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This is the fake farce they call a conference

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Shirka saaka la sugayo inuu dib uga bilawda magaalada Muqdisho ee loogu adeegayo gumaysiga Saliibiyiinta ayaa dadkii horay uga qayb galay waxaa lagu qiyaasay ilaa iyo 700 oo qof oo 400 oo ka mid ah laga soo daad gureeyay maamul goboleedka Puntland halka inta kalana badankood laga soo uruuriyay magaalada Muqdisho gudeheeda marka laga reebo inyar oo kasoo kicitintay Baledweyne iyo Kismaayo.

Warar xog ogaal ah ayaa sheegaya in dadkan madasha shirka la isugu geeyay ay ahaayeen dad u badan jifooyinka Cabdullahi Yuusuf, Cali Geedi iyo Maxamed Dheere kuwaasi oo loo soo abaabulay hab qabiil, lagana soo dhaadhiciyay fikir khaldan. Dadka madasha tagay ayaa isugu jira wax qabiil madax maray iyo wax uu hunguri qaaday oo run mooday balanqaadyo lacageed oo Cabdullahi iyo Geedi la galeen.

Sidoo kale adeegayaasha Tigreegu waxay tan iyo intii shirka dib loo dhigay si hoose uga wadaan magaalada Muqdisho inay helaan dad u matala beelaha aan soo xaadirin waxaana
la sheegayaa in boqol doolar ilaa iyo labo boqol oo doolar
ay horay u siinayaan cidii ogolaata inay uga qayb gasho ayagoo lacagta ku xidhaya inay iridda ku bixinayaan ayagoo hadii shirku uu nabad ku dhamaadana u balanqaadaya qofka
inay siinayaan shan boqol oo doolar

What a farce. So it's come down to this: Loading in illiterate camel-herders(code word: 'wax-garad') like livestock(they prolly arrived in trucks used to carry sheep). Now it would be more dawlad-like if they brought in camel-herders representing all of Somalia. But as you can read above, the only camel-herders oo la soo guray like dugaag, are the cousins of Gheedi, M.Dheere, and Yey. Whatever happened to my camel-herdin' representative ? Fowr-bointi-fife, nigga :D


Taas waxaa kaga see daran: blatant bribery-ga. I wonder how many SOL dhabo-dhilifs would attend the conference if promised $300 + airfare. Should take care of the monthly jaat bill during the Tol-ka meetings.


lol, and the comical farce continues.

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whats a farce is ur parading round here as a patriot while belittling "illiterate camel-herders" in a country made up 70%, if not more, nomads or "illiterate camel-herders" as you put it. Also, though may not be aware of it but we have a tradition to respect elders, these are your elder, have you no shame?

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My boy Kashafa tell me how we can get to the promised land. Can we get there without making:


1. Significant improvements in security

2. Notable steps towards reconciliation,

3. Cease-fire agreements and plans for disarmament,

4. Demobilization and reintegration.


TFG, Somaliland, Puntland, UIC et al are all playing the game. TFG wants to see itself standing as we move toward the post-conflict era. Somaliland knows very well that it has to sit down with the South and make an arrangement with whoever emerges from Benadir. Puntland made its move long time ago and claims stake in Somaliland and demand regional autonomy from the South admin's central government, and UIC is positioning itself as a political entity with wide cross-community appeal. It runs on Islamic platform and wants to constitute Islamic state over the ashes of the Somalia that once existed.


You see none will realize their goals so long the core Somalis problems are left unresolved. Each can pitch their brand after the country is stablized. How and under what terms are legit questions laakiin addigu bal aashaada oo cagaha dhulka dhig boowe.


Question to Kashafa: do you have a patent on piety? I will spill some ink on your answer awoowe. Don't go awol on me now.

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