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The next Somali president

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Originally posted by GOAT_man:


I'm still waiting for an answer. Why did you leave out Cabdullahi Yusuf & Cismaan Caato, and many more, out of the warlords you mentioned? :confused: :confused:



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First of all it was never my intention to compare dictators, I was only reacting to a comparison made by Samakab. When I talked about the town of Halabja, I didn’t get my info from any sources and estimated less than quoted by Bari-Nomad and was probably mistaken. My real intentions however were not to compare the suffering of two muslim peoples. A dictator is a dictator, and whether he goes by the name of Siyaad Barre or Saddam Hussein, there is no need to compare atrocities. However with that being said I have to explain why I gave the Iraqis the benefit of the doubt until about a week ago. It was well known throughout the world that Saddam Hussein was commiting many atrocities across Iraq, but to what extent? We certaintly couldn’t not know exactly. The western governments, particularly the US and Britain where manipulating information about weapons and atrocities in order to best serve their invasion plans. So therefore whatever information came out of their mouths could not be trusted. This week though, a more trust worthy organisation (International Red Cross) has begun to document the graves and we can expect some real figures in the near future. But coming to the subject, I don’t wanna get into a numbers game and comparing one dictator to another. Hussein and Barre were both brutal dictators who oppressed minorities within there respective countries.


Now, Bari Nomad


You can assume whatever you like about my “political aspirations”, but truth remains that you know almost nothing about them. But I’ll tell you what I have observed from some of your previous post. You’re the one who tends to downplay other peoples suffering to justify your own points of view (i.e.unification). In all the arguments I have made for my own views on politics, not ONCE did I resort to the suffering of my people as a basis to justify my political stance.

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when you say Jaale iigaal, are you talking about Ciigaal former president of Somaliland? and if so, what atrocities comparable to siyaad Barre did he commit?

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Please note how Samakab says 'The Marxuum' and 'allahu naxaristo' when talking about Siad only.


It is not easy to compare cruelty of the above mention individuals but one thing i don't doubt is if Siad ruled Iraq, Kirkuk, Mosoul, Basra, and other cities would be in a mess. Saddam used a small amount of 'arsenal' available to him against his people and can you even imagine 'the marxuum' who put pesticides in wells having biochem weapons.



As for who is worthy to you, I suggest Jim Carey for president of Somalia.

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Waa salaamantihiin,


Anigu waxaan la yaabanahay nimankan la baxay "Somali+Land":


1. Askertii waqooyi qalbeed ayaa Siyaad Bare durbaanga u tumaaysay, markii uu SSDF lala daqaalamayey. Horaa looyiri "nin saaxiibkiis loo xiirayoo, adno soo qoyso". Dhibka somalidu waa la soo wada martay, ama hala idinka horeeyo(SSDF) ama hal idinka dambeeyo (see south). Wax idinka kaliya idinku cusub maaha.


2. Waxay igula muuqataa naceyb qabiil aad Siyaad u qabtaan. Sababtoo ah raggii dadka usoo xidhxidhi jirey ayaad Hogaamiye ka dhigatey. Ma anaa waalan mise Cadan baa laga heysayaa. Askartii Reer Hargeysa ma cafis gaar ah baa loo fidshay?


3. SNM ayaa mas'uulka ah waxii ka dhacay Hargeysa. SNM gurigeydii bey dabqabadsiisay. Nin guri muraayadleh dagan dhagax ma tuuro. Intey lagu arkay jabhad dhufeyka dhiganeysa gurigoodii & xaasaskoodii & caruurtooddi. Dawlad diyaaraddo, tanks, & hub culus, kulama aad dagaalami kartid qori AK-47 addoo dumarkaaga & ciyaal difaac ka dhiganaya.


4. Haddaa naga go'eysaa, hadde maqacaga noo dhaafa. Anago soomaali baan nahay, dhulka waa dhul somali; therefore Somali+LAND. Ilaa & haddaa ma la waayey wax u fasira reer waqooyi galbeed ereygan SOMALI-LAND.



Tallo haddaad rabtaan, iska iloowa, oo nagu soo darsama. Waxaan aamin sanahay, in Waqooyi Galbeed 10 sano ka badan ayaad ku dhumisayn independency. Ciil kaambiskaan joojiya. Nagu soo biiraan, oo somali badan Model unoqotaan. (ama maqaca noo dhaafa smile.gif )




Free Somali Five

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Salaan guud,

Tani waa jawaab yar oo ku socota ninka faanoole la baxay ee hadaaqsiga ********EDITED********, isagoo isleh, in garasho guul-geyda ah ayaad guubaabo ku keentay, oo aad kula kuftay golahan gudihiisa.


