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Yemeni diplomats Arrive in Somaliland

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Dawladda Yemen Oo Soo Dirtay Diblamaasiyiintii Somaliland Ka Furaysay Xafiis Dalkaasi K

Written by Qaran News

Mar 14, 2010 at 04:20 PM

Hargaysa(Qaran News)- Waxa galabta soo gaadhay magaaladda Hargeysa Diblamaasiyiin ka socda Dawladda Yemen oo Hargeysa ka furaya Xafiis isugu jira mid Diblamaasiyadeed iyo mid Ganacsi Diblamaasiyiintan maanta soo gaadhay Hargeysa oo tiradooda lagu sheegay afar xubnood ayaa dalka u yimid inay si rasmi ah uga furan Xafiis dawladoodu ku yeelan doonto Somaliland

Ilaa hada ma jiro wax war ah oo ay xukuumaddu ka soo saartay go’aankan ay Dawladda Yemeni ku furanayso xafiiskan, laakiin sida ay Waaheen horeba u qortay waxa ay arrintani soo jiitamaysay in muddo ah iyadoo labada Dawladood ay wadeen wadahadal ay arrinatani ugu gogol xaadhayeen oo aanu ka helnay ilo Diblamaasiyadeed oo arrintan u dhuun-daloolay


Waftiga Diblamaasiyiinta ah ee Dalka ku sugan ayaa todobaadkan la filayaa inay xadhiga ka jaraan xafiiskaas iyadoo la filayo inuu xafiiskani waxweyn ku soo kordhin doono arrimaha labada Dal gaar ahaana dhinaca Siyaasadda iyo Dhaqaalaha



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HARGEISA (Somalilandpress) — The Republic of Yemen has sent four-member delegation consisting of diplomats and investors to Somaliland on Sunday ahead of the opening of diplomatic office by Yemen in Hargeisa.


According to sources close to the government, the office will serve mainly to carry out consular functions for Yemeni citizens. It will also work toward fostering trade and improving diplomatic contacts between Hargeisa and Sana’a.


The decision to open office in Hargeisa came after the two states recognized growing economic and political cooperation between the two red-sea nations.


Yemen provided no timeline but the office is expected to be opened some time this week.


Reports also added that Yemen was concerned about Islamists movements in Somalia, after al-Shabab group pledged it would send fighters to help an al-Qaeda affiliate in the country.


Yemen’s foreign minister, Abu Bakr al-Qirbi said his country would not tolerate threats and foreign fighters on it’s soil and it is believed now Yemen is going on the offensive by supporting Somaliland.


Yemen is also facing economic and social burdens due to the unrest in parts of the country and the continuous exodus of illegal migrants from the Horn of Africa, who are said to be more than 800,000 refugees. More than 60 per cent are believed to be from Somalia, a country that has been mired in conflict since 1991.


Yemen and Somaliland have historical and economical ties since 1840 when southern part of Yemen (Aden) was annexed by the British and shortly after, Somaliland became British protectorate. The British established trade with Somaliland mainly to supply mutton to it’s Aden garrison.


This contact initiated Somaliland livestock trade which made it’s way to Yemeni cities and later on the lucrative business attracted Yemeni traders and continued well after the British had left. The Yemenis along with Somali traders later opened other key markets for Somaliland livestock including Saudi Arabia.


Yemen will become the first Arab nation to have diplomatic office in Somaliland. No one knows how other Arab League members such as Egypt and Djibouti would react to the Yemeni move.


Egypt and Djibouti are strongly opposed to Somaliland recognition fearing fearing economic insecurities – Egypt feels it will loose control of the Nile while Djibouti fears the port of Berbera will replace it’s port. However, unconfirmed reports suggest that Djibouti is due to open an office that has an embassy status in Hargeisa after Yemen.


Somalilandpress, 15th March 2010

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Good for Somaliland ....... but as I always say we should be careful about any relationship with Arabs.


This probably has something to do with the Israel issue discussed in the last few weeks.

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

Good for Somaliland ....... but as I always say we should be careful about any relationship with Arabs.


