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Meydad hor leh oo laga helay Magaalada Dhuusamareeb oo xalay ay duqeyni ka dhacday iyo shilgaari oo dadi ay ku dhaawacmeen oo ka dhacay Guriceel.


Posted: 1/30/2009 2:46:00 PM




Meydad hor leh ayaa maanta waxaa laga helay magaalada Dhuusamareeb ee xarunta gobolka Galgaduud iyadoo xaaladdu degmadaasi maanta ay dagantahay.


Wararka laga helayo magaalada Dhuusamareeb ee xarunta gobolka Galgaduud ayaa sheegaya in magaaladaasi laga helay ilaa 6-meyd kuwaasi oo dadka deegaanku ay ka soo haleen afaafka hore ee magaaladaasi halkaasi oo shalay uu dagaalo culus ku dhex maray Al Shabaab iyo Ahlu Sunna Waljamaaca.


Duqeyntii Al Shabaab ay ka gaysteen gudaha magaalada Dhuusamareeb ayaa dadkii ku dhaawacmay waxaa lageeyay cusbitaalka degmada Guriceel ee gobolka Galgaduud,waxaana wali magaalada Dhuusamareeb ka jirta cabsi xoogan oo ay dadku ka qabaan dagaalo mar kale halkaasi ka dhaca.


Qaar ka mid ah dadkii horay uga barakacay degmada Dhuusamareeb ee shalay gurayahooda dib ugu soo laabtay ayaa waxaa ay hadana ka carareen duqeyn Ururka AL Shabaab uu xalay halkaasi ka gaystay.


Dagaaladii iyo duqeymihii ka dhacay Shalay iyo xalay degmada Dhuusamareeb ayaa waxaa ay gaarayaan dadka ku dhintay ilaa 20-qofood iyadoo 15-kale ay ku dhaawacmeen,waxaana dadka degaanku ay sheegayaan in ay jiraan dad kale oo ku waxyeeloobay dagaaladaasi.


Dhanka kale shil gaari ayaa maanta waxaa uu ka dhacay inta u dhaxaysa magaalooyinka Ceeldheer iyo Guriceel,waxaana inta la ogyahay shilkaasi gaari ku waxyeeloobay ilaa 5-ruux oo la sheegay in ay gaariga saarnaayeen.


Aqriso oo la soco Saacad Walba si aad u hesho wararkii ugu dambeeyay ee Soomaaliya.


Dhageeyso Wararka 1:30-duhurnimo Maalin waliba adigoo raacaya tilmaamaha Wabseydka.


Shabelle Media Network - Source of Somalia News

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Where are the Al-Shabaab lovers?


Is the blood of Somalis Xalaal for Al-Shabaab, but Xaraam from Ethios?


Is the blood of Somalis Xalaal for Al-Shabaab, but Xaraam from TFG?


and finally,

Is Al-shabaab above the law?


Shelling a populated city with morters, is as pure murder as if it was an Ethio tank.

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infact every town they control, has the support of the local people who love the peace and stability

Yeah they have peace and stability, coz they're dead.

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take a look at kismayo, merka, baidoa and other regions.


seriously brother you remind me of those somalis who hated the icu when they controlled the south in 2006.


same people who were cheering for the eithopian murderers and warlords.

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Somali Pirate,


No disrespect to you brother, but in my eyes you and Nabad-Nabad are the same but on different sides.


While he is anti-alshabaab and uses cheap propaganda without any comprehensive reasoning behind it, you are pro-alshabaab and use cheap propaganda without any comprehensive reasoning.


You both use simple rethorics, its time you two should talk honestly to each other.


Talk to each other, and explain each other your different point of views, be honest and lisen to each other. Dont be engaged in a tit-for-tat discussion.

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i support al shabab because they are free from clan ideology. their goal is one unified somalian under sharia. they recently banned khat in kismayo. that shows their intentions


as a somali and a muslim that is commendable.


add to that they freed the country from ethios.

they are heroes.

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Oke Somali Pirate,


We will now test your views.


One you claimed they are free from clan ideology, that their goal is one unified somalian under sharia and that they have resorted to tackling the consumption of the drug that crippled our question to you is:


''What makes them different then those groups in the past that had the same image and goal?''


SYL is a known Pan-Somali movement, composed of young, ambitious, determined Somalis, that was free from clan ideology, fought for the re-unification of Somali lands and propagated that they wanted to develop an independent nation.


As you are aware of SYL was infiltrated by clannism, and as such descended into corruption/nepotism and clannism.


Then, we had the military coup in which a military regime came to power that was supposedly free from clan ideology, had the goal of reunifying Somali lands and wanted to tackle qat consumption and develop the nation.


As you are aware of the military regime was crippled by clannism/nepotism/corruption at the end.


Again, dont be simplistic and tell us why you believe that Alshabaab is the real deal, and how they will succeed in where others have failed.


Please, go ahead and help us in understanding your support.

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nabi isa once said, by their fruits ye shall know them.


In every city controlled by al shabab we have seen peace and stability.


Did you know what al shabab did in kismayo to the un?


The un has a bad habit of bringing food aid during the harvest season in somalia. they want to dump their aid in the market. the poor somali farmer cant compete with free food and therefore cant sell his harvest.


what did al shabab do?


lock all the food aid in the warehouses. so that somalis can buy their food from somali farmers in the market. when the harvest is finished, they then distributed the aid. That's an example of al shabab thinks.


secondly, my cousin in burco was murdered 12 years. ago. no justice has been meted out. the family who did it are a powerful family and we have no sense of justice. IF al shabab was controlling burco, you can bet your bottom dollar that the criminal would have been brought to justice.


to this day he is free with blood on his hands.

Today, in kismayo, and other regions, women can walk the street in peace without harrasement. no isbaaros and warlords running the show.


