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Somalia's future is not in a united africa.

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First of all I would like to stress that this is not a post that is asking you about your views concerning Somali ethnicity on the lines of are Somalis Arabs or Africans or such like.


My question is purely Political .


The African union is planning to be a fully integrated entity by the year 2025.

By this date it hopes to have a parliament that has the final say on all questions of macro-economic policy and foreign affairs, it plans to have a commission of directors similar to the European model but with a significant difference, the European model is designed in such a way as to allow the representation of small countries and less economically puissant countries, in the African commission envisioned, apart from some mechanisms to allow for regional representation, the commission shall be based on population.

Voting powers shall also be based on population.

Directorship allocation shall be based on population.

Parliamentary seat allocation as well shall be based upon population.


Religion is whitewashed over in all planning for a new pan-African constitution, (if this is in emulation of the European model where a conference on a constitution was delayed for a very long time purely because of opposition to the word God being added to the preamble is un-known) indeed the foremost proponent and more importantly financier of the whole African renaissance project, namely south Africa’s constitution is being taken as a blue print for any future African constitution, a constitution that actively promotes gay rights, whilst preaching and ennobling western concepts of no state religion or recognition of religion in the BODY POLITIC.


But all these are theoretic compared with what practically could happen if such a situation were adopted by Somalia on the one hand and Ethiopia on the other.


Ethiopia already has the prestige of being the future location of the directors commission of the African union, it has a very large population that will allow it to be very successfully in the running for directorships as well as have a significant share of parliamentary seats in the pan-African parliament.

It is a Christian nation were a constitution such as south Africa’s will be met with minimum opposition.

Somalia on the other hand with its comparably meagre population, will be having a far smaller share of parliamentary seats, and almost no chance of directorships in the management of the commission.

Lastly but not least how will a perverse constitution modelled on European decadence be of help to the Somali people and there hopes for progress in a united Africa?


An Africa based on population and un-original thinking when it comes to issues of society is irreconcilable with a prosperous future for Somalia.


Somalia is to small to be treated with justice and sensibly in a united Africa, and as a Muslim nation were our religion should take prominence in any legislative and political process, we cannot be a part of united Africa.

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Liqaye ina adeer first that is a very, very, very farfetched goal for a United Africa don't you think? It took Europe two world wars and almost a century to come to a single currency that is not even unanimously used.


Second Somali leaders have too much pride and a thirst for power to even begin to give up their sovereignty to the same "jareers" that they abused within the borders of Somalia itself. Liqaye you live in South Africa don't you? Hasn't Somalia made an enemy of itself to the whole of southern and western Africa, because of the Somalis disgraceful treatment of the Bantus?


I have always believed that Somalia's political ties lie with the Arab world. Not because of some "descents" or not, but because of our religion, culture, and centuries of shared traditions. As the library of Congress says:

Somalia has a long history of cultural, religious, and trade ties with the Arabs of the Arabian Peninsula, which lies across the Gulf of Aden. Although Somalis ethnically are not Arabs, they identify more with Arabs than with their fellow Africans. Thus it was not surprising when Somalia joined the League of Arab States (Arab League) in 1974, becoming the first non-Arab member of that organization.

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lool brother smith, that is a very topical avator, only one question is that saddam or karl marx.?


yep it is true that this is an academic exercise, but beyond that, i just wanted to get the record straight over the disadvantages of somalia being a consituent part of the african union.


Beyond that Horn afrique somalis are actually very supported in southern africa, especially angola and mozambique where somalia provided military and political support to the liberation movements.

beyond that the BANTU issue is completely unkown and does not register here.


Somalia as part of the arab league maybe.

Part of the khalifat inshallah

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