This probably has something to do with the Israel issue discussed in the last few weeks.

Jacaylbaro, Yemenida waa dad wax ka go'aan oo dhaqankoodu Somalida u dhow yahay, wax cadna waay kuula imanayaa oo aad isku ogaataan, wanaag iyo samaanba. Markaa in kasta oo ay faqiir yihiin oo aanay waxba inagu kordhinayn hadana waa ka duwan yihiin carabta kale, markaa waa in la soo dhoweeyaa aragtidayda, hadii aanay la imanin sheekadii masar ee ahayd Somalia ma kala go'i karto iyo hanjabaadii ku lifaaqneyd.

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England na way xukumijirtay iyaga iyo ayagaba Ku dar ,,,, xataa Queen of UK (our mother)mar ayay booqtay Adan city iyadana uraaci !!

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Originally posted by Sikaawe:

quote:Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

Good for Somaliland ....... but as I always say we should be careful about any relationship with Arabs.


This probably has something to do with the Israel issue discussed in the last few weeks.

Jacaylbaro, Yemenida waa dad wax ka go'aan oo dhaqankoodu Somalida u dhow yahay, wax cadna waay kuula imanayaa oo aad isku ogaataan, wanaag iyo samaanba. Markaa in kasta oo ay faqiir yihiin oo aanay waxba inagu kordhinayn hadana waa ka duwan yihiin carabta kale, markaa waa in la soo dhoweeyaa aragtidayda, hadii aanay la imanin sheekadii masar ee ahayd Somalia ma kala go'i karto iyo hanjabaadii ku lifaaqneyd.
It is not about culture or trade ,,, this is politics and Arabs are against it. Anything from them should be taken carefully coz after all u know they doing it in a way that is for their interest.


Egypt has been sending 'teachers' that are known to be spy agents to do whateva they're sent for. Now it is Yemen officially opening a "diplomatic office" in Somailland ..... we should watch out.

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

quote:Originally posted by Sikaawe:


Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

Good for Somaliland ....... but as I always say we should be careful about any relationship with Arabs.


This probably has something to do with the Israel issue discussed in the last few weeks.

Jacaylbaro, Yemenida waa dad wax ka go'aan oo dhaqankoodu Somalida u dhow yahay, wax cadna waay kuula imanayaa oo aad isku ogaataan, wanaag iyo samaanba. Markaa in kasta oo ay faqiir yihiin oo aanay waxba inagu kordhinayn hadana waa ka duwan yihiin carabta kale, markaa waa in la soo dhoweeyaa aragtidayda, hadii aanay la imanin sheekadii masar ee ahayd Somalia ma kala go'i karto iyo hanjabaadii ku lifaaqneyd.
It is not about culture or trade ,,, this is politics and Arabs are against it. Anything from them should be taken carefully coz after all u know they doing it in a way that is for their interest.


Egypt has been sending 'teachers' that are known to be spy agents to do whateva they're sent for. Now it is Yemen officially opening a "diplomatic office" in Somailland ..... we should watch out.
Good one, I agree with you 100% on this one..........

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

quote:Originally posted by Sikaawe:


Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

Good for Somaliland ....... but as I always say we should be careful about any relationship with Arabs.


This probably has something to do with the Israel issue discussed in the last few weeks.

Jacaylbaro, Yemenida waa dad wax ka go'aan oo dhaqankoodu Somalida u dhow yahay, wax cadna waay kuula imanayaa oo aad isku ogaataan, wanaag iyo samaanba. Markaa in kasta oo ay faqiir yihiin oo aanay waxba inagu kordhinayn hadana waa ka duwan yihiin carabta kale, markaa waa in la soo dhoweeyaa aragtidayda, hadii aanay la imanin sheekadii masar ee ahayd Somalia ma kala go'i karto iyo hanjabaadii ku lifaaqneyd.
It is not about culture or trade ,,, this is politics and Arabs are against it. Anything from them should be taken carefully coz after all u know they doing it in a way that is for their interest.


