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Somali Mujahideen Gain New Support for Testing Times

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An insurgent commander based in the semi-autonomous region of Puntland in northern Somalia continues to pledged his allegiance to Ash Shabab Mujahideen group, a move that threatens to destabilize a key secular ally of the Christian Crusaders in Somalia.


The commander, Sheikh Mohamed Said Atom, the so-call "tribal leader," said he would fight the Puntland government until it agreed to impose strict Islamic law. His forces continue to clashed with Puntland soldiers, but it was not until recently that he announced his alignment with Ash Shabab, the group that claimed responsibility for the bombings in Uganda.


“Shabab are our brothers,” Mr. Atom said in a message broadcast by Somali radio stations and Web sites on Wednesday. “We are members of the Shabab, and the Shabab are members of us. We have good contacts. We are united in our objectives.”


Puntland is the northeastern corner of Somalia and had been under the vicious secular rule the murtadeen faction of former president and warlord Abdullahi Yusuf. It is controlled by a clan-based administration and was one of the few areas of Somalia safe enough for Western aid workers spies and military advisors to work on a regular basis in their attempts to undermine Islam in Somalia.


Sheikh Mohamed Said Atom’s fighters have waged an intense battle against Puntland’s forces in the Galgala mountains near the city of Boosaaso. Puntland’s authorities said 13 combatants had been martyred, including one of the Mujahideen’s top commanders, which Sheikh Mohamed Said Atom confirmed.


Sheikh Mohamed Said Atom remains is unbowed and is based up in the mountains and told his followers that Shariah, the legal code of Islam based on the Quran was the only way and had been given a bad name.


It is not clear if the Shabab, who control almost all of south-central Somalia, are providing weapons or fighters to this new front against one of the chief enemies of the law of Allah in Somalia.


Sheikh Mohamed Said Atom said that a few years ago he tried to persuade Puntland officials to impose Islamic law but that they tried to arrest him for his calling.


The aid is timely for Ash-Shabab and their allies in Hizbul Islam who have made gains against the Christian crusaders proping up the secularist government of UN appointed ‘President’ Sheikh Ahmed Sharif. While the Puntland’s government are still occupied fighting in the north, it will prevent them from sending reinforcements to aid Ahmed Sharif who is battling to hold on to just a few square blocks of the capital. mes/

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Mr. Atom and the Shabab it seems are united in their objectives, and if so I think it's fair to say the whole VOA staff should be fired for wrongly portraying Puntland's forces in the Galgala mountains near the city of Bosaso. This is more than clan skirmish, the state of Puntland is at stake.

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Puntland's war against Al Qaeda in the Gulf of Aden


By Mohamed Deeq Yussuf


Oct. 06, 2010


Recent report by the Voice of America titled "Clan Rivalry Complicates Terrorism Fight in Puntland" bizarrely argues that any US assistance or cooperation with Puntland will somehow result in creating an intra-sub-clan war and instability in Puntland.


Arguments in the article are based on analysis conducted in Nairobi Kenya and little field verification or reporting. Indeed the report sounded much like pro-Islamist propaganda spread by web-sites associated with Al-shabaab, Hizbul Islam and half-dozen other sub-groups affiliated in Southern Somalia.


Unfortunately these propaganda-like arguments position VOA amidst Somalia's propaganda war. Similarly it unintentionally and unfairly creates an appearance that the neutral American journalist is party to Somalia's propaganda war and sadly on the Islamist side.


As reported by Voice of America and other international media, the U.N. Monitoring group for Somalia identified Mohamed Siad Atom as the principle supplier of arms to Islamist forces that control much of southern Somalia. This was verified information upon which the Government of Puntland and its allies (including the US) acted against Mr. Atom’s terror network. The United States Treasury Department froze the assets the suspected Islamist militants in Somalia including Atom’s Al-Qaida In Gulf of Aden (AQGA).


The Government of Puntland has also initiated traditional approaches to disarm Atom's group by sending local clan elders to advise Atom's terror network to disarm and surrender to the authorities. Earlier in 2010, Puntland’s clan elders of the ***** sub-clan (a sub-clan of the greater ***** clan) which includes among others the sub-sub-clan of Mr. Atom the "**********" have repeatedly attempted to peacefully disarm Mr. Atom's Al-Qaida in Gulf of Aden.


However, Atom's small but brutal terror network rejected to recognize the elders and refused all and any attempt to peacefully disarm. "Al-Qaida in the Gulf of Aden" (AQGA)has demanded the clan elders to support AQGA's primary objective to dismantle Puntland and impose strict Taliban style Sharia Law which of course the elders of the ***** clan denounced. Leading to subsequent attacks. Atom's highly condensed small has orchestrated number of attacks against civilians and government troops in an effort to achieve AQGA's stated goal in overthrowing of what they call "the infidel serving government of Puntland".


