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Somali militias should keep the peace - US envoy

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Somali militias should keep the peace - US envoy


Thu February 24, 2005 11:12 AM GMT+02:00

By C. Bryson Hull


KAKUMA, Kenya (Reuters) - The new Somali government should use its own militias to bring stability at home, instead of relying on African Union troops whose presence could invite attacks, a U.S. ambassador said on Wednesday.


Bellamy said the foreign troops could play a role in training Somali security forces, but later in the rebuilding process.



William Bellamy, the U.S. ambassador to Kenya whose portfolio includes peace efforts in Somalia, said the Somali government should be able to secure its restive country with militias controlled by powerful former warlords in its ranks.


"Our view is that the transitional government has, potentially, the means to secure its own country," Bellamy said in response to a reporter's question.


Formed last year in the relative safety of Kenya, only some elements of the new Somali government have returned to their anarchic homeland. The cabinet's stated goal of returning home by February 21 passed with the fledgling administration still in Nairobi.


The government, at the urging of President Abdullahi Yusuf, has asked for a combined force of 7,500 peacekeeping troops from AU and Arab League states. The AU has approved the deployment of troops from Djibouti, Kenya, Uganda, Sudan and Ethiopia, but there is no timetable and growing doubts that it will happen.


Several members of government and, privately, a growing number of diplomats, have criticised the plan as a dangerous move, owing to Somalia's longtime rivalry with Ethiopia.


Though careful to say the United States did not oppose the AU plan, Bellamy said Somalia must be reconsider whether AU troops are more of a liability than an asset.


"There is a risk they could be a magnet for instability," Bellamy told reporters, while touring the Kakuma refugee camp in northwestern Kenya. "There are a number of pitfalls in that course of action."


Ethiopia is the military power in the Horn of Africa, and its strong support of Yusuf has bred mistrust among traditionally nationalistic Somalis wary of Addis Ababa's influence.


In interviews, former warlords in the government have urged Somalis to attack Ethiopian troops, and others have said the AU soldiers would bring diseases like HIV/AIDS with them.

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Danjiraha US oo ka hadley Soomaaliya


Mr Bellamy waxa uu sheegey iney tahey in dowladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya ay ku tashato Maleeshiyadeeda si ay xasilooni ugu soo celiso dalka.

Sida ay ku warantey wakaaladda wararka ee Reuters, Danjiraha waddanka Mareykanka u fadhiya Kenya William M. Bellamy oo weliba xilkiisa ay ku jirto arimaha ku lug leh sidii nabad looga dhalin lahaa Soomaaliya waxa uu sheegey in dowladda Soomaaliya ay awood u leedahey iney sugto baaxaa degga waddanka iyagoo isticmaalaya maleeshiyada ay gacanta ku hayaan ninmankii markii hore la oran jirey qabqablayaasha dagaalka oo hadda dowladda ka tirsan.


Isagoo ka jawaabayey su'aal ay wariyayaal weydiin, waxa uu yiri Danjiruhu, aragtidayadu waxa ay tahey in dowladda KMG ahi ay heysato wixii ay ku sugi laheyd waddanka.


Sanadkii laga soo gudbey ayaa dowladda Federaaliga ee Soomaaliya lagu asaasey waddanka Kenya laakiin xubno aan badneyn ayaa ilaa iminka waddanka dib ugu laabtey.

Dowladdu iyadoo uu ku boorinayo Madexweyne Cabdullahi Yusuf waxa ay codsadeen ciidamo gaaraya 7500 oo askari oo nabad ilaalin ah oo ay ka helaan wadamada ku jira Midowga Afrika iyo Jaamacadda Carabta.


Ururka Midowga Afrika waxa ay ogolaadeen iney Soomaaliya u diraan ciidamo ka socda waddamad ay ka mid yihiin Djibouti, Kenya, Uganda, Sudan iyo Ethiopia, hasayeeshii ilaa iminka wakhti looma qaban ciidamadaas Soomaaliya lagu geeyo. Waxana soo kordhaya shakiga ah in taasi ay dhici doonto.


Waxa soo kordheysa tirada dad ka tirsan xubnaha xukuumadda Federaaliga ee KMG ah ee Soomaaliya, dad gaar ah iyo diblomaasiyiinta dhaleeceeyey qorshahaas oo ay ku sheegeen iney tahey tallaabo halis ah oo ku lug leh tartanka mudada dheer ka dhaxeeyey Ethiopia iyo Soomaaliya.


Taxadar uu muujiyey Bellamy


Inkastoo haddaba uu Mareykanku ka taxadirey inuu u muuqdo mid ka soo horjeeda qorshaha Midowga Afrika uu wato, haddana Danjire Bellamy waxa uu sheegey in Soomaaliya ay khasab tahey iney dib u eegaan in ciidamada Midowga Afrika ay noqon karaan qaar waxtar leh ama qaar waxyeela keena.


Dajiraha Mareykanka u fadhiya Kenya, William Bellamy oo safar ku marayey xerada qaxootiga ee Kakuma ee ku taal Woqooyiga Galbeed - Kenya ayaa saxaafadda u sheegey iney jirto halis ah iney ciidamada Soomaaliya la geynayo noqon karaan wax soo jiita xasilooni darro.


Waxa uu yiri Danjiruhu, waxa jira dhowr gol-duleelo oo tallaabadaas ka muuqda. Ethiopia waxa weeyaan waddanka miletri ahaan ugu xooga badan Geeska Afrika, si aad ahna waxa ay u taageertaa Cabdullahi Yusuf, taasina waxa ay abuurtey aamin la'aan ku timaadda Soomaalida warwarka ka qaba saameynta ay Ethiopia ku yeelan karto Soomaaliya.


Wareysiyo ay bixiyeen raggii horey loogu tilmaami jirey qabqablayaasha dagaalka qaarkood ee madaxda u ahaan jirey kooxaha hubeysan oo iminka xukuumadda ku jira ayaa waxa ay Soomaalida ku booriyeen iney weerar ku qaadaan ciidamada Ethiopia haddii ay dalkooda soo galaan.


Cudurada ay ciidamadu keeni karaan


Qaar kalena waxa ay sheegeen in ciidamo ka yimaadda Midowga Afrika ay la imaan karaan ama ay keeni karaan waddanka cudaro uu ka mid yahey HIV-AIDS.


Mr Bellamy waxa uu sheegey in ciidamo shisheeya ahi ay door ka ciyaari karaan tababarka ciidamada nabad sugidda Soomaaliya, marka dambana ay ka qeyb qaadaan karaan hawsha dib u dhiska.

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