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Madaxa Guddiga Wada-tashiga Caabudwaaq oo gaashaanka ku dhuftay in Maxkamad la dhiso.

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Madaxa Guddiga Wada-tashiga ee Beesha degta Degmadda Caabuud-waaq , oo gaashaanka ku dhuftay in Maxkamad Islaami ah laga hirgaliyo deegaanadooda.


Mogadishu , Arbaco, Nov 22, 2006


Gudoomiyaha Golaha Wad-tashiga ee Beesha *****, Sheekh Liibaan Xaaji Maxamuud, ayaa ku tilmaamay GMIS inay yihiin Urur siyaasadeed, aan wax Maxkamad Islaami ah ka hirgelin karin Degmadda Caabuud-waaq.


Gudoomiyaha Goloha wada tashiga Beesha ***** oo Idaacada Simba u waramay habeenimadii xalay ayaa sheeegay sheegay in aysan raali ka ahayn imaansha ciidamada maxkamdaha qaybkamid ay ah tageen Magaalada Caabud-waaq.


Waxaa uu Seehkh liibaanuu ku tilmaamay in ciidamada Magaaladasi tagay ay ahaayen kuwo kooban oo iminkana la isku qilaafsan yahay isla markaana soo galitaankoodoo Degmada Caabud-waaq ay kala kulmeen is hortaag koobnaa oo rasaasi lahuwiyay.


Sheekh Liibaan ayaa sodoo kale sheegay in ay wateen rag kooban oo aanan ka tarjumin Beesha *****, balse aysan ogalayn dadka deegaanka isla markaana aan la isku wafain imaansiyaha maxkamadaha ee Caabud-waaq oo dadka deegaanka 99% ay kasoo horjeedaan.


Gudoomiyaha Golha wada tashiga ayaa waxaa kaloo ee uu sheegay in ay maxkamdahu yirihiin Urur, isla markaana ay iyaga aysan aqoonsaneen oo ay u arkaan rag isku Siyaasad ah oo wax gooni ah ku hishiiyay .


Waxaa kaloo ee uu tilmaayay Sheekh Liibaan, in Soomaaliya ay imnika ka guur guurayan duufaano siyasadeed islamarkaan cidiii raacda ay dhibaato kala kumi karto iyagana aysan iminka raacsaneen kooxahaha ku loolamaya siyaasada soomaaliya waa labada dhinac ee DFKGS iyo GMIS




Simba Media Center , Mogadishu

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Degmada Caadbuwaaq qaar oo ku gacan seyray imaatinka ciidamada maxkamadaha.


Mogadishu Odayaasha Magaalada Caabudwaaq oo maanta ay gaareen ciidamo ka tirsan Midowga maxkamadaha islaamka Somalia ayaa waxaa soo baxaya mucaawarado lagaga soo horjeedo joogitaanka ciidamada maxkamadaha islaamka ee magaaladaasi.


Iyadoo saakay si diiran loogu soo dhaweeyay maxkamadaha islaamka magaalada Caabudwaaq ayaa hadana odayaasha qaar ee Caabudwaaq ay ku eedeeyeen in maxkamadaha islaamka ay duulaan ku soo galeen degmadaasi, isla markaana aanu cidna dooneyn.


Muuse Geelle oo ka mid ah waxgaradka magaalada Caabudwaaq ayaa sheegay in aanu raali ka aheyn joogitaanka ciidamada maxkamadaha ee degmada caabudwaaq, isla markaana ay xoog ku soo galeen.


“ Maxkamadaha islaamka waa in ay isaga baxaan degmada Caabudwaaq waa hadii la doonayo nabad” ayuu hadaladiisa siiraaciyay.


Muuse geell ayaa hadalkani ka sheegay shir Jaraa’id uu ragga wararka fidiya ugu qabtay magaalada Caabudwaaq, maanta waxyar ka dib markii ciidamo ka tirsan maxkamadaha islaamka ay soo galeen magaaladaasi.

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Why do you think they have settled in the outskirts and not in the city?


These are just a dozen men from the same sub-sub-sub clan and even their own elders told them to move their weapons out of the city to safeguard the peace.


Ciidamadaan iyo waxaa la sheegayo waa buunbuunin, Maxkamadaha Dhuusa-mareeb ayee joogaan mana imaan karaan Caabudwaaq mana tagi karayaan inay fitno dadku ka dhex abuuraan maahe.

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dude i would' ve listen to you if you knew more than i do but i can't i spoke to my beebz overthere its sub againts sub and that is the problem they are having.. do you know that 3 of sub...or reer.c....d have been arrested by their elders becuase they want to joint these guys ...and by the way its more than 200 men and not all of them are there. don't listen to the median call your people no one is kicking out anyone its their kids. weather they are arm or not the problem is the ethopian that are people afraid of.. hopefully they will not come to the city and start war

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Xog Ogaal, you don't listen well. That is precisely why there was no fight, no rukus, no problems because these are sons of the city everyone knows and is not in any way threatened by. That is why they were welcomed even though their position is not accepted despite various news sources using this as a political triumph, the normal acceptance of sons to their own city. :D


It is alarming how the tension is rising because of the connection of these boys to the political hand behind them. Some of the more known elders have threatened to welcome Ethiopians into the city if the entity uses this as an excuse to fully enter the territory under the banner "dadka deegaankaa noo yeeray".

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Waxaa xusad mudan, Gedonet has not even written about this story because they do not consider the entrance of this boys into the city as an entrance of the entity.

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I agree with you but the city needs to have one leader that is speaks for all caabudwaaqian instead of going different direction they don't need to support anyone other than the people they came.

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Xog Ogaal, the only thing I am against is blood being spilt. If they agree on a Maxkamad, I will welcome their position and if they oppose it, I will welcome it as long as it safeguards the bloods of innocent. I know what war is like in Caabudwaaq adeer. The repercussions will last for centuries once that pandora's box is closed. There is nothing more that can be brought to Caabudwaaq in the cases of peace and security that it doesn't already have. Ironic as it maybe, this is the greatest threat to long-term conflict of the area.

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i was trying to post pic but it didn't work ...dude my famliy lives there and you know its hard to qax ....qax meel loo aado maleh we need all the peace that we can get

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