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They are posting picture of a corpse which they claim was the prisoner of war that died in hospital due to sustaining heavy wounds. The lasqoray boys are saying "that he was strangled by farole mob"


U can see the pics of the corpse here


I doubt it is even genuine I am going to search for jamac ducale picture and see if's online but i doubt it is.

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Cawke, you shouldn't have posted it. Such media tactics which started during Ethiopia's occupation is way too out of the ordinary. It's designed to incite and anger the public.

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Nassir well these media outlets are the ones posting you will never puntland website posting that sort of graphic material.


Horseed/RBC/ALL PUNTLAND/DALJIR the respectable media of our state actually follow journalistic guidelines. How-ever this mob las-qoray and galgala are just trying to set anger between clans by posting such filth.


Allidamaale was right to beware of the two lasqoray site and allsanaag.

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Nassir jidbaale did the same thing over the buhodle incident showing the habashi body being dragged thru the street. I don't know but emotions are running way to high on makhir/darawish side of things.


Emotions are high also on the ssdf camp however not that high compared to them lol

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Nassir think about it bro. Shaykh atam has claimed a mamul, he rounded up soldiers and says "im going to overthrow puntland administration". He then proceeded to attack darawish stationed at the karin base the darawish returned fire because they were being attacked.


Farole then sent re-enforcement and now it's on standby and god knows when it will start again. But tell me have u ever seen an ssdf shaykh rounding up soldiers and saying i am going to overthrow puntland govt? no sxb u dont and if you did the puntland admin would respond in the exact the same fashion as it did to galgala.


So I dont know why the makhiris are going overboard if they are fair minded and assess what has occured and put down the clan goggles for 1 sec you will see who is right and wrong.


Puntland is not there by force. The govt has the support of the elders from that region. So what excuse do they have?


Just be realistic. Puntland wa mamul iyo waxa joggo koox kale mamul isku sheegay and to make matters worse they wanted to overthrow the current govt which naturally means their will be reponse.

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