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Afkena maxaa nodiday??????????????

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SaLafi keep roLLing those eyes cause i got more where that came from :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: @hibo!!!


Miz-Unique TeLL it Like it is-she cant get that through her thick skuLL.


African i couLdnt have said it better.


Juxa Lucy aa?Whatever happened to the 'k'?Thankz for understanding.


DP i guess i wasnt the onLy one who has noticed eh?


By the way hibo dont act Like you have got a masters degree in the somaLi Language.It is very evident that you are speaking 'broken' somaLi Like the others have noticed.And dont taLk Like you are superior to the rest of us just because you have got issues you need to take care of-this aint the pLace for it.I have aLso noticed that you continue to throw tantrums at everyone who disagrees with ya.


Lucky intaas nac nacda enough waye maba isla yaabeysid adiga wah


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somali waxaa kamid ah adiga iyo wax kula mid ah oo qurux moday afeysan laheyn inay ku dal dalantee ee haku dayan dadkaan aan kaseyn luqade afkaga hooyo kuhadal lana soco ropic inay mesha kabixin

lol.. abaa i dageeyso ..u dont know nothing about me and u dont know jack shcit about the otherS in this forum so ease up aight . no need to be judgemental in here ,u dont like the fact that we WRITEt in english then dont read WHAT WE WRITE and dont open threads complaining about the (non-somali writers) if u wont let us explain ourselves . AND Y COMLAIN ABOUT OTHERS SOMALI WHEN ur somali is not that perfect/ (STATED BY THE OTHERS),


FUNNY AINT IT the non somali writing folks like me and lucky respond adiga na saifta(sword) aa laboodeysa and when other respond(those that write in somali) u calacal by saying abaayo ha i aflagadeen , aflagadeentada ma u jeedid miya .. like i said earlier


isku ma jeeda islam laayey :rolleyes:

LUCKY AND SALAFI I AGREE :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Lucky adiga saan horey kugu shegeyba wan ka dlaay la muran kaga iyo wax weydaarsigaaga saa markasta waxa kadanbeysaa yaan lagaa hadal badan marka walashis waa iga reysay waxba ma aqaani bes hee yaab badnaa



mizz unique waaba yabee adiga ma waxaad saxdaa afsomaligey naa hedhee midkaan aan kuhadlaayo iskuul uma tagin waana bartay oo majecli inaan ku hadlo af aan afkeyga aheyn dadka aan kuhadli karin sidey lucky ku andacooneyso oo kale matihid ee bal sida isku dhaan o afkaga hoyo ku hadal alxamdullilah waa kufarax sanahay inaan manta aan baryay qof inuu afsomali iqoro ama ii aqriyo ee bal sidaan si maahane afgaaledkaan iska kala aayar

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