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The Day of Somaliland Students Died Young:

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"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."

Dr. Martin Luther King



It was one of these small, yet fine, contributions that escaped the attention of many people, let alone their appreciation. May 2 nd , the Day of the Students of Somaliland Universities, stands still up the debris of the civil wars and clan partisan. It is the new struggle of the students, by the students, for the students to cross the boundaries of clan geography divided amongst them to start building a future where unity, liberty, and human dignity prevail. It is an intellectual consortium, emotionally healthy endeavour, and spiritual communion of the young, or to use the buzzword of politicians and social entrepreneurs of the day even though rarely do they mean it, the future leaders of this nation and, hopefully, this continent.


It is not in the intention of this paper to establish the history of this day. Nonetheless, the paper refers to some of the key events to create a fingertip feeling for those who missed the glory of this day!


May 2 nd started small – from the mental workshop of a junior student at Amoud – and grew slowly – to bringing students on board and increasing the circle of influence day in and out.


As a student, I have enjoyed their contribution as they put me to the grip of a tertiary education in a distance not 4km away from home, a distance I could cover in a thirty- minute walk! On the other hand, I have always felt the burden of shouldering the responsibility that comes with enjoying what the society has put together for us.


Creating Hope For Tomorrow's Generation is probably the answer and the only option seeking unity in Somalia!

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