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By Said Saryan, Dubai , UAE

March 20, 2005


“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.†Edmond Burke, (1729-1797)


For the past fourteen years, while the world watched, thousands of Somalis died of starvation, mal-nutrition, diseases, and thousand others were forced to seek asylum in foreign countries or languished in Refugee Camps in neighbouring countries. Hundreds more lost their lives in the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea as a result of aborted human trafficking operations.


Imbedded in these tragedies are the stories of mothers who lost their children, pregnant mothers who died due to lack of health care, women raped during their arduous journey out of the country or while staying in Refugee Camps, and farmers who either lost their farms or were forced to work under master-slave relationship, not dissimilar to the 18 th century Southern United States plantations.


Also under reported is the catastrophic environmental devastation brought about by the Warlords-sponsored dumping of toxic waste from industrialised countries on the unguarded coast of the country, the continued cutting of trees for the purpose of exporting charcoal to the Gulf Emirates and beyond, thus turning the country, specially in the fertile southern regions, into a desert waste.LINK



An indicator of how miserable life is for the average Somali, the UNDP's Human Development Index (HDI) released last year found Somalia to rank below Haiti, Sierra Leone, Afghanistan in terms of mortality rate for children under 5 years (225 per thousand), average life expectancy (48 years), adult literacy (36 % for men; 14% for women), and Gross National Income per Capita (US$130).


This human tragedy, which perhaps is unprecedented in modern states' history in terms of its ferocity, its longevity, and its tragic short-term and long-term consequences is nourished and sustained in a sub-human environment, aptly described by a prominent Somali Professor as a “cesspool of injustice and deprivationâ€.


Then the earnest question that begs an answer is why this rotten Status Quo continues to exist for more than 14 years? Why the absence of will to help the Somali people to move from this decadent and depressing situation? Why the absence of forceful intervention by the international community? Why the Somali elites who are mostly in the diaspora did not form a unified front and help liberate the brothers and sisters they left behind, from a fourteen years of miserable lives in this ‘cesspool of injustice and deprivation'?


The answer to the above perplexing questions lies in the fact that there are beneficiaries of the rotten Status Quo, who are always on guard against any attempt to change it. These are unholy alliances of Warlords, War Profiteers, Warlords masquerading as Islamist Movements, international toxin dumping Mafia-affiliated Syndicates, thieves who occupy private and public property and Pastoral Nomads, who invaded and occupied the southern regions on the banks of the Shabbelle and the Juba rivers (the agricultural heartland of Somalia ). As a result of this invasion and illegal occupation thousands of peaceful farmers were driven from their farms to a life of destitution and a forced exile in refugee camps in neighbouring Kenya and Ethiopia ..


Last but not least, this unholy alliance also includes Ethiopia which, for malicious strategic reasons, is taking advantage of this Somali-made mess.


Who are These Guardians and Gate Keepers of the Status Quo?


‘Secular' Warlords


This group constitutes the front line defense of the status quo. Their background, before assuming the role of hostage takers of a nation, ranges from a low ranking policy officer, a Crane Operator to a Street Vendor. The most effective weapon in their arsenal is the clan card, which they wave whenever they perceive a threat to the status quo. This lethal hot button weapon is so effective that unfortunately at times they are joined, not only by the extreme segments of the clan, but by elites who are sipping cappuccinos in the comfort of Europe and North America.


More than any other group, the Mogadishu Warlords were responsible for the destruction of the capital and the total obliteration of the State's intellectual and physical assets. They illegally occupy private and public properties, including the capital's international airport and seaport, which have out of commission for the past 12 years. They subsidize their income by running Moryaans for Hire businesses. Among their clienteles are visiting UN officials, NGOs, and visiting Somalis from the diaspora.


