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PUNTLAND DILEMMA: which approach is needed?

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I've come accross a brilliant article, signed by a Puntlander, which clearly illustrates, if ever needed, that Somalis do share the very same concerns about Ethiopian interferings as well as unity through Shariah implementation in these most crucial times, regardless of artificial boundaries and tribal manipulations by corrupt af-mishaaros.




Inviting Ethiopia into Somalia – not in my name

By: Mohsin Mahad

August 31, 2006


In the face of all kinds of crimes committed against our country by monstrous warlords and other vile racketeers since the overthrow of the Somali government in 1991, and in the light of our collective helplessness and impotence, we the Somalis have chosen, to acquiesce, close our eyes, or at best look the other way. But even if the warlords are gone thanks to the Islalmists, we still continue to be passive spectators when new crimes are being committed against our country. I never thought I will ever see the day when a so-called Somali “president†and his “prime minister†will unashamedly act as puppets in the service of their Ethiopian master. Worse still, I never thought I will ever live the day when a Somali “president†would go to the extent of inviting the army of our arch enemy into our country in order to protect himself from his own people. No less dishonourable are the rest of his “government†and “parliamentarians†in Baidaba for whom being part of this circus for their own personal gain is more important than in rising to their national duty by deserting and dissociating themselves from this so-called government and its institutions.


But the man who tops the list of the quislings for Ethiopia is a former general of the Somali national army and currently the president of Puntland. That disreputable citation goes of course to no other than General Adde Muse. It is shocking enough that he should invite the Ethiopian Army into Puntland. But he adds insult to injury and goes over the top when he goes on the airwaves- the BBC Somali Service - and shamelessly justifies the incursion of the Ethiopian army into our country as an extension of what he calls our historical friendly relations with Ethiopia. What a travesty of history!!


So, General Adde Muse portrays Ethiopia as our historical friend notwithstanding the fact that it is the century-old colonizer of the Somali ****** region, the meddler in Somali affairs since the collapse of the Somali government, and the one who daily perpetuates our civil war, arming one group against another and one warlord against another in order to ensure that Somalia never stands on its feet again as one united country. Thanks to leaders and people like General Adde Muse, Ethiopia has succeeded to reduce Somalia into Bantustans, maintaining its hegemony over its various client regional administrations in Somaliland, Puntland and until recently Jowhar and Hiiraan regions. What makes Adde Muse’s stand and his statement on the BBC Somali Service all the more unpalatable is that it comes, of all people, from a former general from the famous and honourable Somali national army, the bastion of our territorial integrity and the defender of our honour and unity against Ethiopia’s imperialist designs on the Somali homeland . One wonders how a man of that character and calibre could ever have reached the highest rank that the state could offer a soldier.


In his recent BBC interview, Adde Musa had the effrontery to portray the presence of the Islamists in Mudug region, in their own country, as an invasion by alien forces (he means ****** ) while casting the presence of the Ethiopian army in our country as a response to the friendly collaboration between Puntland and Ethiopia!! .Just as the warlords had for years thrived on scaremongering and the bogey of the ******s coming back to occupy Mogadishu as a sure way to whip up hysteria and support for their rein of terror in the areas under their occupation, so is Adde Muse using the same tactic but this time he is vainly resurrecting the spectre of the ****** coming to occupy Puntland. Little does he know that the Somali people are no longer hoodwinked with this kind of crude clan chauvinism and that they had come of age through their bitter experiences with self-appointed warlords, tyrants, and self-seeking opportunists, all from their own respective clans.


Adde Muse had no qualms in the least about taking his dastardly action and claims to have taken this action on his own accord as president of Puntland in pursuit of the interest of his people in Puntland. What nonsense from a general who perhaps has never been initiated on good governance and public accountability. As another arrogant, upcoming African mini dictator, he takes it for granted that his whims and wishes are the same as those of his people. He does not therefore see the need to respect the wishes of the people of Puntland, the overwhelming majority of whom are undoubtedly aghast at his action - certainly my own Darwiish homeland. in Sool, Sanaag and Cayn. His own style of leadership and the conduct of his so-called “government†and “parliament†in Puntland are mirror images of that of his mentor, “president†Cabdillahi Yussuf, and his “government†and “parliament†all marooned in Baidhaba. Apart from an honourable minority, the rest are hangers-on who are there for lining up their own pockets.


