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Mogadishu 12, March.07 ( Sh.M.Network) Somalia’s transitional cabinet ministers revealed they would move to the capital Mogadishu in the following week.


On Monday, President Abdulahi Yusuf is due to attend the Somali parliament session, in which the top agenda would be the cabinet ministers moving to the anarchic city, Mogadishu.


Somalia’s information minister, Madobe Nunow, has told Shabelle on Monday that number of ministers would head to Mogadishu. “The ministers will operate in Mogadishu the moment they arrive in the capital next week,” he said.


The news comes as some ministers in Mogadishu reside in hotels, while they are under constant mortar attacks carried out by insurgents, opposing the presence of foreign troops in the country and the transitional government as well.


At least one person was killed and more than five were wounded after insurgents attacked Ethiopian troops based in former Somali Defense Ministry last night. The exchanges of rockets and gunfire lasted in 30 minutes.


President Yusuf met with the national security committee in Baidoa yesterday over the insecurity in the capital.

The government proposes that more than 4,000 Somali forces who took two-month military training to be operational in Mogadishu to pacify the city infested with guns.

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Kamalu Ceeb

dude who Somalidoon btw me and you.

dude i dont need to be baptised by a ******* of your nature into my family.




Afxumada ka ilaali meesha.


[ March 14, 2007, 01:29 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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so u think u is better than me?? i dont think so. Show me the proof...! i betchya millions dollars that i can put a big smile on one of your tribal ladies that she will never forget!!


on the flip side, i heard yeey was pulling fire crackers from his butt!! why cant he just stay in Baidabo and chill with the crocs!! man is nuts. he damn well knows that he dont belong in xamar cadeey!!

:confused: :eek:

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