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President Yusuf shows his true colours....!

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Qorshaha qarsoon ee madaxweyne Cabdulaahi Yuusuf oo maanta soo banaan dhigay ayaa ah mid dowladisaa u kala jabin doonta laba garab midba midka kale diid doona qorshahiisa siyasadeed meshasan uu kala kulmi doona madaxweyne cabdulaahi Yuusuf wa jabi kabax siyasadeed.



Qorshaha badalida casaasimada ayaa looga bahan yahay in uu helo madaxweynaha iyo golahiisa SRRCda cod dhan 183 cod taasoo aan macquul noqon doonin oo ay ku kalifidoonta madaxweynaha iyo xisbigiisa SRRC in ay ku hingoobaan fikirkooda qotaha dheere ee gadaal ay kasoo riixeysay dowalda Itoobiya .


Diidmadaan lagu diidi doona badalida caasimada ayaa keeni doonta in ay u hayaamaan inta badan xildhibaanada magaalada Muqdishi meeshasi oo ay ka sii wadan doonaan howalhooda halka garuubka SRRCdana ay u hayaami doonaan magalada Baydhabo oo horey xarun ugu ahaan jirtay golahaasi ..


Si kasatba hahatee dadka siyasada idhadha indheya waxay sadalinayaan in Aadan Saran soor diidi doona in dowlada imaato magalada Baydhabo sida hada ka hor ugu shegay saxaafada asagoona sheegta in uu yahay xiligaan gudoomiyaha RRAda,meshaasna uu kala kulmi doona madaxwynaha DFKMG waji gabax siyaasadkiisii ee muga dheraa ,meshasna ay dowlada Itoobiya kuweyn doonta qabsashadii ay qabsan laheyd Soomaliya


This was expected from Colonel yeey he was certainly not happy with what happened in Mogadishu yesterday. Now can he and his henchmen change the status of capital city from Xamar to anywhere else remains to be seen. One thing for sure is that the president is as from now responsible for break up of this Federal government.

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Golaha Wasiirada Soomaaliya ayaa maanta ka dooday halki xarun unoqon lahayd Doowlada ayagoo go´´aamiye markii danbe


Shirkaan waxaa gudoominayay raysulwasaaraha Soomaaliya Prof Cali Maxamed Geedi waxaana looga hadlayay qaabkii doowlada kumeelgaarka ah ee Soomaaliya dib ugu noqon lahayd wadanka Soomaaliya iyadoo ay Xubnaha Golaha Wasiirada ku mrelgaarka ah ku soo gudbinayeen Afkaartooda ku aadan halka xarun u noqon lahayd Doowlada Cusub,


Dood dheer iyo falanqayn dheer ka dib xubnaha golaha wasiirada waxa ay doodooda u badatay in loo guuro baydhabo inta laga xasilinayo nabad galyuada Caasimada Muqdisho,


Intaas ka dib waxaa la isla go aamiyay in la diro gudiyo ayna soo indho indheeyaan gobolada Dalka ka dibna warbixinada gudiyadaas marka la dhagaysto go aan rasmiya laga qaato goobta la dagi lahaa oo xarun u noqon lahayd doowlada cusub,


Waxaa la filayaa Xukuumada Soomaaliya oo Afartii Bilood ee la soo dhaafay iyadu daganayd wadanka Kanya in ayy 21/3/2005 dib ugu noqdaan wadanka Soomaaliya waxaa jira wafdi ka tirsan Labada Gole ee Doowlada oo iminka ku sugan Muqdisho uuna horkacayo Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Sh Xasan Sh Adan,


Wafdiga gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa muqdisho kalla kulmay soo dhawayn aad u saraysa oo aan wali lagu arag sanadihii tagay iyagoo dadka reer muqdisho muujinaya sida ay uga go antahay in ay qaran iyo nabad helaan,


Hadaba mudo shan cisho ah ayaa la filayaa in ay ku soo dhameeyaan wafuud loo kalla diri doono gobolada dalka halka xarun u noqon doonta doowlada ,


Golaha wasiirada Soomaaliya ayaa isagu dhawaan ansixiyay in Ciidamo shisheeye la keeno Soomaaliya iyo Miisaaniyadii doowladu ay dib ugu noqon lahayd gudaha dalka soomaaliya,



Axmed Muusse Cabdulle(Idaawaqaca) Kenya,Nairobi

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c/y wali wuu quusan waayey


lets for second that they all go to baydabo for then they would just become irrelevant millitia just like the hundred of other little groups that are in every town and corner with no influence in muqdisho.


the international community has already rejected the idea of going outside muqdisho because they know it will just be fake government with no control.


you will see soon Geedi will go to muqdisho.. and he will be welcome just like others were with opened arms, this will really put the final boot in c/y plan for peace keepers.



but most analyst say that this so called government will split in two one going to baidabo and one to muqdisho then after that the comedy will probally start :D



that is if c/y and his crew are allowed into baidabo.

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but most analyst say that this so called government will split in two one going to baidabo and one to muqdisho then after that the comedy will probally start

We had this when Abdullahi was elected. When Geedi lost the confidence vote. When he announced his second cabinet. When Musa spoke. Come dont your analyst ever get anything right.


The government has been welcomed in Mogadishu, its a victory for the people obviously not some people :D


It has a plan and its implementing it. It has not rushed but people are rushing it for their own selfish reasons.


As for, when Qaynyare is happy they are happy when Qaynyare farts they also fart. Can we say it speaks for anyone but the security chief who happens to support the President :D

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Originally posted by Duke_Valantino:

As for, when Qaynyare is happy they are happy when Qaynyare farts they also fart. Can we say it speaks for anyone but the security chief who happens to support the President

That is rich coming from you Duke..the same could be said of you. You are happy when the Colonel yeey is happy and you smell perfume when he farts, though I wonder how u balance your act amid Puntlandpost and;



On the question of troops, the President has mucked it up this time, just go ahead and witness his tunure declining sxb...


