain indoors and denied access to medical treatment. As the pressure on them builds up and people are forced to leave the town, a stampede could easily ensue. The looming humanitarian crisis needs no amplification. On behalf of its community, the SSC External Relations Commission is calling on the UN Humanitarian organisations based in Nairobi to respond in time to the needs of the SSC community in Saanag, whether those besieged in Erigavo or those displaced in the hinterland. It also calls on the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General, H.E. Augustine Mahiga, as well as the UN Independent Expert on the Human Rights Situation in Somalia, Dr Shamsul Bari, to give the situation unfolding in Erigavo the attention and action it merits.


Foreign Relations Commission

SSC Regions of Somalia


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There is no SSC section. Ceerigaabo is under one flag. If you think otherwise please feel free to prove this to all of us intead if of telling lies and beliving them as you people do best.

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AsadSL;757298 wrote:
There is no SSC section. Ceerigaabo is under one flag. If you think otherwise please feel free to prove this to all of us intead if of telling lies and beliving them as you people do best.

Hahaha, I think my brothers of Southern-Eastern Ceerigaabo has proven that in the last few days. The so-called flag you speak of only flies in North and Western Ceerigaabo areas of the **** clans.


The **** of Ceerigaabo, who exclusively inhabit Southern and Eastern Ceerigaabo don't recognize Somaliland/SNM and there is no Somaliland administration in South and East Ceerigaabo. The clans of Ceerigaabo decided to live peacefully together, but the *** decided to have the Somaliland administration control their part of the town.

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Proven what? Anyone can kill anyone at anytime how does that prove anything. I can kill a man in my city what does what say or prove about my family? Nothing. The killings that happend in that town were not right from both ends. Both men killed were working under ceerigaabo town council and the Somaliland govenment. The so called millta where chassed out and few were caught and everyone saw them on universal being rough handed by town police. The day the blue flag is raised in that city and a clan other then mine comes and says otherwise is the day i'll openly accept Cerigaabo being divieded.

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AsadSL;757312 wrote:
The day the blue flag is raised in that city and a clan other then mine comes and says otherwise is the day i'll openly accept Cerigaabo being divieded.

Well, the day SNM flag is raised in Ceerigaabo's Southern and Eastern sides is the day I'll accept Ceerigaabo as a city under one administration. Until then, to you be your Western and Northern Ceerigaabo and to us be our Southern and Eastern Ceerigaabo.

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Here is a video about a war that happened in Dhahar years back and there is a minsiter from puntland that is from the region and is complaining that his clan is not represented in the city at all.


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Knight of Wisdom, you seem to admire strong men like Siad Barre for their crimes, Why do you wish to lable Siilanyo for crimes.


Do you hope this will clear your lot for their crimes? :D

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AsadSL;757324 wrote:
Here is a video about a war that happened in Dhahar years back and there is a minsiter from puntland that is from the region and is complaining that his clan is not represented in the city at all.



LOOOOOL, that war in Dhahar was between the SAME clan (One side was Anti-Somaliland and the other side were Pro-Somaliland). Both sides were from Beesha Warsan aka Maakhir, with two different ideologies. Fortunately, the Pro-Somaliland were less than the Anti-Somaliland and were defeated.


In Kalshaale, which was the REAL saw how things went. LMAO


Your entire Militia Commander (Nux Taani) suffered from Shock and Awe. He couldn't believe how he was defeated by only (Reer Buuhoodle or Gobolka Cayn). The entire so-called "Ciidanka Qaranka" which is really SNM militia, with Siilaanyo's **** clan were humiliated and defeated.


Today, Kalshaale is under Beesha SSC control. Your dead are still being discovered in the wilderness. lol

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defeated by only (Reer Buuhoodle or Gobolka Cayn).

If your clan is so mighty would you been in the siutation you lot are in today?

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AsadSL;757333 wrote:
If your clan is so mighty would you been in the siutation you lot are in today?

My clan is rational. They play by the rules of Allah. You see, you are in Gumaays, Yagoori, Laascaanood by the invitation of Beelaha Xabsade iyo ****. Therefore, the rest of Beesha SSC won't wage a war against Beesha Xabsade iyo Beesha ****, cause that would result in a internal bloodshed within Beesha SSC.


Shirka Khaatumo-2 is to unite and to create an agenda where if anyone who is from Beesha SSC is killed, while fighting for Somaliland, then no one in SSC would be hold accountable. This are the issues we have to set aside before liberating Laascaanood.


Tell me, have you recovered from the defeat you suffered in Kalshaale? LOL

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Here is the Somaliland Army and ministers in Kaalshale after eveyrhting happened who remained and who ran into Ethiopia?


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AsadSL;757347 wrote:
Why stop there why couldnt you get Somaliland out of your entire so called land.

It's really embarrassing to see you like this AsadSL. LOL


Reread what I wrote above you. I won't repeat myself. Maanta, I am the man that has Kalshaale on LOCK. Come back and I'll retake Qoorilaguud. LOL

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Are you boosting about having a town on lock that already belonged to your clan. LoooL i guess you guys are used to having towns stolen from you.

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