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The Somali problem should be left for Somalis to tackle! Eritrea's role

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The Somali problem should be left for Somalis to tackle!- Eritrea’s role and firm stand on the issue


Shabait Editorial


By Staff

Nov 18, 2006, 15:47


Ten countries including Eritrea as well as the Hezbollah party of Lebanon are being accused of “breaching the arms embargo and sending armaments to Somalia”, according to the accusations released this week by the UN. Nowadays, when the UN organization has been changed into an appendage or extension of the US State Department and being micro administrated by the CIA , it is not hard to imagine from where these views and accusations are being sent. Instead of resolving conflicts prolonging and complicating conflicts has become the main concern of the US Administration so as to implement its sinister agenda. And sadly enough this has become its harbinger to all its failures.


Looking at it from this true perspective, the US Administration, which for the last 15 years has never uttered a word, while the people of Somalia were decimating each other, and has instead been continuously channeling weapons and money to the Somali warlords to inflame the conflict, is now presenting accusations through its mouthpiece, the UN organization. And no one can miss to what end this accusations are being tuned.


These baseless and ungrounded accusations are intended to hit two targets. One: Tarnishing and changing the countenance of the movement created out of internal political dynamism of Somalis with an agenda to create a united Somalia and make it look like a terrorist movement, and threat to international security. Two: By fabricating a fairy tale with regard to the neighboring countries of Somalia, especially Eritrea and Ethiopia, alleging that “these two countries may ignite a proxy war in Somali territory and thereby exacerbate the already precarious situation to heightened regional conflict”, so that either through mercenaries or direct military intervention stifle or complicate this encouraging development and ensure that the chaos and pandemonium that have been rocking Somalia stay unabated.


Eritrea's stand on the issue of Somalia is clear and firm. It emanates from the historical ties and friendship, which the Somali people extended to the just struggle of the Eritrean people for liberation. Hence, Eritrea remains keen to extend political encouragement to the just cause of the Somali people to create a ground for national reconciliation, dialogue and enable Somalis to live in peace and harmony. There is no other agenda whatsoever beyond that. National reconciliation of Somalis as well as promoting stability in Somalia has a substantial role to play to regional peace and mutual benefit.


The unholy agendas and interventions by regional and international forces in Somalia over the last 15 years have brought about much destruction. In this regard, the people and Government of Eritrea do strongly object the unjustified intervention pursued by the US as well as its mercenaries and other external forces, because its inevitable lasting scar on the Horn is very dangerous. Eritrea 's role and clear position regarding the issue of Somalia is to leave the matter to the Somalis themselves. Hence, external forces have to retract their hands from meddling in the internal affairs of Somalia , with regards to the constructive and fervent political process that is gaining momentum in the country. And if they really are genuinely interested in extending assistance, they should create a reconciliatory ground, without intervention and without taking sides with anyone.

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