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VOA Article Portrays Wrong Picture, Appeases Terrorist in Puntland

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pl-flag_2.jpgSomalia: VOA Article Portrays Wrong Picture, Appeases Terrorist in Puntland

30 Sep 30, 2010 - 6:38:15 AM


PRESS RELEASE| In an article posted on the English page of the VOA on the 29 September titled, “Clan Rivalry Complicates Terrorism Fight in Puntland.” Alisha Ryu rather than clarifying unfortunately further confounds the VOA readerships’ understanding of the issue.


First, the impression made in the VOA piece that there is a long simmering rivalry whether it is over the control of resources or power sharing between the *****ten and ********** clans is unfounded.


The two clans enjoy fraternal relations of the first kind and the government of Puntland’s counterterrorism efforts against the Al-Qaeda affiliated Al-Shabab in the mountainous regions of Sanag and eastern Bari regions is just that a counterterrorism campaign and has nothing to do with clan politics. The government of Puntland is not a *****ten government and does not serve the interests of any particular sub-clan of the various ***** communities that comprise it at the expense of another at anytime or under any circumstance. The allegation that it can operate in the fashion portrayed by Ms. Ryu is at once malicious and inflammatory. It is important to note that the Minister of Interior who along with the Vice President commanded the Galgala counterterrorism operation against the Al-Shabab cell is none other than **********.


Second, the article appears to be advocating for the United States to appease the Al-Shabab and warns of drastic actions if the United States assists Puntland in its effort to deny Al-Qaeda and her affiliates to establish a safe heaven in its territory. Quoting an unknown Somalia observer based in Norway, Ms. Ryu writes“ The danger is…you could act in a way that could mobilize the ********** to the Shabab side.” The ********** are at the forefront of the war against Al-Shabab which is locally led by the internationally sanctioned, self-confessed terrorist Mohamed Said “Atom”, and the false prediction that a robust United States engagement with Puntland on counterterrorism may spur the ********** to join the Al-Shabab is absurd. It might be instructive to note that the ********** did not extend any assistance, in any way to “Atom” and his terrorist compatriots whilst they fully supported the government’s operations to cleanse the latter from their hideout in Galgala.


This article is a cheap ploy to frustrate the implementation of the recently announced United States government’s “Two-track” Somalia engagement policy through the dissemination of unfounded information and propaganda. Schemes of this kind however sophisticated will not succeed to prevent the governments of Puntland and the United States continuing their mutually beneficial cooperation in the crucial area of the war against terrorism and violent extremism in the region.




Press Office

Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation [Puntland]

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Puntland's govt blasts VOA report as 'appeasing Al Shabaab' in Somalia

30 Sep 30, 2010 - 9:43:27 AM


The government of Somalia's stable northern Puntland region has blasted a Voice of America report which it says is as expecting the U.S. government to "appease Al Shabaab" in Somalia, Radio Garowe reports.


A press release issued from the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation in the Puntland capital Garowe said the VOA report entitled, "Clan Rivalry Complicates Terrorism Fight in Puntland," attempts to create the impression that "long simmering rivalry" exists between the ********* and ********** sub-clans of the ***** clan-family in Puntland.


"The two clans enjoy fraternal relations of the first kind and the government of Puntland's counterterrorism efforts against the Al-Qaeda affiliated Al-Shabab in the mountainous regions of Sanag and western Bari regions is just that a counterterrorism campaign," read the press statement from Puntland's government.


The statement said the VOA report's attempt to portray Puntland as a clan government is "malicious and inflammatory," while describing the report's motives as a " ploy to frustrate the implementation of the recently announced United States government's 'two-track' Somalia engagement policy." VOA Report: Clan Rivalry Complicates Terrorism Fight in Puntland


Puntland's government promised to continue its "mutually beneficial cooperation" with the U.S., but strongly rejected the VOA report's claim that increased U.S. engagement with Puntland will "mobilize a clan to join Al Shabaab."


The press statement said this claim is a "false prediction" that will not stop "Puntland in its effort to deny Al-Qaeda and her affiliates to establish a safe heaven in its territory."


"The article seems to be advocating for the United States to appease the Al Shabaab," concluded the press statement from the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation in Garowe.

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U.S. policy and Puntland


U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for African affairs, Ambassador Johnnie Carson, announced last week a two-track policy that will pursue closer U.S. relations with Somalia's two stable regions, Puntland and Somaliland.


The new U.S. policy recognizes the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) in Mogadishu as Somalia's national authority, but promises "aggressive" engagement with Puntland and Somaliland in key areas of security, governance and social services.


Puntland's government has repeatedly called for U.S. robust engagement with stable regions in northern Somalia, as much of Mogadishu and south-central Somalia remains under the control of Al Shabaab insurgents.


