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Globalized wasiiro ku sheeg

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I knew a considerable members of the so-called baarlamaan of this dowlad ku sheeg were holders of foreign baasabooro and with dual nationalities.


I also knew the latest rubber stamped "cabinet's" new members were holders of various Western passports, such Xaamuud [Australian], Axmed Cabdisalaan, Jangeli [Canadians], Fahmo Axmed Nuur [swedish], but never realized the vast majority of them were holders of various nationalities. Eleven out of the 15 named so-called ministers are Western passport holders, so are two out of the five so-called vice ministers.


Read the list bellow, with the passports they hold and nationalities of other countries they and their families live in brackets.



Inta badan xubnaha xukuumadda cusub ee Soomaaliya oo la ogaaday in ay wataan Baasabooro ajnabi ah


Xubnaha Xubnaha Xukuumadda cusub ee uu soo dhisay Ra’iisal Wasaare Nuur Xasan Xuseen (Nuur Cadde) ayaa waxaa u badan yihiin kuwo heysta dhalashada wadamo kale oo ay qaxooti ku ahaayeen ka hor intii aysan ka mid noqon Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya.


Wasiirrada ku jira Xukuumadda cusub ayaa waxay badankood yihiin Muwaadiniin heysta dhalashada Wadanka Britain, halka ay jiraan kuwo aan heysta dhalashada wadamo kale oo ay ka mid yihiin Australia, Canada iyo Finland.


Laakin waxaa jira Xubno tiro yar oo iyagu weliga heysta Baasaboorkii Cagaarnaa ee Soomaaliya ama midka cusub ee casriga ah, kuwaasi oo aan fursad u helin in ay dalka ka baxaan, isla markaana ay soo qaadaan Jinsiyadda Wadamada kale, waxayna kuwaasi yihiin kuwo laga keenay gudaha Baarlamaanka.


Marka ay intaas taagan tahay ayaa dad badan oo Soomaaliyeed waxay su’aal ka ka keenayaan sida ay wax u qaban karto Xukuumad ay Xubnaheeda labo Baasaboorlayaal yihiin iyo sida ay ugu damqan karaan dadka ku nool gudaha dalka Soomaaliya ee aan iyagu dalka ka bixi karin haddii ay ka baxaana ay qaxooti ku noqonayaan dalka ugu soo horeeya oo ay tagaan.


Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa horay loo sheegi jiray in ay xubnahiisa ku jiraan kuwo sidoo kale labo Baasaboorlayaal ah, kuwaasi oo marka ay cabaar ka qeybgalaan fadhiyada Baarlamaanka kadb dib ugu noqda dalalka ay Jinsiyaddooda heystaan, halkaasna ay isaga soo meyraan wixii walaac ahaa ee ay ka qaadeen dhibaatooyinka aan dhamaadka lahayn ee ka jira dalka Soomaaliya.




1 - Saalim Caliyoow Ibroow, Ra’isu wasaare ku xigeen, ahna wasiirka Garsoorka - (


2 - Ceydiid C/llahi Ilka Xanaf, Ra’isu wasaare ku xigeen ahna Wasiirka Waxbarasahada iyo hiddaha - (
) [uK]


3 - Axmed C/salaan Aadan, Ra’isu wasaare ku xigeen ahna Wasiirka Warfaafinta, Arrimaha dhalinyarada iyo Isboortiga - (
) [Canada]


4 - Muxiyidiin Max’ed Xaaji Ibraahim, Wasiirka Gaashaandhiga - (Gudaha)


5 - Xuseen Ceelaabe Faahiye, Wasiirka Ganacsiga, Wershadaha iyo Dalxiiska - (Gudaha balse ilmahiisa degan Ingiriiska)


6 - Max’ed Cali Xaamuud, Wasiirka Maaliyada iyo Qorshaynta - (


7 - Max’ed Ibraahim Xaabsade, Wasiirka Gaadiidka, Duulimaadka iyo Dekadaha - (Gudaha)


8 - Muuse Nuur Amiin, Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha iyo Amniga Qaranka (
) [uK]


9 - Cali Axmed Jaamac Jengeli, Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda iyo Iskaashiga Caalamiga - (
balse degan Ingiriiska)


10 - Max’ed Cali Saalax Kaange = Wasiirka Macdanta iyo Tamarta -(
) [uK]


11 - Mustaf Sh. Cali Dhuxuloow, Wasiirka Beeraha Biyaha iyo Hormarinta Dhulka - (
) [uK]


12 - Nuur Iidow Beyle = Wasiirka Howlaha Guud, Dib u dhiska iyo Kaabiyaasha - (
) [uK]


13 - C/risaaq Ashkir Cabdi = Wasiirka Dib u heshiisiinta, hormarinta Gobolada iyo Arrimaha Federalka, (
balse degan Ingiriiska [uK]).


14 - Cabdi Max’ed Tarax, Wasiirka Boostada iyo Isgaarsiinta - (


15 - Khadiijo Max’ed Diiriye, Wasiirka Horumarinta haweenka iyo Arrimaha Qoyska - Gudaha




1 - C/kariin Axmed Cali, Wasiir Kuxigeenka Arrimaha Debada iyo Iskaashiga Caalamiga - Gudaha


2-Xildhibaan Carab Cali Diiriye, Wasiir Kuxigeenka Dib u Heshiisiinta, Hormarinta Gobolada iyo Arrimaha Federaalka - Gudaha


3 - Cali Muumin Ismaaciil, Wasiirka Maaliyada iyo Qorshaynta- Gudaha.


