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Gang rape of Somali women not in Somali Galbeed but IN SOMALIA

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How can we forget such a dark history in Somalia. How can we forget the people among us[gaalo raac] and their alalaaso for Amxaaro invasion. How can we forget people who support mini-states or Ethiopian satellite states at the expense of Somaliweeyn because of narrow clan interest. What will it take to repair the damage done to Somalinimo by the few traitors. Many question which will need to be answered after the liberation of Somalia from Xabasho. How can we forget such a dark history in Somalia. How can we forget the people among us[gaalo raac] and their alalaaso for Amxaaro invasion. How can we forget people who support mini-states or Ethiopian satellite states at the expense of Somaliweeyn because of narrow clan interest. What will it take to repair the damage done to Somalinimo by the few traitors. Many question which will need to be answered after the liberation of Somalia from Xabasho. I'm very confident Amxaaro and gaalo raac will be history however long it takes but the damage they have done to the Somalinimo or Somaliweyn and the hope for unity among Somali people will be very very hard to repair. I'm very confident Amxaaro and gaalo raac will be history however long it takes but the damage they have done to the Somalinimo or Somaliweyn and the hope for unity among Somali people will be very very hard to repair.[i/]


Shan Ka Tirsan Ciidamada Itoobiya oo Kufsaday Qof Dumar ah oo Soomaaliyeed, Kuna Kufsaday Gudaha Soomaaliya...

Shan Ka Tirsan Ciidamada Itoobiya oo Kufsaday Qof Dumar ah oo Soomaaliyeed, Kuna Kufsaday Gudaha Soomaaliya...


iyo Itoobiya oo Cadayn u weydey in ay Qabatay Muwaadiniin reer Britain ah..


Axad, Jan 14, 2007: Sida ay qortay jariidada ka soo baxda dalka Ingriiska ee Telegraph caddadkeedii maanta (14/1/2007), shan nin oo ah Ciidamada hubaysan ee Itoobiya oo ku lebisan dereyska askarta ayaa qof dumar ah oo Soomaaliyeed ku kufsaday meel u dhow xadka ay Soomaaliya la leedahay dalka Kenya, sidaasna waxay jariidadu ka soo xigatey shaqaalaha gargaarka ee reer Galbeedka.


Warku waxa uu intaas ku daray in dhacdadaasi aysan ahayn kufsigii ugu horeeyey ama kan keliya ee ay ciidamada Itoobiya u geysteen dumarka Soomaaliyeed, balse ay jiraan warbixino badan oo taas la mid ah. Jariidada oo arrintaas ka hadlaysey waxay tiri, ayadoo soo xiganeysa shaqaalaha gargaarka: "Dhacdadani ma ahayn tan keliya ee lagu soo waramay. Waxaa nasoo gaaraya warbixino badan oo noocaan ah," Waxana shaqaalaha gargaarka ee reer Galbeedku intaas ku dareen "Dagaalku marmarsiinyo uma aha ficilladan, mana aha guul."


Waxaa warku intaas ku daray in ciidamada Itoobiya si bini aadaminada ka baxsan ula dhaqmaan shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Dhacdo kale arrimhaas ka mid ah ayadoo xuseysa waxay Telegraph tiri: Ciidamada Itoobiya waxay istaajiyaan basaska bannaanka Muqdisho, dadka basaska saarana si xun ayey ula dhaqmaan oo camcaminaya oo isku deyaya in ay ugaarsadaan qof kasta oo taageeray dagaalkii Maxakamdaha Islaamiga ah, sida laga soo xigtey Qaramada Midoobey.


Dadka Soomaaliyeed ee Islaamka ah ihaanada ugu weyn ee u dheer in dhulkooda xoog lagu gumeysto waxay tahay in hortooda lagu kufsado hooyooyinkood, gabdhahooda iyo xaasaskooda iyo gabdhaha Muslimaadka ah ee Allah dartiis u xijaabtey, waana sida muuqata ee ay hadda sameeyeen ciidanka xabashidu mar haddii shan nin ay hal qof oo dumar ah Soomaaliyeed sidaas u galeen ayadoo aysan jirin cid ka hadli karta oo ka tirsan shacabka Soomaaliyeed, DFKMG ahna ay tahay mid shacabkeeda laga ilaaliyo oo ciidamada xabashidu ku hor joogaan Villa Soomaaliya qaybtii ay qurxiyeen Maxkamadaha Islaamiga ah, warbixinada ka qaadata ciidamada ficilladaas geysanaya, askarigii Soomaaliyeed ee arrimahaas ka dhiidhiyana xabsiga loo taxaabayo.

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Originally posted by n-syl:

Shan Ka Tirsan Ciidamada Itoobiya oo Kufsaday Qof Dumar ah oo Soomaaliyeed, Kuna Kufsaday Gudaha Soomaaliya...

That is liberation in action.

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Where are the cyber quislings who day in and day out defend the actions of the puppet government and the injirleeys?

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Where are the cyber quislings who day in and day out defend the actions of the puppet government and the injirleeys?

Iska sug wax yar kadib ayaa la imaanayee their lime excuse.



Waa ayaan darro inteeda la'eg runtii, waxaa kaaga daran inta dil ay had iyo jeer gaysanayaan ee aan laguu sheegayn....Soomaali maalin aan maanta aheyn Allaah ayaa arinkan ka saaridoono insha allah, and these puppet/warlords government will be brought to justice insha allah, and i hope in Soomaali ay daldasho dhammaantood who are responssible....



Go figure:...............

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What is troubling is that there are some so unprincipled now our women's purity is a source for propaganda also!


I find this repulsive and truly embarrassing for those of Somalis with principle as well as those non-Somalis reading the site.


There are no secrets in Somalia and every clan has a news site on the net. A single rape would not have escaped the eyes of the populace so how gang rapes are taking place is beyond me!

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Originally posted by HornAfrique:

What is troubling is that there are some so unprincipled now our women's purity is a source for propaganda also!


I find this repulsive and truly embarrassing for those of Somalis with principle as well as those non-Somalis reading the site.


There are no secrets in Somalia and every clan has a news site on the net. A single rape would not have escaped the eyes of the populace so how gang rapes are taking place is beyond me!


They made this up?

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My haunch.


Some news sites like Waagacusub are reporting thievery of milk cartons. Rape would have long bombarded this forum if it was happening.

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My haunch.


Some news sites like Waagacusub are reporting thievery of milk cartons. Rape would have long bombarded this forum if it was happening.

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My haunch.


Some news sites like Waagacusub are reporting thievery of milk cartons. Rape would have long bombarded this forum if it was happening.

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Originally posted by HornAfrique:

Rape would have long bombarded this forum if it was happening.

That statement doesnt sound like a Hunch Horn...are you sure its a hunch or ?

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