The new U.S. policy for Somalia was welcomed in Puntland as a "strategic reward of the commitment to peace and institutional governance." READ: Puntland govt welcomes U.S. policy change on Somalia: Report


But some analysts have criticized U.S.-Puntland relations with regard to the Puntland government's intelligence and counterterrorism branch, the Puntland Intelligence Agency (PIA), which has enjoyed the backing of Western intelligence communities since 2001.

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Puntland war against Al Shabaab


Mohamed Said Atom, a native of Puntland who is allegedly Al Shabaab's chief in the region, has always justified attacks against Puntland's government by claiming that the PIA is a "foreign organization."


Experts say it is part of Al Shabaab's strategy to use "clan grievances" to advance their own political agenda. In Puntland, however, Al Shabaab failed to benefit from Atom's use of the "clan grievance" method due to the egalitarian nature of Puntland society.


Since July, Puntland government forces including PIA units have engaged in a military offensive to flush out Mr. Atom and his Al Shabaab allies hiding out in the Golis mountain range that straddles Puntland and Somaliland.


Puntland forces have seized all facilities and training camps used by the insurgents, but Atom and others have fled deeper into the mountains as military operations continue.


In recent weeks, Somaliland's government has appealed for security cooperation with Puntland. Somaliland Interior Minister Mohamed Abdi Gabose even told reporters that he is "worried" about the movements of Al Shabaab militants led by Atom. READ: Somaliland appeals for 'cooperation with Puntland' a second time


Puntland, located in northeastern Somalia, has been relatively stable since declaring autonomy in 1998. The region considers itself part of a future federal Somalia and maintains its own government, security forces and holds elections as mandated by the constitution.



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The swiftness of the Puntland State of Somalia’s response and the quality of the press release in comparison to the empty asinine attack of the original article is surprising and at the same time quite satisfying

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This was a much warranted rebuke of the VOA's false allegations against the Puntland state of Somalia. Kudos to the authorities for shedding light on the ridiculously incongruous and unreasonably absurd accusations of that VOA article.


Even though the VOA is based in Washington: I believe their representatives and reporters who're based in Puntland can be and must be held accountable for the VOA's deliberate and consistent defamation of Puntland political character.


The VOA's SOMALI employees must learn that they cannot foment discord, willy-nilly, in our peaceful and brotherly communities, in the name of press freedom, whilst at the same, hiding under the cloak and excuse of being a foreign owned news agency. The VOA may be owned by Americans, but the reporters of the VOA's Somali service are Somalis, first and foremost, and they should be dealt with like the true promoters of divisiveness that they have become.

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Originally posted by Mr. Somalia:

This was a much warranted rebuke of the VOA's false allegations against the Puntland state of Somalia. Kudos to the authorities for shedding light on the ridiculously incongruous and unreasonably absurd accusations of that VOA article.


Spot on brother, Yabarow is a bit upset at Puntland success and such an asinine article will not do anything to damage the state's position visa vie Washington. :D

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Good response, The VOA can write some despicable pieces. They have continuously tried to spread disinformation in hopes of curtailing any positive development for Puntland. Why didn’t their article interview any Puntland government representatives? Instead they quote an individual from the ‘Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research,’ how can they get both sides of a story without interviewing the government? It seems they want to only focus on whatever side criticizes the government and paints the state in a negative light.


If they did their research they would have seen that the Puntland military general that led the attack on Atam was himself from the same clan and also came up 2nd in last Puntland presidential elections. They would have mentioned that the vice-president of Puntland is not even from the so-called dominant clan.


It’s sad that a news agency like the VOA that has an office based in Nairobi would be so careless and use clan names, especially considering the bloody riots that took place in Kenya’s last elections.


Well done to the Puntland government with this quick response, I hope the VOA is more respectful of our internal security.

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Originally posted by Thankful:

Good response, The VOA can write some despicable pieces. They have continuously tried to spread disinformation in hopes of curtailing any positive development for Puntland.
Why didn’t their article interview any Puntland government representatives?

This is a very good question. For the most part, all the other language services operated by the VOA usually give both sides of a story equal opportunity to air their opinions and views on the news piece at hand. However, in the case of the VOA's Somali service, especially when it comes to news pieces airing damning accusations against Puntland, our dear friend Mr.Yabarow finds it very convenient to not give any Puntland official an opportunity at a rebuttal of the aforesaid accusations. I wonder why?


Like I mentioned earlier: These VOA employees are Somalis first and foremost. And like most Somalis, they usually hold deep biases against fellow Somalis. However; in this particular case, Mr.Yabarow holds the greatest acrimony and contempt for the great Somali state of Puntland. Unfortunately for him though, in the long run, his unwarranted animus towards the state and peoples of Puntland will only come back to bite him in the rear end, sooner or later. In the meantime, all Puntland can do is always make its case and forever march forward and damn all the haters out there. :cool:

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Pirates are crying and attacking the balanced media. :D


It is not the end of the world if American media thinks you are currupted pirates, which not to mention everything they said was true. Mecheris can add to that. :D

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