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Letter from Ahmed Godane to rer Muqdisho.

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Principal? waar dee wax iskula hadh. Inyar baa kaaga hadhat walaahi inaad is qarxiso.


Hadaan adiga ahay waxaan public forum waan ka fiirsan lahaa. Sirtaada waa la qarsadaa...hadii kale jasiirad yaree halkan ku taalaa lagu gayn doonaa...

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MMA: You are closer to Mogadishu than I am sxb. Clan-wise I'm from Hiiraan so please do not misintrepret the notion Mogadishu society as something clannish.

I am not closer to Muqdisho. I am a real Reer Muqdisho. Waa meesha aan ku dhashay, kuna koray, ku caqliyeystay, kuna sii barbaaray, waxbarashadeyda ugu horeysayna kusoo dhigtay. I would never trade for any other place. It had, has and will always have a dear, special place in my heart.


I was also saying you can defend any group, clan, place you would want to. If it be a clan, wax weyn uma arko. And remember, I wrote earlier too a big 'if,' which meant I didn't say you were defending your clan per se. Their interpretation of Muqdisho Society ayaa interpret gareeye, meaning even if you want to defend your clan, wuuxuu yahayba, nothing wrong, just a misguided priority u arkaaye. Dad ayaa maalin walba toorbino qabyaaladeed kaga soo fiiriyo wax walba oo inta tuban, laguna qoro.

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All injustices that have been committed in Somalia need to corrected. And Insha Allah they will be corrected. Alshabab is committing more injustices so how can they be the ''one'' to corrrect past injustices?




Understood. Mogadishu is a city were most of us are born and bred. Insha allah that city will have peace and prosperity again.

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