Unlike Cabdillahi Yussuf, Gedi and Adde Musa and their other fellow associates in Baidhaba and Garowe, the Islamists are popular by contrast throughout Somalia because of their achievement in Southern Somalia and the aspirations they raise that Somalia would at last be exorcised of the evils that bedevilled it during the previous 16 years. Ordinary Somalis, desperate for peace, justice, and normality have given up on the clique in Baidhaba and are understandably turning to the Islamists for salvation. Islamist leaders such as Sheikh Shariff Ahmed and Sheikh Aways may lack political experience, but that is only a small minus compared to their otherwise unquestionable integrity, nationalism and Islamism. If the Islamists were to rule the whole of Somalia, it can only be better than it is today under Cabdillahi Yussuf and Gedi and Adde Muse. Given the pressure from the West, who are irrationally obsessed with Islam, much has to be said for the formation of a national government as Washington is advocating. In realpolitik, we have to accommodate their concerns to the extent possible while also ensuring our own self interest and national goals. So let there be a national government n which the Islamists and TFG share power. But it should be one in which most key ministries are in the hands of the Islamists. Presient Cabdillahi Yussuf can be allowed to enjoy what remains of his miserable presidency but it should be men like Sheikh Shariff, or Jama Mohamed Ghalib who should be on the driving seat. It should be good riddance to Gedi and company and no less to Adde Musa. My own Puntland could then redeem itself and take its honourable rightful place in the new Somalia which was born thanks to Allah and his faithful Islamic courts.




By Mohsin Mahad





In conclusion, the Courts should, above all, avoid to weaken the position of such heroic Puntlanders.

Let's not make mistake, the first victims of the corrupt TPLF-hired maffia in Garowe, just like in Hargeisa or Baidoa, are their very own people they relentlessly manipulate through tribal paranoia.

Indeed, another military move could well give further ammunitions to these shameless traitors, especially if it is simultaneous with an agressive rethoric from Riyoole's clique...

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I could not agree with the author more. Pland needs to turn a new page, and not be decieved through fear mongering. The leadership lacks a vision, and the resourcefulness to make any progress. There won't be any favorable as long as the likes of Yeey and Cadde are in control. New ideas and new leadership are required, and Planders in diasporo could more to institute change. Political apathy as characterised by today's Planders will render Somali progress.

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Asalamu Alaikum


Wallahi that was a very refreshing article. We have a new day approaching Somalia, Inshallah all the rivarly between folks will be eradicated and we shall Inshallah be the first real Islamic state.


It is very nice to see people realising the truth and understand the real problem in Somalia (few vicious men who have been intoxicated with power and want to be at this state of high by any means possible even if it means inviting the the devil himself)


Inshallah after hardship comes ease and we need more people of the authors calibre from all parts of Somalia

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Waaw what a piece of SH*&^!!!


Points made in the article



- Ethiopia is our arch enemy.

- Ade Muse Invited Ethiopian Army into Puntland.

- Therefore Ade and Puntland are our enemy.

- Ade and his clans men are responsible for Somaliland, puntland...etc.

- Ade shouldn't see the ******** courts' attempted attack on Galkacyo as an invasion, but he should welcome them bring "peace" and "stability" to Puntland.

- Ade is alone in refusing the courts to govern Puntland.

- Ade, A/yey and puntlanders are corrupt/clanist

- ******** Courts are popular because every Somali knows how honest, good morals,...they are.

- ******** brought Salvation to Somalia.

- Sheekh Shariif and Aweys and the Courts have unquestionable integrity, nationalism, and Islam.

- Presient Cabdillahi Yussuf can be allowed to enjoy what remains of his miserable presidency but it should be men like Sheikh Shariff, or Jama Mohamed Ghalib who should be on the driving seat.

- My own Puntland could then redeem itself and take its honourable rightful place in the new Somalia which was born thanks to Allah and his faithful Islamic courts




----- :D:D:D:D:D ---------



People from Afgio to Kismayu should be encouraged to raise ap against the ******** courts.




Their latest military blunders --


- ******** Courts tried to capture Baidoa, saw their defeat and retreated.

- ******** Courts next tried Galkaio, saw their defeat and retreated.

- Abdi Qaybdiid kicked them out his land.

- Hiiraan should raise up next.


Real Jihad should be waged against those that occupy, kill, loot and their supports. ******** Courts' dhul balaarsi should be stopped once and for all!




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This sorts of articles are an insult to the intelligence of all sane puntlanders. I must admit that I did not read all of the article. I just could not take all the hyperbole. Also, Some here should really consider the career of spin masters. Its either a shameless propaganda or a disgusting desplay of naiveté. In the very first paragraph, there are handreds false claims to disagree with.


"Our arch enemy ethiopia"

This writer should know, in international relations, there is no such thing and government (or people for that matter) lead by wise people should not be in the business of making "arch enemies" but allies and the shortist route to its interest.


"Ethiopian Puppet Master"

Some Somali "Writers" are rerally making Ethiopia into something it is not. Ethiopia is one of the poorist nations on earth I don't think it can afford puppets yet and how childish to portray those who disagree with view of things "Puppets"


"Protect Himself from his people"

BY all but Somalis, Statements like this would lead people to question the sanity of anyone who says this. Are cade and Yusuf protecting their people and country from radicals and warlords or did they run to become president of people that should

protect themselfs from?

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