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I for one like Jimcaale's views. I think we are on the same line. But decroum dictates that if you say I am gone and decide to come back ) you annouce that too. waa maxay sidii nin naagtiisii ka shakiyay waan tagee ogow oo hadda fiidkii....

You are a newbie here and like your friend JB called you Maqiiqane, I think your are taking SOL far too serious, this ain't a real life brother is just a cyber forum, people depart and arrive as they wish, claim and post what they like and act or pretend to be what they are not.. it's just another day another story on a discussion forum like this...


I, for one applaud for Jimcaale, the man is couragioius enough to come forward, critically think and change his views, reassess his conditional support for the Alshabaab like Lazy G. did... The man supported both the UIC and Alshabaab before and that's why you see many of his old comrades, the likes of Geelka, and the young illusionists Kashafa and Che are taking on him ridiculing his contribution, Tolka seems is not far too late to follow that trace... He's neither supporting the TFG nor the morons but instead calling for a peaceful negotiations, a stance very well known for Baashi, the neutral position but that's not going well with many SOLers, they are accused of being TFGers in disguise, Bullokkkks

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Agree. but you took my comments rather seriously yourself. Isn't it? Like they say, preach what yoy practice. And ihave no intention of being intimidated by my status of a newbie; for whatever has been going on before i joined, I shouldn't assume was any different than what i see!

On jimcaale's case, Maxaad Dab shiday! bal meeshaad wax ka daydayayso day? Know I am back will suffice (Now it is no more a requirement, we already know).


Meesha dee yaan la is harawsan! :D

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^Lol, Saaxib Harawsi majiro, there is actually a qualification or a status to be gained depending on the number of years you have been on SOL, you may ask that Horn :D


PS: Joking Saaxib...

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Joke appreciated, Emperor. no hard feelings, I am not that type. :D take whatever i say here as beinf intended to make someone grin; except when stating political positions of mine.

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^You have yet to present a political position, you merely seem to be following otherd rather than leading the argument. You are one day crying for ONLF, the next day declaring your new found nationhood Somalilander, that nationality doesnt even exist... The Weirdo thing of all, you are seen all over the place singing the tune with others that Support the creul murderious Alshabaab.


Perhaps your political veiws only revlove around being anti-TFG, support anything that's agianst the TFG... that's being against something for the sake of it and not having a political position.

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Perhaps your tiny head can't fathom it but my political position is neither vague nor complex. Let me repeat it for your beneift:

-I am an ardent supporter of ONLF (and am against the colonisation of Somaligalbeed)

- I am against the "condom" TFG-with which Meles Zenawi is looting Somalia and obliterating its nationhood

- I am against the dismemberment of the Somali Republic. Contrary to your assertion about Somaliland, I am a dreamer of Somali-weyn.


Now it is upto you to try to link the disparate threads. But obviously that is not good enough a position for an angry and a tribal man. You expects me to throw curses at Somaliland (which i will not do)- the current impassse is not of their making, and the solution doesn't lie in antagonising and bullying the hospitable Somali's in the North.

Moreover, the seemingly myopic philosophy of 'either you are with Somaliland or with puntland' doesn't fit me. it is too tight. I am with whoever is right on the issue/debate at hand. I don't sleep opinionated against one or the other.

Is it clear enough or yet it is too misty for you. "Awqo yatanyaan..." the Amhara's you love say, It is difficult to wake up he who feigns sleep".

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Welcome onboard, make yourself at home and be more reasonable than you have shown in the past few weeks... the stage is yours make yourself heard loud and clear instead of lurking around behind unpopular characters and stop running around like a headless chicken.


I will have respect for you for raising your opinion and having your own views...


Looking forward to have a good discussion with you Insha'alaah.

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^Woow,being a snob there Emperor,at what standard do you catagories others as unpopular characters?



Abtigiis& tolka,welcome to the boards! A new blood is definetly needed to make the likes of Emperor think on their feet.. :D:D

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Thanks for the support! and Emperor, looking forward to meet you soon; but don't be too sure of your catagorisations and metaphysical facts!

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