By the way al shabab is multi ethnic. there are many clans in the fighting group

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Oke we are getting somewhere,


You quoted Nabi Isa, which sura?




There is peace and stability in Puntland/Somaliland/Ceeldheer/Baidoba/Jowhar/Beled weyne etc etc


All places were there is no Alshabaab. So clearly bringing peace and stability is not the hallmark of Alshabaab.


About the dumping of food, that has been happening for a quite few years. The best way to prevent Capitalists to derail our economy is to build institutions, to build a functioning economy, and to build our nation. Locking up food is just a way to tackle the problem on short term, but is not a durable solution.


The injustice that happened to your cousin, that is truelly tragic.


But while the man who has the blood of your cousin on his hands walks freely in other regions, we have people (Xaabsade and other warlords/traitors) who Alshabaab let go, that still walk freely in Somalia. Is that justice? According to some, cafis is a form of justice.

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Meiji, I take my hat off for your calmness, and logic arguiment. Sorry but passions run high sometimes.


I don't hate Alshabaab, but I hate when they abuse this great religion of ISLAM, the summery excusions they do, the assasinations they carry, the shellings of innocent civilians, the blowing up buses full of civilians, the double standars of Baidoa and other regions, the arrogance of no limits, the refusel to talk to anyone with peace innitiative, the takfeer and the disregard for dead Ulamaa, the limitless excuses they give to neighbouring countries to invade us, yesterday they threatened Ethiopia to capture Addis in 7 days, and few weeks ago they threatened Alaska, Chile, South Africa , Newsland Iceland, all these plus and plus.


Yes your right Puntland and S/land were peacefull for long time not because of Alshabaab, but people wanted peace. in another words I don't hate Alshabaab because they never did anything to me personally, and to calm you I don't hate them because they are not my clan, as one of their top ranking leaders in my close clansman, but I hate their interpritation of ISLAM which is dangerouse, and deemonises this great religion.

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Meiji, I take my hat off for your calm, and logic arguiment. Sorry passions run high sometime.


I don't hate Alshabaab, but I hate when they abuse this great religion of ISLAM, the summery excusions they do, the assasinations they carry, the shellings of innocent civilians, the blowing up buses full of civilians, the double standars of Baidoa and other regions, the arrogance of no limits, the refusel to talk to anyone with peace innitiative, the takfeer and the disregard for dead Ulamaa, the limitless excuses they give to neighbouring countries to invade us, yesterday they threatened Ethiopia to capture Addis in 7 days, and few weeks ago they threatened Alaska, Chile, South Africa , Newsland Iceland, all these plus and plus.


Yes your right Puntland and S/land were peacefull for long time not because of Alshabaab, but people wanted peace. in another words I don't hate Alshabaab because they never did anything to me personally, and to calm you I don't hate them because they are not my clan, as one of their top ranking leaders in my close clansman, but I hate their interpritation of ISLAM which is dangerouse, and deemonises this great religion.

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that was a quote by nabi isa in the bible when he promised a prophet will come after him. That was prophet muhammed.


secondly, puntland and somaliland have always been peaceful. The problem is xamaar. overun by warlords, tribal militas and thugs. I remember when the cia was supporting warlords in 2006 until the icu finished them.


Xaamar needs to be pacified before somalia can rise. Our enemies don't care about somliland or puntland. The brain of the country lies in xamaar. which is why they want the fighting to go on. al shabab has born out of the people's tiredness at occupation and warlordsim.


alhamdullilah after 2 years of struggle the eithios and their proxies are vanishing.


You refuse to give credit for what al shabab has done in kismayo. peace stability and a check on capitalism. We can built an economy when the country is unified. to unify it there has to be peace first.


finally just because i support al shabab does not mean i agree with every single actions. they should not spare warlords and traitors whether they are in baidoa or any other place

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that was a quote by nabi isa in the bible when he promised a prophet will come after him. That was prophet muhammed.


secondly, puntland and somaliland have always been peaceful. The problem is xamaar. overun by warlords, tribal militas and thugs. I remember when the cia was supporting warlords in 2006 until the icu finished them.


Xaamar needs to be pacified before somalia can rise. Our enemies don't care about somliland or puntland. The brain of the country lies in xamaar. which is why they want the fighting to go on. al shabab has born out of the people's tiredness at occupation and warlordsim.


alhamdullilah after 2 years of struggle the eithios and their proxies are vanishing.


You refuse to give credit for what al shabab has done in kismayo. peace stability and a check on capitalism. We can built an economy when the country is unified. to unify it there has to be peace first.


finally just because i support al shabab does not mean i agree with every single actions. they should not spare warlords and traitors whether they are in baidoa or any other place

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Originally posted by NABAD_NABAD_NABAD:

Meiji, I take my hat off for your calm, and logic arguiment. Sorry passions run high sometime.


I don't hate Alshabaab, but I hate when they abuse this great religion of ISLAM, the summery excusions they do, the assasinations they carry, the shellings of innocent civilians, the blowing up buses full of civilians, the double standars of Baidoa and other regions, the arrogance of no limits, the refusel to talk to anyone with peace innitiative, the takfeer and the disregard for dead Ulamaa, the limitless excuses they give to neighbouring countries to invade us, yesterday they threatened Ethiopia to capture Addis in 7 days, and few weeks ago they threatened Alaska, Chile, South Africa , Newsland Iceland, all these plus and plus.


Yes your right Puntland and S/land were peacefull for long time not because of Alshabaab, but people wanted peace. in another words I don't hate Alshabaab because they never did anything to me personally, and to calm you I don't hate them because they are not my clan, as one of their top ranking leaders in my close clansman, but I hate their interpritation of ISLAM which is dangerouse, and deemonises this great religion.

the people of kismayo disagree

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