‘Religious' Warlords


These are Warlords camouflaged in holy Shiekh attire. They claim to be promoters of peace and order. However, in reality they are competitors and sometimes collaborators with the ‘Secular' Warlords. If not, why they continue to co-exist for fourteen years with the “cesspool of injustice†next door? A classical example of this group is a self-styled pastoral ‘Sheikh', with the menacing neck name “White Eyesâ€, who occupies and rules by iron fist the Lower Shabelle region, which includes the ancient coastal cities of Merca and Barava, inhabited by urban population whose ancestral roots goes back 1200 years. According to a recent interview with the Elders of this town, The ‘Sheikh's' militia forces the population to pay property taxes without providing any municipal services. He also works closely with local and international NGOs in bogus projects. One such project is flagged as “Guns for Pens†project, funded by an international NGO operating from Nairobi and supposedly aimed at collecting arms from the roaming militia. The local indigenous population protested that they have no Guns to trade for Pens, but would be grateful if Pens are given to them in the form of funding their community-run schools. They were told by “White Eyes†to engage in their traditional fishing and leave the intricate businesses of NGOs and holy men to us.


War Profiteers


Members of this group are the protagonists of sad rag-to-richness stories. Following the civil war, they took advantage of the resultant chaos and lawlessness and embarked on a frenzy of environmentally devastating activities, such as the exporting of endangered animals, plants, gems, and the indiscriminate cutting of trees in the only remaining tropical forest in the country. They burned these fallen trees for charcoal and exported them to the Gulf States.


Among these War Profiteers are the pioneers of printing fake currencies abroad to be smuggled back to the country, thus causing runaway inflation, which in turn caused havoc to the economical well being of the average Somali. The leading members of this group also set up make shift Seaports where any goods are loaded or uploaded without inspection or control. Using these tax-free seaports and other established docks, such Merca and Kismaayo, they import consumer goods from the Gulf States and smuggle them to neighbouring Horn African countries, to South Africa and beyond. Some of the proceeds from these smuggled goods are invested in businesses in Nairobi , Cape Town , and Djibouti , and the profits are deposited in overseas banks in Dubai , Rome , and Switzerland .


International and Local NGOs


These are members of the Lords of Poverty fame who are attracted to anarchy and misery as flies are attracted to organic decay and decomposition. They work from the comfort of villas and hotels in nearby Kenya. They periodically jump on chartered airplanes and fly to Mogadishu , where they land on a Warlord-run airstrip, hire militia loyal to a Warlord for protection, and stay in hotels run by one of the afore-mentioned War Profiteers. They stay few days and leave some token unaccounted aid and relief projects to Local NGOs. Most of these Local NGOs are a ‘brief case' NGO, belonging to an individual who is tied by clan lineage to one Warlord or another. Insecurity and lawlessness instigated by the Warlords are blessings in disguise to this group because it keeps away the UN Agencies who are supposed to oversee these projects.


International aid organizations, including those from the UN, engage in this cozy unethical collaboration with the Warlords, thus strengthening and prolonging the status quo. Some insiders of the now defunct Transitional National Government recall periodical visits from the UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia , Mr Maxwell Gaylard, who will intentionally ignore them, and instead meet with the local Warlords.


Academicians and Milking the Sick Somali Cow


In a recent article a well-know Western-based Somali academician confessed that the Somali Problem is an Allah' sent Milking Cow, from which we derive a hefty number of research papers, expert reports, and situational reports to which we peddle to academic institutions and sometimes to Western intelligence organizations. To be fair some of these academicians do actively participate in reconciliation and peace initiative, thus trying to affect change from the rotten status quo. However, they are in the minority. A substantial number from this group do indulge in the profitable milking of the sick Somali cow or remain silent on this pressing issue facing the Somali Nation.


The Ethiopian Vultures


Although Ethiopia, at the early post civil war period, played a constructive role in trying to reconcile the warring factions, as of late it took a predatory posture feasting on the anarchy and mess inflicted by the Somalis on themselves. Contrary to popular belief they have no permanent friends among the Warlords. They will use a Warlord as long as he is able and willing to foil the plan of another Warlord or a group who is a threat to the continuation of the decadent Status Quo.


In Conclusion , this unholy alliance who maintain the rotten Status Quo pause a formidable challenge to Somali citizens who are sincerely working and striving to liberate our people from 14 years of killing, displacement, man-made famine, and lawlessness, which are the bread and butter of this predatory paradigm. The Guardians and Beneficiaries of this project will fight tooth and nail to protect and prolong the Status Quo, and by extension our misery. Depending on the burning issue at hand they will promote themselves as protectors of clan interests or religious values. This is in spite of the fact that the overwhelming majority of their clan's members are actually their victims and all tenets of the Islamic religion, which propagate justice and compassion, are trampled upon daily in the decay of the â€cesspool of injustice†next door.


