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Somali Capital Casualties Highest in Decade


SharePost a CommentPrintText Size- / +By MALKHADIR M. MUHUMED Associated Press

NAIROBI, Kenya January 28, 2011 (AP)


The near-daily violence in Somalia's capital last year wounded the highest number of people in a decade including nearly 2,300 women and children, an international Red Cross spokeswoman said Friday.


More than 6,000 patients were treated at Keysaney and Medina hospitals last year, compared to the 2,800 admitted in 2008, said the Geneva-based International Committee of the Red Cross, which supplies the hospitals with medicine and pays staff salaries.


The international humanitarian group, one of the few operating in Somalia, said it was hard to get reliable death figures from the capital. The only ambulance service in Mogadishu has said that more than 2,100 civilians died in warfare last year.


A U.S. group that works to prevent civilian deaths says Somalia is more dangerous for civilians than Afghanistan or Iraq.


"Severely wounded people arrive at all hours, even in the middle of the night," said Pascal Mauchle, the head of the ICRC's Somalia delegation. "We are especially concerned about the large number of civilians, including women and children, suffering from weapon-related injuries."


Aid groups and Mogadishu residents have repeatedly decried the combatants' indiscriminate shelling of populated areas of the seaside city. Mogadishu suffers frequent barrages of mortars, rockets and artillery shells exchanged between Islamist insurgents and pro-government forces who protect the sliver of land controlled by the fragile government.


The ICRC has urged the parties to the conflict to avoid civilian casualties.


"The warring parties must distinguish at all times between civilians and fighters. They must not employ indiscriminate means and methods of warfare. Medical staff, hospitals and clinics must be respected and protected in all circumstances," said the ICRC, noting that nearly 2,300 women and children were caught in the cross fire last year.


Somalia has not had a functioning government since clan-based warlords toppled dictator Mohamed Siad Barre in 1991 and then turned on each other, sinking the Horn of Africa nation into chaos.

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50,000 civilians flee Somalia in first quarter of 2011



Alarm over continuing deterioration of situation in Somalia as more people flee war-torn country.



Middle East Online





The bulk of the refugees have been going to Kenya




GENEVA – The UN refugee agency said Friday that an increasing number of Somali civilians were fleeing their country amid the deteriorating security situation, with 50,000 arriving in neighbouring countries in the first quarter of this year compared to 23,000 in the same period in 2010.


"UNHCR is alarmed by the continuing deterioration of the situation in Somalia," the agency's chief spokesperson, Melissa Fleming, told journalists in Geneva. "Kenya again received most of the new arrivals – more than 31,400. Virtually all of them have been registered by the Kenyan authorities and UNHCR in Dadaab refugee camp complex – on average some 10,000 a month," she added.


UNHCR has also noted a sharp rise in the number of Somali refugees arriving in Ethiopia. "We registered more than 12,200 Somalis crossing, mostly through the Dollo Ado corridor," Fleming said, adding that UNHCR was running two refugee camps there. "Both camps are fast reaching their maximum capacity," she noted.


The majority of these refugees came from the Bay and Bakol regions of southern and central Somalia – two of the major conflict zones in the country. They all speak of a grim situation inside the country, marked by relentless violence and human rights abuses. Somali refugees told UNHCR staff about forced conscription by some of the warring parties and crippling drought.


The dire situation in Somalia is leaving no alternative for many, forcing them to take a desperate decision to cross the Gulf of Aden or the Red Sea to Yemen. Despite the risks involved, and despite the anti-government unrest in Yemen, more than 22,000 refugees and migrants from the Horn of Africa arrived on Yemeni shores during the first three months of this year.


This is more than twice the number of arrivals during the first quarter of 2010, when some 9,400 people reached Yemen. It also topples the record-breaking first quarter of 2009, when nearly 17,000 refugees and migrants crossed the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea.


Similar to 2010, Somalis continue to represent only every fourth arrival in Yemen, although their number doubled in comparison to the first quarter of 2010 (3,200 in 2010 to 6,000 in 2011). Ethiopian migrants, whose arrivals almost tripled (nearly 17,000 in 2011), continue to account for 75 per cent of all of the crossings.


"Some of the new arrivals told us that they were unaware of the political and social upheaval in Yemen, but many coming from Somalia said they had no other option but to flee. For these Somali refugees the situation in Yemen was still, by comparison, much safer than the one back home," Fleming said in Geneva.


Somalia remains one of the countries generating the highest number of refugees and internally displaced people in the world. An estimated 1.4 million Somalis are displaced within the country while another 680,000 live overseas as refugees.



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Civilians Killed in Mogadishu Fighting, Shelling


Mogadishu — Early Thursday morning, heavy fighting between Somali army backed militarily by the African Union peacekeepers and Al shabaab movement commenced parts of Somalia's capital Mogadishu.