Egypt has been sending 'teachers' that are known to be spy agents to do whateva they're sent for. Now it is Yemen officially opening a "diplomatic office" in Somailland ..... we should watch out.
War Egypt ba na loo qaatay. Yemen is the last place SL needs to do a deal with. They already have their own secessionist movement in the South and would not want to be seen to approve of or show any friendliness towards SL. Then again, hadi xooga qaat loo qaato waxa dhici karta in ay arrinta ictiraafka yeelaan. :D

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Yeah jacaylbaro has a good point arabs are not a fan of Somaliland, how ever Cali cabdalle salax his Government is under fire by Al-Qaida is it a way to fight the insurgents in his country does he desperate need a friend in the horn of Africa. Or are there other hidden agendas

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Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibedda Oo Soo Dhoweeyay Xafiiska Cusub Ee Yemen Ka Furanayso Somaliland


Hargeysa, March 16, 2010-(Haatuf)-Wasiirka arrimaha dibadda Somaliland, C/laahi Maxamed Ducaale ayaa soo dhoweeyay xafiiska cusub ee ganacsi ee dawlada Yemen ka furanayso Somaliland. Taas oo uu wasiirku ku tilmaamay inay tahay talaabo haboon oo sii xoojinaysa xidhiidhkii adkaa ee marka horeba u dhexeeyay Somaliland iyo Yemen.


Wasiirka arrimaha dibada, C/laahi Maxamed Ducaale, waxa kale oo uu sheegay in hore xafiis ganacsi uga furnaa Somaliland dalka Yemen, kaas oo heerkiisu noqday mid sare kaddib booqashadii uu Madaxweyne Daahir Rayaale ku tagay dalka Yemen bishii April 2006, waxa kale oo uu wasiirku sheegay in xidhiidh ganacsi, waxbarasho iyo diblomaasiyadeed uu hore uga dhexeeyay Somaliland iyo Yemen.


Wasiirka arrimaha dibedda, C/laahi Maxamed Ducaale oo xalay aanu kula xidhiidhnay kahdka tilifoonka ayaa isagoo arrimahaasi ka hadlaya waxa uu yidhi “ marka hore waan soo dhoweynayaa xafiiska ganacsi ee ay dawlada Yemen ka furanayso Somaliland, xidhiidhka inaga iyo Yemen inaga dhexeeyay markii horeba aad buu u heer sareeyay, muddo dhowr sanadood ahba Yemen waxaynu ku lahayn xafiis ganacsi, Madaxweynuhu hore ayuu u booqday dalka Yemen oo xafiiska ganacsi oo dhana ka ah mid dibloomisayadeed uu hore uga furay, kan ay imika iyagu furanayaana waa mid kaas oo kale ah. Yemen waxa inaga dhexeeyay xidhiidho badan oo isugu jira ganacsi, waxbarasho iyo diblomaasiyad, xafiiskan cusubna waanu soo dhoweynaynaa, dawladaha Carabta xidhiidh wanaagsan baa imika inaga dhexeeya qaar ka mid ah oo xoolihii waa kuwii inoo furay, waxan rajaynayaa in xidhiidhkoodu intaas ka sii horurmari doono” ayuu hadalkiisa ku soo koobay wasiirku.


Dhanka kale doraad galabtii ayaa waxa soo gaadhay magaaladda Hargeysa Diblamaasiyiin ka socda Dawladda Yemen oo Hargeysa ka furaya Xafiis isugu jira mid Diblamaasiyadeed iyo mid Ganacsi Diblamaasiyiintan oo ka koobnaa 4 xubnood ayaa sheegay inay dalka u yimaadeen furitaanka xafiiska cusub.


Weftiga Diblomaasiyiinta ah ee Dalka ku sugan ayaa todobaadkan la filayaa inay xadhiga ka jaraan xafiiskaas iyadoo la filayo inuu xafiiskani wax weyn ku soo kordhin doono arrimaha labada Dal gaar ahaana dhinaca Siyaasadda iyo Dhaqaalaha.





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