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Juma, at least I read around brother while you are singing an old tune.


As for the President he was not voted to be popular in coffe shops and resturents. Or to take photo ops. He was voted in to bring change and he already has.


For an educated man, you do seem to belive in hearsay written by your kinsfolk. Read around I suggest some sources for you Abti.


Qranpress is a faboulous paper.

www.somaliweyn and Dayniile are average.


Avoid at all cost rubish like.

But hey its hard to avoid the family right :D

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Originally posted by Duke_Valantino:

But hey its hard to avoid the family right

I pray not to come to a position to reject and avoid the family..amiin..!


As for you and your adeero(by adeero I mean Yeey ) I would like to say ;

"hashu hadey maqarka dideyso meel dulesha ayey ka dey-deyda"

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The government has been welcomed in Mogadishu, its a victory for the people obviously not some people




whats happening to you it seems you not up to date with uncle beer laxoox political desires, you see the fact that these people were welcomed in muqdisho was a blow to uncle beerlaxoox, because if what is happening is victory for c/y then why is he suddenly making a u turn and going back to "lets make baydabo capital" issue again.


its because my son his claim of muqdisho being deathtrap for anyone from this government is been getting alot of bad publicity. :D


so with all avenues closed he has once again totaly abadoned muqdisho and gone back to baydabo, even though the international community said a big no no to that, but it shows the man is in no win situation.


the only thing left to do is for Geedi to visit muqdisho and when that happens the international community will simply say well what are you waiting for beerlaxoox get on your horse or vacate the seat :D

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Originally posted by Qudhac:

so with all avenues closed he has once again totaly abadoned muqdisho and gone back to baydabo, even though the international community said a big no no to that, but it shows the man is in no win situation.

And the International community have seen what happened in Mogadishu yesterday through CNN and SkyNews. The latter actually have a cameraman and a reporter (David Chatter) in the ground Mogadishu.


Abdulahi does not want to come to Mogadishu and has no more card up his chest, he has laid down all of them on the table. Now the Mogadishu warlords who have danced to his every tune in past will have to show their stance now....and I fear it will bring an end to what was a hope for Somalia.

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Qudac, my brother Mogadishu is the Somali capital. However it has a decade long problem of having various well armed millitia under the lose control of clan lords, business men and so called courts.


Now as for your President his aim is to bring back control, normality and a sense of order back to the capital. So far everything is working. A national government representing Somalia's clans has been formed and is functioning. The international community is taking notice. The AU, Igad and the Arab league have all made promises to support and most have recognised the AY government.

The peace troops requested are coming, some finances have arrived. Government officials & MP's have been to parts of the country, Puntland, Bay & Bakool and now Mogadishu. They all have been welcomed. There is a huge support for the government as seen in Mogadishu, Gedo Bay & Bakool and Beledweyne.


Remember its only been 5 months since the completion of peace talks and things have changed. Including a smooth transfer of power in Puntland and strengthening its grip on SOOL, SANAG & CAYN.


Apart from hearsay and wishful, selfish thinking what do you bring to the table, what facts?


Our President meets heads in Abujaa yours is holed up in Cape Town making a silly business deal ;)

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Originally posted by Duke_Valantino:

There is a huge support for the government as seen in Mogadishu, Gedo Bay & Bakool and Beledweyne.

I could not agree with you more although things may change if the government does not move smoothly and wisely.



Originally posted by Duke_Valantino:

Our President meets heads in Abujaa ...

Remember A/Qasim has been to many meetings icluding the Arab, AU and UN ones and he could not do much. Therefore, if A/Yusuf goes to whatever conference it will do nothing unless he thinks and acts like a true Somali and does not stop being Melez's puppet.

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hehehehhe its funny how you built such castles from pack of cards every chance you get, i feel for you sxb cos its going to be long fall back to reality.


the truth is your uncle is stuck between a rock and hard place, he knows if he goes to muqdisho he will almost certainly become "hostage" president, his last hope to avoid that was to get 20,000 african soldeirs and with that down the drains and caato and yallaxow dancing in muqdisho and with the whole government abandoning him and joining them pack after pack it seems he is getting desparate of being left alone in kenya. :confused:


so in desparation he is now heading off to obscurity and baydabo :D which will most certainly cos him any financiall help from outside as most donners have put little condition called "Muqdisho" in their offers. :confused:




waar yaa allow alla yahoo ninkan magaalow u daydaya :eek:

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Originally posted by Qudhac:

he knows if he goes to muqdisho he will almost certainly become "hostage" president,

By saying that you are endorsing his fear and the fact that Xamar is a dead trap....wonder how you came to such a comclussion?

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so in desparation he is now heading off to obscurity and baydabo which will most certainly cos him any financiall help

Why is financial help linked to Mogadishu? Please explain where you get this information from, I hope not the Marfish again ;)

Is Badoa in Ethiopia; is it not an important Somali town?

Brother Qudac, stop looking back in anger. Somalia has a functioning transitional government that is tackling our biggest problem security.


It seems all you want is one big battle in the middle of Xamar so you can laugh out load and say “See how pitiful the south is please Britain, recognise Somaliland†as was the case in that dreadful Tv show.


I agree with the President and cabinet on this, Mogadishu is the world to me and others but it should not be a major obstacle. The business of governing can be done any where in the state and its a big country.




Remember A/Qasim has been to many meetings icluding the Arab, AU

Yes that was his stroing point, but he waited too long for the faction leaders and did not have much of a domestic plan. A.Y is trying to get security under control then build up the rest.

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