The popular opinion against Atom's attacks and his rejection of the ***** sub-clan's proposed disarmament has resulted in the condemnation of Atom's terror network and popular mobilization to eliminate AQGA. With this overwhelming support of local clans, Puntland security forces acted swiftly to stop Al-Qaida in Gulf of Aden. The security forces have defeated and dismantled nearly half-dozen bases controlled by AQGA. Local ***** clan members throughout Puntland have supported Puntland its fight to eradicate Al-Qaida in Gulf of Aden from the region and to uphold the will of the local people.


According to many Somalia observers and policy expert, the region has been target for Al-Qaida affiliates since early 1990s when Al- Ittihad Islami attempted to capture the port city of Bosaso. But was defeated by the local ***** clan. This among other things was a cornerstone in establishment of Puntland "a governing authority" that represents the aspirations of the local ***** clan and their ***** clansmen in northern Somalia.


Puntland was first established in August 1998 under "***** Clan Convention" which equitably appropriated its ***** sub-clans parliamentary and executive branch positions by quota. Contrary to the VOA's reports all the clans that created Puntland maintain membership by pre-defined quota in all affairs of the state. A fact that could have been verified by a field trip to Puntland.


Moreover, Atom’s Al-Qaida sub-branch AQGA is illegitimate to be a representative any of the ***** sub-clans. The reasoning of AQGA representing any sub-clan defies the local traditions and the customary laws. Unlike many African tribes, the Somali clan has a well-defined structure and leadership that cannot be assumed but any individual , a fact that the VOA report conveniently omits while advancing a fictitious clan rivalry.

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"A Sophism of Clan Rivalry"


The Somali American Diaspora and for that matter the people of Somalia's Puntland who have been successful in defeating the Islamist twice; Ittihad in 1990s or Atom's network in 2010 deserve factual analysis to present the reality on the ground if their allies in America cann’t afford them partnership against Al-Qaida in the Gulf of Aden.


While the VOA report talks about non-existent clan rivalry at the sub—sub clan level within the *****, yet on the other hand, there is no mention of clan rivalry and conflict between ***** clan against the breakaway Somaliland. If the premise and arguments raised by the article are logically complete then the US should not cooperate with Somaliland for fear of alienating the ***** clan in Somaliland who oppose Somaliland.


VOA and the reporter have shown a great deal of care in reporting possible cautionary consequences of America's policy, except that the warning was entirely based on false premises. Making the report another piece of Somalia's propaganda war and chatter in pro-Islamist Somali web-sites.

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VOA & dil ka dhacey Dhahar


6 Oct 6, 2010 - 10:25:54 AM


Waxaa maanta 6 Oct, 2010 lagu diley degmada Dhahar 2 nin oo xoolo dhaqata ah halka la dhaawacey labo kale kuwaasoo daba joogey roobab ka da'ay galbeedka magaalada Qardho.


Labada nin oo walaalo ahaa ayaa la kala oran jirey Siciid Shire Cartan [ Jeenicad] iyo Maxamad Shire Cartan [ Jeenicad] ayaa dilkooda cabsi wayn ku abuurey dadka degaanka ah madaama aysan jirin colaad horey uga dhexeysay beelaha halkaas wada daga.


Odayaal dhaqameedyo ayaa isla maanta u ambabaxey degmada Dhahar kuwaasoo aasey labada marxuun halka ay soo qaadeen dhaawaca labada kale.


Dilkaan ayaa lagu sheegey aano qabiil oo horey uga dhexeysay beelaha walaalaha ah ee halkaas wada daga balse waxaa shaki weyn laga muujiyey waqtiga ay ku soo beegantey aarsigaan qabiil.


Dowlada Puntland ayaa wada dadaal ay ku qaboojineyso qoysaska labadaan nin laga diley iyadoo xiriiro la sameysay waxgarad badan oo ka tirsan labadaan beelood.


Warbaahinta VOA ayaa dhowaan qortey maqaal ay kaga hadleyso in laga yaabo in colaadi dhexmarto beelaha wada daga Puntland hadii dowladda Mareykanka tageerto.


Waxaa markhaanti ma doonta ah in magaalada Bosaso lagu dilo dad isugu jira waxgarad iyo saraakiil dowladeed kuwaasoo dilalkooda lala xiriiriyo kooxaha xag jirka iyagoo adeegsada dadka degaanka iyo kuwa banaanka uga yimid Puntland balse aan marna keenin aargoosi qabiil.


Ciidamada Puntland ayaa dhinaca kale dagaal kula jira kooxaha xag jirka oo ku dhumaleysta buuraha ku dhow degaanka Galgala iyadoo aysan arinkaas wax colaada ah dhex dhigin dadka walaalaha ee wada daga Puntland.

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