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Silk pocket squares

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I know that wearing silk is prohibited for men, but I'm not sure to what extent, what's the full ruling?


I've got a pocket square that's made entirely of silk, and since I'll only be carrying it in my pocket (with part of showing obviously), is it still considered haram?


I did a quick google and only found a fatwa given by a mr ayatullah al-khu'i from a shia forum.. :-/

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Salaam, I really need an answer for this.

Is carrying silk in your pocket for decorative purposes haram? If you can link me with a useful article then that would help too.

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Sh. Nur would be the one to answer such matters, but in his absence let me inform you of the following.


There is a consensus among scholars that the silk content in men's clothes should not exceed the size of four fingers in width –making reference to a Hadeeth narrated by Umar ibn Khattab (ra) and reported in Saheeh Muslim. If your four fingers can fit into that pocket (in all likelihood they will), then that would be a good indicator for its impermissibility. Even if it didn't, if when the material unfolded as a piece without shapes, its width still exceeds the size of four fingers, then again that would be out of bounds.


In any case, it's better for men to avoid silk at any cost whatever size, shape or decorative (especially fashionable) purposes unless you have a medical excuse.


I've seen a Fatwa on this subject in, you'll do good to visit there for more information.

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