This is the reality on the ground and these are the Gate Keepers of the Status Quo. The linchpins of these Guardians of the “cesspool of misery and deprivation†are the Mogadishu Warlords and the War Profiteers. The containment of these two segments of the alliance is the key to positive change from the prevailing Status Quo. The rest of the beneficiaries will, by default or otherwise, easily go out of business.


Therefore, it is incumbent on all Somalis with conscience and who sincerely care about their people and their country to combat without delay these evil elements in our society by any means necessary; lest our beloved country will sooner than later disappear from the map of the nations.


We have to think out of the Clan Box and think in terms of a country and people at the brink of oblivion.


Said Saryan


Dubai , UAE






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In Conclusion , this unholy alliance who maintain the rotten Status Quo pause a formidable challenge to Somali citizens who are sincerely working and striving to liberate our people from 14 years of killing, displacement, man-made famine, and lawlessness, which are the bread and butter of this predatory paradigm.

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Duke, The article is powerfully preemptive against potential eradication of Somalia from the map of the world.




UNITED NATIONS: U.N. Council Resolves To Ensure 'Secure Environment' in Somalia


RECOGNIZING the unique character of the present situation in Somalia and mindful of its deteriorating, complex and extraordinary nature, requiring an immediate and exceptional response,

DETERMINING that the magnitude of the human tragedy caused by the conflict in Somalia , further exacerbated by the obstacles being created to the distribution of humanitarian assistance, constitutes a threat to international peace and security,

GRAVELY ALARMED by the deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Somalia and UNDERLINING the urgent need for the quick delivery of humanitarian assistance in the whole country,

NOTING the efforts of the League of Arab States, the Organization of African Unity, and in particular the proposal made by its chairman at the 47th regular session of the General Assembly for the organization of an international conference, and the Organization of the Islamic Conference and other regional agencies and arrangements to promote reconciliation and political settlement in Somalia and to address the humanitarian needs of the people of that country,


COMMENDING the ongoing efforts of the United Nations, its specialized agencies and humanitarian organizations and of non- governmental organizations and of states to ensure delivery of humanitarian assistance in Somalia ,

RESPONDING to the urgent calls from Somalia for the international community to take measures to ensure the delivery of humanitarian assistance in Somalia ,

EXPRESSING GRAVE ALARM at continuing reports of widespread violations of international humanitarian law occurring in Somalia , including reports of violence and threats of violence against personnel participating lawfully in impartial humanitarian relief activities; deliberate attacks on non- combatants, relief consignments and vehicles, and medical relief facilities; and impeding the delivery of food and medical supplies essential for the survival of the civilian population,

DISMAYED by the continuation of conditions that impede the delivery of humanitarian supplies to destinations within Somalia , and in particular reports of looting of relief supplies destined for starving people, attacks on aircraft and ships bringing in humanitarian relief supplies, and attacks on the Pakistani UNOSOM (United Nations Operation in Somalia ) contingent in Mogadishu,

TAKING NOTE with appreciation of the letters of the Secretary-General of 24 November 1992 (S/24859) and of 29 November (S/24868),

SHARING the Secretary-General's assessment that the situation in Somalia is intolerable and that it has become necessary to review the basic premises and principles of the U.N. effort in Somalia , and that UNOSOM's existing course would not in present circumstances be an adequate response to the tragedy in Somalia ,

DETERMINED to establish as soon as possible the necessary conditions for the delivery of humanitarian assistance wherever needed in Somalia , in conformity with resolutions 751 (1992) and 767 (1992),

NOTING the offer by member States aimed at establishing a secure environment for humanitarian relief operations in Somalia as soon as possible,

DETERMINED FURTHER to restore peace, stability, and law and order with a view to facilitating the process of a political settlement under the auspices of the United Nations, aimed at national reconciliation in Somalia , and encouraging the Secretary-General and his Special Representative to undertake at all stages work at the national and regional levels to promote these objectives;

RECOGNIZING that the people of Somalia bear ultimate responsibility for the reconstruction of their own country,

1. REAFFIRMS its demand that all parties, movements and factions in Somalia immediately cease hostilities, maintain a cease-fire throughout the country, and cooperate with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General as well as with the military forces to be established pursuant to the authorization given in paragraph 10 below in order to promote the process of relief distribution, reconciliation and political settlement in Somalia ;

2. DEMANDS that all parties, movements and factions in Somalia take all measures necessary to facilitate the efforts of the United Nations, its specialized agencies and humanitarian organizations to provide urgent humanitarian assistance to the affected population in Somalia ;

3. ALSO DEMANDS that all parties, movements and factions in Somalia take all measures necessary to ensure the safety of United Nations and all other personnel engaged in the delivery of humanitarian asssitance, including the military forces to be established pursuant to the authorization given in paragraph 10 below.