Waxaan jeclahay, in aan kuu sheego, horaa loo yidhi cadoor dhow-dhowdu uma dhacsanna, hadeerna aan ku xusuusiyee, soomaali gabigeedba wax guul u gaylan tahay galinkaa maanta ah somaliland iyo dadkeeda ayaa kali ku ah.


2- Intii kale ee soomaaliyeed ee adigu ku jirtay ee ay garasho u dhiman tahayna, guul-darano goblan ku ah, waa kuwaa sawaaxili iyo itoopiyaan sidii ay wax ugu yeedhin lahaayeen ay la dul-joogsadeen, taasina waa gebo-gebadda adiga iyo intii guhaad-jabtay ahi ay ku haystaan xeraddii doofaarey ee kenya gudaheeda.


3- Somali-weyn anagaa keenay aasaaskeedii, anagaa midnimadda soomaaliyeed heelan u ahayn, anagaa dowladnimo midowda mu-alafkeed ahayn; maantase dhoohanow aan war ku siiyee dadkii aafeeyey qaranimaddii soomaaliyeed, ee habeenka gudcurka ah gowracay waxaynu wadajir u lahayn waa adiga iyo tolkaa iyo adaarkaagii haligmay ee jaalle afweyne, iyo huwantiisii xaqdaradda ku garab istaagtay.


Taa waxa aad ka faa-iidayna waa waxa maanta xeryaha qaxootiga ee dhadhaab(kenya!) ku dhigay!, ana taan ka hayaa faa-iiddadii qarankii aad adigu ka-wacad furtay ee aad beelaysatay sidaana ku jabay waa waxa calanka iyo qaranka gaarka ah ii taagay!.


4-Jirtoo waa runtaayo, dowlad madfaceed iyo dayaaradeed iyo wixii kale ee aad gacan ku haysatayba lamaad hadhin haddii aad tahay jaalle afweyne iyo huwantiisii!, sidii aad ugu bogsan lahayd guul aad iga naawilaysay in badan inaad igala huleesho, hase ahaatee ma noqon, oo anoo AK-47 haysta oo SNM ah, adna aad dowlad masiirkeed iyo muruqeed ku fadhida, waatii nasiibku qoray in aan barqo arooreed haadka ku cunsiiyo!, heeryana ku saaray!, waqooyina adoo naf-la-caariya qori caaraddii aan kugu "Sanduleeyey!" in aad ka huleesho!, dhulkaygiina huwantaad keenteen adiga iyo jaalle afweynihii haligmay aan dhiigoodii ugu maydhay! hadh-cad.


Jirtoo waa run in aan anna waxaan nasiib u helay in aan mashxarad carab-iyo-dibin dhawaaq ah aan calankeygii SNM ahaa galbis-saarkiisii aan u sarayey qarankayga cusub iyo yagleelkiisii uga dhawaajiyo! hargeysa gudaheeda!.


Adna waa tii uu nasiibku kuu qoray in qaarkiin aad magan ii noqotaan ilaa maantadaa oo aad i hoos joogtaan!, qaarkiina nafta ku aaminaan in ay dhadhaab(kenya) iyo sawaaxili nolosha gor-gortan kaga baayacdaan!, intii hambadda ahayd ee soo hadhayna ay door-bideen in ay afarta cidhif ee aduunyadda ah kaga qayliyaan toolaay yaa "Soomaalaay!", iyo huu-haa afka-baarkiisa ah!.


5-Haadan iyo gebo-gebo, ha naawilin waxaanad helayn ayaa hore loo yidhi!, soomaalinimo anagaa kaaga horeynay, kaagana dambayna oo gaadh ka hayna!, ee ma dantaadu ahayd ood-wadaagnimo iyo muslinimo jaar ku ah meertadda guud, mise ahayd hamuun aad u qabto waxaan la helayn: midba, hadday ta hore tahay waxa noo dhexeeya wa bariidadda islaamka oo aanaanu isla-seegin iyo intiina maganta noo ah oo aanu muslinimo ku maamulno!; haddayse ta dambe tahay huu-haada huuraddu hansaaqday anaa cadday dhul-jiif ah u haya!; iyo waliba halyey hooyo dhashay oo hoobiyaha daran-dooriga u dhaca! hoorka kaa shuba kugu hogaansha!; sidaan adeerkaa Jaale Afweyne iyo huwantiisiiba hoogga! u baday ayaad adigana hal-haleel kugu hangoyn!, hadduu damac kaa galo maandeeqdii somaliland! iyo intii mataanaha ku ahayd la haanshaheeda!.


