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Sabriye amp co.

Restless civilians of North Galkayo Upset Over Galmudug and Puntland Co-operation. WHY?

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Vaying for blood is what the citizens of north mudug are doing in the case of Faroole but i like how you completely forgot to mention how Gen.Qeybdiid earned his stripes after having chased the rag tag millitias of the clan courts out of southern Mudug not to mention him using tons of mini dukey's as human shield until he successfully returned to his home in Muqdisho and then was appointed as Chief of the Somali Police force as an honour. Clever man indeed.


Faroole however was very happy to greet the vice president of Galmudug in hopes of returning to the lime light were as he was in no hurry to receive the floating frail hand of Yey in the televised encounter in Yemen. Bark on adeer, your not getting out of business here anytime soon.

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^^^lool@Sabriye, from your last comments one can gather you are out of touch of reality. No problem as long as our man A/Qaybdeed is calling the shotts in South Mudug we are confident a new chapter of peace will prevail. After all since he came back, they shot one of the foreign dudes and closed down Abdi Shukri;s trouble making enterprise and the clan militia who lost the last battles in the outskirts of the water hole they were vaying for have also been disbanded.


Then this agreement? Well done Abdi and Co and more progress to be made.


The people of Galkacyu held a demo in support of SSC and Faroole listened and responded well..

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From a source you frequently refer to:


"Shacabka magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa maanta dhigay banaanbax maalintii labaad dhacaya kuwaas oo ay uga soo horjeedeen Dagaalada Kalshaale,Heshiiskii Puntland & Galmudug Iyo Wax ka qabasho la'aanta amaanka guud ee gobolka Mudug"


and you may continue the barking.

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^^^lool. I tell you this, Puntland will respect this accord and now turn its attention to the grand conference. You can quote who you want, but the fact remains and I applaud your leaders that traveled to Garowe by road under the protection of the State for peace and then signed on to the Puntland vision for the end of the transition is telling.


The people of Galkacyu can demonstarte againt and for what ever they want, its their city after all and you have no say in that...


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