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God... instructed me to strike at Saddam

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Is a quote from George "Whopper" Bush. He was speaking to Ariel Sharon and Mahmoud Abbas at the last peace summit:


"God told me to strike at al-Qaida and I struck them, and then He instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East. If you help me, I will act, and if not, the elections will come and I will have to focus on them."


At first I thought this was a joke but I wouldn't put anything past the mental midget, coke head from Crawford. Every sick cultist and tyrant in the history of the world from the Roman Caesars to Adolph Hitler to Jim Jones believed they had some special line to "god" and a divine provenance of sorts that nobody else had. Delusional meglomania seem to come with the terretory.


I'm not saying that God does not speak to his people directly from time to time. I'm saying he doesn't speak to apostate, eccumenicalist liars, criminals and thieves like Bush, except to tell them "repent, repent, repent."


Neither am I suggesting that George II didn't(or doesn't) hear voices. He very likely does, but they are not of God, more likely the devil. I wonder if it was "god" who told him about the WMD's, the warm Iraqi welcoming committee, and that the Iraqi's would govern themselves in 2 months. God doesn't lie; that's the devil's racket and Skull and Bones Bush is his highest ranking disciple.

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