4 - Fahma Axmed Nuur, Wasiir Kuxigeenka Arrimaha Gudaha iyo Amniga Qaranka - (
) [sweden]


5 - C/kaafi Macalin Xasan, Wasiir Kuxigeenka Howlaha Guud, Dibudhiska iyo Kaabiyaasha - (
) [sweden]


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I thought kuwaas debedaha wax ku soo bartay inay dalka wax u tari lahaayeen ,, lakin they proved me wrong.


Kuwa guduhuna kaba daran ,,,,



markaa waa laba daran mid dooro ,,,,,,,,

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Does that change anything? We are all somalis at the end of the day.


MMA, now you consider yourself more of Canadian than Somali, and if an opportunity arises, would you go in for your country of origin? :D


Anway, interesting findings,

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Maxuma haday noqon lahaayeen dad aqoon iyo kibrad leh, laakiin waa nasiib daro inta badan waa kuwa ku hungoobay nolosha qarbiga iyagoo lajaanqaadi waayey sidaas darteed waxay utageen Somalia inay jeebka soo buuxsadaan ileen wadamada qarbiga waxba kuma hayaan.


Still we need educated and experienced technocrats who live in the west and whose sole purpose is help Somalia. In the longer run the Somalis abroad will be a major asset for Somalia. They already kept Somalia afloat for the past 17 years.

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Actually some of them are highly educated people, i.e. Axmed C/salaan Aaden iyo Saalim Caliyoow Ibroow; some even are technocrats as well [Xaamuud being a long-time cabinet member in Siyaad's regime, including holding the finance minister portfolio].


MMA, now you consider yourself more of Canadian than Somali, and if an opportunity arises, would you go in for your country of origin?

:D:D Ar sharciga kale ee wadamada kale ka heystaan ma'aha ee waxaa waaye the problem they are too many of them. If the heat gets too hot, reerkooda u cararayaan, maalin iyo habeena horey iyo gadaal u socdo, diyaarad ku jiraan. Soomaaliya does need a dedicated, sacrificing people, not leisurely vacation iyo a few extra dollars dad raadinaayo.

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^ The men and woman you mentioned have a right to keep their families safe.


If it means that they have to fly out from time to time to visit their children and spouses in their adopted country, so be it.


Its the least we could do for a group of people, after all, they put their lives on hold, and separated from their families, and flew to a dangerous, lawless country inorder to take part in the rebuilding process of the country. (can you say the same for yourself , Mr MacSokor?)


What some folks, like yourself MMA shouldn't be doing is posting their identity, even if you took a link from another website, and identifiying their adopted countries and accusing them of taking" leisure vacations and a few extra dollas" as thought they are thieves.


I honestly believe a human being wouldn't jeopordaize his or her life just so they can gain few few extra dollars and enjoy little perks that come with holding a certain position, wasiir, ambassador, etc. They just have too much at stake.

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What some folks, like yourself MMA shouldn't be doing is posting their identity, even if you took a link from another website, and identifiying their adopted countries and accusing them of taking" leisure vacations and a few extra dollas" as thought they are thieves.

Xaa ka hadloysaa? Revealing their identity? What identity? Ma social insurancekooda soo post gareeye mise addresskooda and telefoonadooda. Sheekaaba keentee. Now that you've suggested, let me post their real identities, oo aan ka bilaabo their passport serial numbers. :D


Most of them, to those named above at least, are qualified, sound people and I am sure are competent enough, which I do not have a problem. I have no problem about them having or carrying foreign passports, either, since I do -- what I do have a problem is, a) they are too many of them with foreign passports, b) Soomaaliya currently needs a dedicated, committed hard-working people that live in and spend the majority of their time inside the country.


Wax, if I can use liberally, three quarters of their time almost ku spend gareeyo outside the country wax ma qaban karaan. Wah. Wax war wareego Soomaaliya maanta uma baahno. Want to hold a respsonsible xil in Soomaaliya today, then one needs to sacrifice one's life, time and wax walba. If you can't, then iska daa.

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Is yeel yeel meel maku gaarsiineyso.


I guess I will have to explain myself in a way that a darbi would understand.


Right now, we have lawmakers, men and women who left pretty much everything they have build for the last 16yrs behind, inorder to come back home and take part in the rebuilding process..


If it means that these same people can fly 3or4 times a year inorder to see their families abroad, by all means, they can do so and you or anyone shouldn't have any objection.(matter of fact, you have no leg to stand on to object or make accusations)


You seem concerned for the people of xamar, and how they need someone there 24/7, well, how come you haven't taken up such a task?


Right now, masaakiintaas will have to make do whatever they can get. If it means the father of 7 children back in sweden was selected as a wasiir of some sort, and there is a need for him to travel to see his children and wife, by all means, thats what they will have to live with right now, because you are not risking your life to go out there and devote your entire life for the cause, just yet.


Things will eventually change, but right now, we are not at a period where we can make demands. Right now, we should just get all the help we can.


What bugs me about you, MMA, is you are in the comfort of your home, or work etc and you have the audicity to question the intention and motivations of the brave men and women who are in somalia.


Couch potatoes should have no say on what volunteers are doing with their time.


Are you a brave citizen? Can you put yourself out there and leave everyone you love and the land you grew to love in the last some odd yrs, just cold turkey? Are you willing to risk your life inorder to help those that can't help themselves back in mogadishu?


Until you actually take such initiatives, hadal meesha mayaalo.

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