Residents said most of the fighting, which was very vehement, took place at Warshadaha Road, the vicinity of former Ministry of Defense in particular as well as parts of Hodan district.


Battle broke out after Al shabaab fighters launched premeditated offensive on Somali and AMISOM soldiers in those areas.


The two warring sides have used both heavy and light weapons as some of the exchanged landed far away from war zones.


At least 15 people have been killed and dozens more injured in the bombardments, according to witnesses.


No statements were immediately available from parts involved in Mogadishu conflict so far.


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Kenya and Somalia sign Maritime boundary agreement



Kenya and Somalia sign Maritime boundary agreement


Written By:claire Wanja/Release , Posted: Tue, Apr 07, 2009



Caption: The Memorandum is pursuant to a United Nations requirement that all countries with naval boundaries sign delineation agreements .

Source: KBC

Kenya and Somalia have Tuesday signed a Memorandum of Understanding on their common Maritime Boundary.

The agreement was signed by Foreign Affairs Minister Hon. Moses Wetang'ula on behalf of Kenya, while the Minister for National Planning and International Cooperation of the Republic of Somalia, Hon. Abdirahman Abdishakur Warsame signed the accord on behalf of Somalia.


The Memorandum is pursuant to a United Nations requirement that all countries with naval boundaries sign delineation agreements and lodge them with the United Nations by 13th May 2009 and it allows each of the signatories to lodge their documents separately to the relevant body.


The signing ceremony which took place at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was witnessed amongst others by Amb. Longve Hans Wilhelm, Special Advisor in the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Ms. Rina Kristmoen from the Embassy of Norway in Nairobi.


Also present were the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Permanent Secretary Mr. Thuita Mwangi, Director for Political Affairs Amb. Ben Ogutu and the Head of Legal Division Mr. James Kihwaga.




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FAALLO: Dowladda Sh. Shariif oo Martay Waddadii Maxamed I. Cigaal 1967-dii


Yuusuf Cali Qammaan



Kismaayo: Jubbaland ayaan daran, shalayto waxaa berrigaaga gatay M. I. Cigaal , maantana baddaada waxaa gatay dowladda Sh. Shariif.


Jubbaland: Waa dhulka u dhaxeeya Labada webi Jubba iyo Wabiga Tana , waxaa mustacmarkii Ingriisku uu qabsaday qarnigii 19-aad dhammaadkiisa. 15 june 1924 waxaa heshiis Roma ku wada galay Talyaaniga iyo Ingriiska , talyaaniga ayaa waqtigaa ku sugnaa webiga Jubba Barigiisa , waxayna ku heshiiyeen in webiga Jubba laga soo gudbiyo Talyaaniga ilaa iyo Dhoobley , arrinkaas waxaa gaashaanka u daruuray Suldaan Xaaji Cusmaan Magan.



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Sheikh Shariif oo Noqday Madaxwaynihii ugu horeeyay Taariikhda Soomaalida oo Khilaaf Galiyay Badda Soomaaliyeed...

Madaxweynaha DFKMG: "baddana waxaa waaye KHILAAF ayaa ka jira. Marka Khilaafkaasi in uu jiro in la muujiyo meesha ayay soo gashay, | April 29, 2009



Jimacdii (April 24, 2009) xilli uu weriye Raage Cusmaan oo ka tirsan warbaahinta ku soo baxda Afka Carabiga ee HornAfricOnline uu waraysi la yeelanayay Madaxweynaha DFKMG ayaa waxaa sidoo kale goobtii ku sugnaa weriye Mahad Carrabow oo ka tirsan TV Universal iyo laba weriye oo kale. Waxaana weriyaashii Sheikh Shariif waydiiyeen dhawr su'aalood.


Su'aashii ugu dambaysay ee uu waydiiyey weriyaha TV Universal Mahad Carrabow (oo uu duubay Raage Cusmaan maadaama uu goobta joogay) ayaa ahayd: "Waxaa jiray heshiis loo bixiyay is-afgarad islamarkaana xadaynaya badaha Soomaaliya, heshiiskaas waxaa dawladdaada u saxiixay Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur Warsame oo ka tirsan xukuumaddaada, sidee ayay kula tahay heshiiskaas oo ummadda Soomaaliyeed ay shaki badan ka qabaan oo aysan shacabka Soomaaliyeed u caddayn."


Madaxweynaha DFKMG ee Jamhuuriyaadda Soomaaliya, Sheikh Shariif Sheikh Axmed, waxa uu ku jawaabay:


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Sh. Shariif oo ka gows qabsaday go’aankii Baarlamaanka


Sh. Shariif oo ka gows qabsaday go’aankii Baarlamaanka

August 07,2009 ayaa Madaxwaynaha DFKS Mudane: Sheekh Shariif Sh. Axmed wuxuu waraysi kusiiyey Magaalada Nairobi Wariyaha idaacada British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Abdirizak Haji Atosh, waraysigaas oo dheeraa ayaa waxaa ka mid ahaa in wax laga waydiiyey Heshiiskii Badda ee dhexmaray Soomaaliya iyo Kenya ee loogu yeeray ama loo yaqaan Is-afgarad.