4. FURTHER DEMANDS that all parties, movements and factions in Somalia immediately cease and desist from all breaches of international humanitarian law, including from actions such as those described above;

5. STRONGLY CONDEMNS all violations of international humanitarian law occurring in Somalia , including in particular the deliberate impeding of the delivery of food and medical supplies essential for the survival of the civilian population, and AFFIRMS that those who commit or order the commission of such acts will be held individually responsible of such acts;

6. DECIDES that the operations and the further deployment of the 3,500 personnel of the United Nations Operation in Somalia OS . . . authorized by paragraph 3 of Resolution 775 (1992) should proceed at the discretion of the Secretary-General in the light of his assessment of conditions on the ground; and requests him to keep the (Security) Council informed and to make such recommendations as may be appropriate for the fulfillment of its mandate where conditions permit;

7. ENDORSES the recommendations by the Secretary-General in his letter (S/24868) that action under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations should be taken in order to establish a secure environment for humanitarian relief operations in Somalia as soon as possible;

8. WELCOMES the offer by member States described in the Secretary-General's letter to the Council of 29 November 1992 concerning the establishment of an operation to create such a secure environment;

9. WELCOMES also offers by other member States to participate in that operation;

10. Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, AUTHORIZES the Secretary-General and member States cooperating to implement the offer referred to in paragraph 8 above to use all necessary means to establish as soon as possible a secure environment for humanitarian relief operations in Somalia ;

11. CALLS upon all member States which are in a position to do so to provide military forces and to make additional contributions, in cash or in kind, in accordance with paragraph 10 above, and REQUESTS the Secretary-General to establish a fund through which the contributions, where appropriate, could be channeled to the States or operations concerned;

12. AUTHORIZES the Secretary-General and the member States concerned to make the necessary arrangements for the unified command and control of the forces involved, which will reflect the offer referred to in paragraph 8 above;

13. REQUESTS the Secretary-General and the member States acting under paragraph 10 above to establish appropriate mechanisms for coordination between the United Nations and their military forces;

14. DECIDES to appoint an ad hoc commission composed of members of the Security Council to report to the Council on the implementation of this resolution;

15. INVITES the Secretary-General to attach a small UNOSOM liaison staff to the Field Headquarters of the unified command;

16. Acting under Chapters VII and VIII of the Charter, CALLS upon States, nationally or through regional agencies or arrangements, to use such measures as may be necessary to ensure strict implementation of paragraph 5 of resolution 733 (1992);

17. REQUESTS all States, in particular those in the region, to provide appropriate support for the actions undertaken by States, nationally or through regional agencies or arrangements, pursuant to this and other relevant resolutions;

18. REQUESTS the Secretary-General and, as appropriate, the States concerned, to report to the Council on a regular basis, the first such report to be made no later than 15 days after the adoption of this resolution, on the implementation of this resolution and the attainment of the objective of establishing a secure environment so as to enable the Council to make the necessary decision for a prompt transition to continued peacekeeping operations;

19. REQUESTS the Secretary-General to submit a plan to the Council initially within 15 days after the adoption of this resolution, to ensure that UNOSOM will be able to fulfill its mandate upon the withdrawal of the unified command;

20. INVITES the Secretary-General and his Special Representative to continue their efforts to achieve a political settlement in Somalia ;

21. DECIDES to remain actively seized of the matter.


U.N. Security Council Resolution 794 is a historic and welcome step to assist the people of Somalia . By voting to authorize all necessary means to establish a secure environment for humanitarian relief operations in Somalia, the United Nations has provided new hope for the millions of Somalis at risk of starvation.

I commend President Bush for taking the lead in this important humanitarian effort. I appreciate his keeping me informed of developments as he makes decisions regarding possible courses of action for the United States under this new Security Council resolution.

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