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They wanted to overrun us, just like in 1990/91! God saved Gaalkacyo!

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Gaalkacyo was in a real danger, just a week ago! As Abu Cateyba, the prince of dayniile hastened the ban of the narcotic khaat against the disagreement of Yusuf Indhacadde and co, the monster of lower shabelle's kins were sending six plane loads full of qaat to the city of Gaalkacyo late last saturday evening!


This was a military tactic in which they hoped to capture Gaalkacyo by storm, whilst its men were still suffering from the aftermaths of their heavy qaat-chewing sessions!


The people of Gaalkacyo never even questioned themselves to why those areo planes arrived with such a large khaat quantity than usual! The khaat was being sold at the nominal sum of 20 cents per bundle, that usually costs $20!


Free khaat for everyone, even the poorest of the poor were celebrating that day, because the khaat was unimaginably cheap. Men quickly disappeared into the corners and hotels of gaalkacyo to start their free khat chewing sessions until early next day, which happened to be the day, the courts coincindently were pushing towards gaalkacyo, but it citizens never realised that the free khat was in fact send by the courts to handicap the defenses of the city! But god saved the people of gaalkacyo from another blitz-war in which their city was taken, whilst they were sleeping!


People who employ such tactics in order to send narcotics to a city and its people to hope that they won't fight against them are not real warriors but people, who don't want to engage into a real battle and fight with the other side, simply they're cowards!


When the khaat-trick didn't work, they were simply stuck in bendiraadley! They were just hoping for a 'sensational-victory' that would enhance their 'invisibility', but that miserably failed and now courts are stuck and they can't move an inch!

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Loooooooool buufis badana. Have you toughed that maybe the khaat dealers from courts controlled arias are trying to find a market for their khaat which is worth thousands of dollars? It most go some where and it is going to Galkacyo, Baydhabo and other arias.

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Abdi this was prior to the Mogadishu qaad ban and the stopping of planes to kenya! Last Saturday.


But I dismiss it as being a coincidence :D , but whatever happened, people of Gaalkacyo quickly realised what was in the air :D !


Nice trick, next time, you want to capture a city by storm just send more khat and victory is guaranteed to the courts, tell us Abdi is it the same trick, they used to capture the whole of Mog, as they also had full control of where the khaat could/couldn't land?

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^^^I think General Sakhar made a good observation. The Clan Courts have failed in their attack on Galkacyu..


Dagaalka dhacay Bandiiradley.( 18-11-06). 18-11-06:- Waxaa saaka weerar soo qaaday ciidamada Maxaakiimta Muqdisho oo ku hubaysan gawaarida dagaalka iyadoo weerarkaas ay jawaab kulul ka bixiyeen Ciidamada Puntland iyo kuwa K/Mudug Ciidamada Maxaakiimta ayaa dagaalka oo socday wax ka yar 20 Daqiiqo waxaa lagu khasbay inay baneeyaan aagii ay soo weerareen kadib markii laysu adeegsaday Hubka Culculus ee ka dhaca Madaafiicda iyadoo isla markiiba ay carareen Ciidamadii weerarka ahaa kadib markii loo awood sheegtay.


Kusimaha Taliyaha Aaga Hore Ee Puntland Mr.C/salaan sanyare ayaa saxaafada usheegay isagoo ku sugan aaga hore ee dagaalka in ciidamadii soo weerray ay jawaab wanaagsan siiyeen kuna khasbeen inay si hal haleen ah uga cararaan goobta kadib markii ciidamo lixaadle oo aagaas fadhiyay ay is farasaareen.


Dhanka kale Warar hoose oo aan ka helayno ilo muhiima oo kusugan Bandiiradley ayaa sheegaya in Ciidamada maxkamadaha ee halkaas kusugan ay laba ukala jabeen kadib markii sida la sheegay ay ku heshiin waayeen qaabkii loo dagaal kali lahaa qaybina ay sooo jeediysay in lagu fashilmay qorshaha gobolka Mudug hada wixii ka dambeeyana ay wacan tahay in laysaga baxo aaga oo ciidamada lagu jiheeyo meela kale maadaama Difaac adag oo aysan filayn la hordhigay.




Wariyaha Jiida hore uga soo warama


Cabdinuur Mohamed Seeraar

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looool thats disaster an entire army wanting to invade Galcayo where defeated in 20min fight. How many fighters where involved in this attempt to invade the city of Galkacyo? please dont insult our intelligence.

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^^^The army of the clan courts started their invasion a week or so ago, with the claim of Cagawayne that the courts where a mere 19km from Galkacyu.


Cade brought his Mudug troops to counter them and hence their stranded in Bandiradlay 70 or so KM from the city of Galkacyu...


It was the courts who made the move towards Galkacyu and who now have to do some rethinking...

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