Marka laga yimaado shakiga iyo walaaca Saxaafadda iyo ummad Soomaaliyeed heshiiska ka keneen oo Madaxwaynuhu ku sheegay Borobugaando ayaa wuxuu muujiyey inuusan ku qanacsanayn go’aanka Baarlamaanka ay Heshiiskaas ku tirtireen, Madaxwaynaha ayaa wali ku adkaysanaya inuu ahaa Is-Afgarad ee uusan ahayn Heshiis, wuxuu kaloo xusay Madaxwaynuhu Baarlamaanku inuu Heshiis burinkaro sharciyan, laakiin kani heshiis ahayn. Hadaba intaynan galin iftiiminta ama sharaxaada hadalada Madaxwaynaha aan akhrino su’aalihii iyo jawaabihii Sheekh Shariif.


Jawaabihii Madaxwaynaha oo maqal ah halkan ka soo rogo

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Yasiin Garaad: Qofkii C/laahi Yuusuf Qabiil uga soo horjeedeyow, Shariifkaa ka daran


Telefishinka Somali Media ee magaaladda Minneapolis ayaa Jimcadii (Sept 19, 2009) waraysi uu la yeeshay Yaasiin Garaad, oo ka mid ah aqoonyahanka Soomaaliyeed ee deggan magaalada Minneapolis. Waxana uu tibaaxay qofkii Sheikh Shariif aan ku raacin mabda' ee ku jeclaa dano shakhsiyadeed, in uu dabaal-dego oo inta uu kiraysto convension-ka (guriga lagu qabto shirarka ee Minneapolis) uu sacab tunto. Laakii qofkii mabda' ka tarjumaya riyadiisii lama gaarin, ayuu yiri. Asagoo arrintaas ka hadlayey Yaasiin Garaad waxa uu yiri:


"Qofkii C/laahi Yuusuf u nebcaa ama waa reer hebel, ama waa dheer yahay, ama waa cad yahay ama waa madow yahay ama waa gaaban yahay, qofkii Cabdullaahi Yuusuf u nebcaa, ama ina adeerkay ma aha ama tolkay ma aha, ama dano shakhsi ah u nebcaayow, Shariifna u jeclaa ama waa reer hebel, ama waa ina adeerkay ama waa tolkay ama dano shakhsi ah u jeclaayow, waxaan ku dhehi lahaa xilligaagii waa la gaaray, ee dabaal deg oo convensionka kirayso, sacabada garaaco, ama ku dabaal deg in aad goolkaagii gaartey, waadna gaartay, waa haddii aad sidaas u fekereysid. Laakiin haddii aad C/laahi Yuusuf uga soo horjeedey mabda', amxaaro dabada lagu wato, qabqablanimo, 4.5, qabyaalad, dad laxasuuqo, barakac, burbur, haddaad mabda' uga soo horjeedey waxaa weeye intii C/laahi Yuusuf lagu haystey iyo in ka xunba tan Shariif ayaa maanta dabada ku sidata. Marka qofkii mabda' ka tarjumayow riyadaadii lama gaarin, hadafkaagiina kuuma rumoobin, halgankaagiina miro kuuma dhalin.

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Duke you should ask yourself that question to you should support this TFG the same way you did when your uncle was leading the TFG ,Kursigu wa wareegto laakin kursigu wa kursigi uun:D

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Sheikh Shariif: Is-fahamkii Badda "Lagama hadli karo.... maxaayeelay waaba la baabi'iyey"

Su'aal ay Sheikh Shariif weydiisey Amaal Cali (Xisbiga Hanoolaato)

Waraysi Idaacadda British Broadcasting Corporation la yeelatay Sheikh Shariif


Sheikh Shariif oo Amaal Cali iyo guud ahaan Shacabka Soomaaliyeed Ka Qancin waayey Su'aal ku saabsanayd Heshiiskii Badda ee Xukuumadiisu la gashay Kenya oo ay weydiisey Amaal Cali


Madaxweynaha Dawladda Federaalka Kumeelgaarka, Sheikh Shariif Sheikh Axmed iyo wafti uu hoggaaminayo oo booqasho ku tegey dalka Ingriiska (Maarso 8, 2010) ayaa la kulmay ra'iisul wasaaraha dalkaasi Gordon Brown iyo Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda ee UK David Milband. Isla markaasna waxa ay la kulmeen jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed.


Sheikh Shariif waxaa su'aalo la weydiiyey (Maarso 8, 2010) mar uu khudbad ka jeediyey Xarunta Chatham House ee London.




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