Sidaana ula soco, farqiga u dhaxeeya halkaan hayaanka ku ahay iyo waliba heeganka aan ugu jiro in aan hamigaaga ah in aad magac iyo masiir soomaaliyeed oo aad maqaar-saar ahaan ugu xoogsaddo aanay taariikhda soomaaliyeed abid danbe u soo marin! oo meel ah!, iyo halkaad maanta joogto oo haraad iyo habsaan ku tahay oo meel kale ah!.


Adoo isleh qaylo-dhaan "Soomaalinimo" ah ayaad mar danbe ku hanan karaamaddii iyo sharaftii umadda soomaaliyeed oo aad ku hadaaqi ama ku naaloon!, taana dhoohanow! ha naawilin, oo waanad helayn anoo ah kii shalayto dumiyey! maqaar-saarkii huwantii adeerkaa jaale afweyne ee magaca soomaaliyeed ku xoogsaneysey ee beeleeystay! ayaa abadiyan ku garab taagan! oo kuu jooga!, oo gaadh kaa haya!, ee dhoohanow dhankayga soo dhuggo!.


Yaa Dunya ah!,...Rag Is Gurayaa!...





[ May 26, 2003, 02:51 AM: Message edited by: Admin ]

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Next time you insult other nomads, you will be banned from Somalia Online. We have had enough with you breaking the rules all the time.




[ May 26, 2003, 02:45 AM: Message edited by: Admin ]

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Finally you show your true colours with all this hate you speak. You talk of ignorance and yet your last post is a perfect definition of the word. You can’t handle a civil discussion on politics in order to explain your own views, and so you resort to ignorant name-calling of qabiils.



I wish you were sincere when you said

idin ma rabno

fact is we long have forgoten about the idea of uniting, but I wish I could say the same for the likes of yourself.


p.s. Somaliland spans from Awdal to sool whether you like it or not.

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some one wrongly said.

((p.s. Somaliland spans from Awdal to sool whether you like it or not ))




I disagree with you in that . i am from sool and i am not part of so called something-land if that some thing-land means separation from somalia i am not part of it. me any my people are part of greater somalia . if hergaysa mafia wan`t to separate from somalia tell them NOT IN MY NAME . tell then NOT TO SPEAK FOR MY PEOPLE . my people are for ONE AND GREATER SOMALIA . so dont lie about my people .



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guraad welcome to somalia online, or are some old member who registered again today just to claim you are from sool? ;) .


samakab anymore outbusts like that and i will deport 100 Puntland labourers from Somaliland :D

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am not part of so called something-land if that some thing-land means separation from somalia


sxb you seem to have such a closed minded perception that you can't even get yourself to uter the name SOMALILAND. So I am guessing what I'm about to say to you will be in vain, but nevertheless I will say it. I agree with you alot of people in Sool have reservations about somaliland, but don't say they are ALL against somaliland. When I went to may 18 th celebrations in Toronto, there was man from las canood making a speech on somaliland out of his own free will. I know it will be an uphill battle to win the hearts of most the people of Sool, but we are gonna try nevertheless. Sool if I'm not mistaking was part of Somaliland when we orignaly gained independence in june 1960.

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I agree with you alot of people in Sool have reservations about somaliland, but don't say they are ALL against somaliland


Sool if I'm not mistaking was part of Somaliland when we orignaly gained independence in june 1960.

Mr. Lander, please don't speak on behave of Sool. We're Somalis and working to unite all Somali tribes into Greater Somalia. Go for your so call independent, but we ain't wit u. Regime in Hargeysa service interest of Ethiopia to divide and conquer Somali. We did not forget Zone 5 and NFD. Somalia is in disorder now, but we're coming back stronger, united, and determined.


Mr. Land, you're misled by your leaders. They are nothing but remnant of old regime. They're using you as bargaining chip to get more ministerial position in new Somali government. Wakeup!!!.


Do you want to validate your so call independent? You got it, maca alf salaam. don't let door hit you on your way out. Ciao.


[ May 27, 2003, 06:52 AM: Message edited by: Admin ]

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Lander you said ((When I went to may 18 th celebrations in Toronto, there was man from las canood making a speech on somaliland out of his own free will.... ))).



Come-on dawg One person can not speak in behalf of whole sool people . the fact is slaping you(and hargeysa mafia) on the face but you are acting that you dont feel it . the fact is that 99.9% of sool people are against what so called somethung-land is trying to do , to divide somalia and somalis , we as sool people are aginst what hargeysa mafia are trying to do to our land ?(somalia), i guees people of sool made their voice clear when they said in one Voice ( WE ARE AND WILL ALL WAYS BE PART OF GREATER SOMALIA ). hargeysa mafia need to stop claiming my land (SS&H ).


Mr.Lander if you wan`t separate from somali you can go ahead , no one is stoping you But dont force others to follow you and what you believe on . stop claiming lands that dont belong to u.

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