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Xaaji Xunjuf

Somalia needs governance to defeat piracy: US

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Kuala Lumpur: The problem of piracy can be overcome only if international community helps restore governance in the poor, lawless African country, says a top US commander.


Adm. Robert Willard, chief of the US Pacific Command, said navy patrols alone cannot stop the hijacking of ships if pirates' bases onshore are allowed to operate without interference. The international community is spending millions of dollars a day maintaining a flotilla of warships to protect key shipping lanes off East Africa.


"The organisers, the funders are the central problem ... but the international community has been unable to determine how to tackle the problem onshore," Willard told a regional forum in Malaysia.


"Clearly, one thing is to help Somalia recover from being the ungoverned state that it is," he said.


"Unless the international community goes to the root, and not the far end of the problem, it won't be solved."


Somalia has not had an effective government since 1991, when warlords overthrew a longtime dictator and then turned on each other, plunging the country into chaos and

anarchy. A transitional government, established in 2004 and backed by about 9,000 African Union troops, has been fighting Islamist insurgents.



Piracy, Somalia needs governance to defeat piracy, navy patrols alone cannot stop piracy, Adm. Robert Willard, chief of the US Pacific Command

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somali dowlad adag wey u baahan tahay si burcada badeeda loo istaajiyo , lakin maxaa abuuray burcad badeeda ma lis weydiiyay , bada soomaaliyeed waxaa lagu shubaa qashinka nuclear ka dowlada ugu badan ee ku shubtana waa US , ciidamada badan ayaa meesha joogo ma waxaa laistaajin waayay dooman yaryar oo qoryo fudud wata jawaabta waa maya waxa uu mareykanka u fadhiyo badweynta hindiya waa inuu qashinka nuclear isaga shubo malayga badana xaalufiyo inta uusan dhibka nuclearka ku faafin .

somali 20 sanoo soo socoto iney dabar go'i dooonto ayaan umalaynayaa .

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dowlad adag oon helno wexey dowlada badan ka fududeyn lahayd dhibka qaxootiga soomaaliyeed iyo cabsida eey ka qabaan alshabab iney ugu soo dhuuntaan qaxootigaas ,waxaa kaloo istaagi lahaa burcad badeeda , xitaa inta dibada joogto oo mar walbo isha gaarka lagu hayo naftana loo keenay ayaa iska soo laaban lahaa

dunida wey naga nasanlahayd anagana waan ka nasan lahayn . cilmiga iyo hantida eey dibada kala soo laabtaan ayaaba wadanka dagdag ku dhisi lahaa.

lacag badan ayaan ka qadi lahay dadka isticmaalo badeena iyo hawadeena , qofka soomaaligana dunida ixtiraam buu ka yeelan lahaa .

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