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Col Barre Hiiraale moves out of Baardheere.

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It was determined to get a hold in southern Somalia, and now it has Bay and Bakool is the base with which it will build itself..


It has never had it easy and has gained strength over time. Remember at one time it could no go to Baido.


The mood of Baydhabo warlord Xaabsade and his clansmen will change as soon as the tfg runs out the bribe money.

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The perception of the public will change when the troops take on the clan millitia who occupy large parts of the south. The target will be lower Shabbele as we all witnessed today.

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Salama calaykum


What's the update on Col. Barre Hiiraale? I have heard he is 20km away of Kismayoo. Anyone care to confirm or correct?



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"Barre Hiraale ayaa la sheegay inuu taageero ka helay beeshiisa,waxaana Gobolka Gedo ka socda diyaar garow dagaal oo lagu ururinayo Ciidamo taageera Qorshaha Barre Hiraale."

Interesting. Mahadsanid walaal

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Barre Hiiraale is not leading the liberation of Kismaayo. Dadka waxaa qoraya waa dad aan waxba ogeen.


Other men are. Barre is in Baardheere.

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HornAfrique, thanks for the update. I could have verified it myself but after speaking to my father, he stated that his calls with Barre Hiiraale were intercepted with pro-ICU so thus hasn't contacted in a while.


General Duke, I never knew he had so much support from the people of Gedo, I guess I am slow smile.gif



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What a 'dik' head! Is the TFG fighting for the itnerest of George Bush or the Ethiopia based AU. Why do you have to brag about the support it is getting from the despised Westerners and the criminals in Addis Ababa?

Are they (TFG) fighting for a seat in Belgium, Addis, or DC? Who cares if they have support from the former slave owners?

What Somalis need is a leadership that is supported from within not from Ethiopia?

That is why the TFG will fail so bad. It does not have the interest to serve the Somali public rather kiss the asss of Amxaroos and Tegrees.

Duke you are more Ethiopian than a Somali. They have raped your mind to its max.

A curse to Somalia. That is what you are.


Originally posted by General Duke:



It has gained the support of the international community, including the Arab league, AU, EU, US and so on. Though they have not delivered on their many promises.


Why rush anything?

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Barre Hiiraale never used public telephones these days, since these Mogadishu based tele-companies were in breach of their terms and cond. They illegely pass their intercepted data to UICs and he is aware of it and therefore as the result of that you wont hear him much at this stage and time of war.

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Originally posted by erselam:


Duke you are more Ethiopian than a Somali. They have raped your mind to its max.

A curse to Somalia. That is what you are.

I say Duke with the right guidance can be good for Somalia, let’s win him over. We need people with his energy, loyalty and perseverance.

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ME: as ever I enjoy your comments. One can communicate with you. Good for Somalia you say, well its my homeland and I do miss it.


Somalia will get better, when the occupation of the south ends.


When armed clans are disarmed and the people are equal under the law.


When looted property is returned to the orphans.


Fake wadaads, and clan fascist will not do, thats so yesterday.

We have here people who used to cheer for Aydeed, Ato, Inda cADE and who pretnend to be Somali.


One nation, one flag, equal. Thats the Somalia I want..

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Originally posted by General Duke:

[QB] One nation, one flag, equal.

one nation

meaning to become an annexation of ethiopia?


one flag

meaning withdrawing from the great belief of having Somali Weyn that is reflected on our current somali flag?



meaning that we share everything with the Ethiopians?


Thats the Somalia I want..

Yes, we knew that long ago.


But the somalia that you don't want is a somalia that is ruled by Allah's law, which is hostile to Ethiopia. For sure, you don't want the type of Somalia is led by any meaningful leader who is not from your tribe, in particular, your subclan, who could be as vicious as Cabdullahi Yuusuf. You apparently declared that with your conditioning of what needs to be a Somalia of your own narrowistic/tribalistic choice must be free from any sensible nationalism and a wholistic attachment to the great values for all Somalis towards their homeland.


As a traitor, you must be fortunate that you are living in the West, not in Somalia, and have all the impulses to undermine our integrity for the loyalty of one man who is cheaper than the goat we used to have in Xamar.


I will catch you one day, insha-Allah!

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What a 'dik' head! Is the TFG fighting for the itnerest of George Bush or the Ethiopia based AU. Why do you have to brag about the support it is getting from the despised Westerners and the criminals in Addis Ababa?

Are they (TFG) fighting for a seat in Belgium, Addis, or DC? Who cares if they have support from the former slave owners?

What Somalis need is a leadership that is supported from within not from Ethiopia?

That is why the TFG will fail so bad. It does not have the interest to serve the Somali public rather kiss the asss of Amxaroos and Tegrees.

Duke you are more Ethiopian than a Somali. They have raped your mind to its max.

A curse to Somalia. That is what you are.


Originally posted by General Duke:



It has gained the support of the international community, including the Arab league, AU, EU, US and so on. Though they have not delivered on their many promises.


Why rush anything?


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