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Wadaado: Practice what you Preach

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We all know that the slogan of Islamic factions is: ''Islamic Law for the Somali land and the Somali people''? ''Ku Dhaqanka Shareecada Islaamiga''


It is time they start to practice what they preach.


They should set an example, and let the Quran and the Sunnah of our prophet (PBUH) settle their differences.


There should be a council of respected religious men (Culama) who are known for their knowledge of the Quran and the Sunnah of our prophet (PBUH) who will settle the Islamic factions differences and disagreements based on what the Quran and the Sunnah of our prophet (PBUH) says.


It is time these Islamic factions prove that they are different then the usual warlords and power-hungry thugs.


We are tired of their nac-nac and constant squabblings on the radio and newspaper.



Let the council of Culama settle their differences.

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Somali Pirate,


I believe there are more things we can agree on, if we only cleared out the misunderstanding between us.



The same applies to all Somalis.

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I cna't remember who it was, but on the night of the election someone said on RTD tv, that "we somalis wrecked nationalism, we wrecked communism, we wrecked Qabiil, we wrecked dimmocracy, and now we are trying to wreck Islam by deemonizing it, and making people runaway from it.


Wise words.


These so called wadaado, don't understand when ever they call for wars and non stop violence and endlesss "struggle " they are damaging this great, peacefull religion of Islam.


I think many of them are miss guided but honest, but there are many who are using Islam as a tool to acchieve their goal.

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Muqdisho:-Waxaa maanta bayaan si wada jir ah uga soo saaray Magaalada Muqdisho xoogagga Islaamiyiin ah oo maalmahaan shirar kale duwan u socday Xoogaggaan wadaadadda ah ayaa waxaa ayaa maalmahaan ku howlanaa in ay samaystaan Urur diini ah oo ay iskugu yimaadan si ay u mideeyaan aragtidooda siyaasadeed iyo tan Milateriba.

Warar soo baxaya ayaa sheegaya in Xoogaggaan ay samaysteen Urur diin ah oo ay u bixiyeen “Al-Xizbi Al-Islaami” “ الحزب الإسلام& #1610;“ waxaan ay Amiir u doorteen Dr. Cumar Iimaan Abuubakar.


4 ka tirsan Xoogagga Muqaawimada oo Bayaan ka soo saarey magaalada Muqdisho


Xoogaggaan Muqaawimada ayaa waxaa ku xuseen bayaankooda in dagaalka ay sii wada yaan kana soo horjeedaan wax ku darsiga Maamulka Ridadda waa sida ay hadal kooda u dhigeene.



Bayaan ka ay soo saareen 4taan xoogagga ee Muqaawimada ah ayaa waxaa uu u qornaa sida tan.


Bayaan Wadajir ah



Mujaahidiinta kala ah Golaha Maxaakiimta Garabka Dr.Cumar Iimaan, Jabhadda Islaamiga Soomaaliyeed, Muscaska Raaskaanbooni iyo Mucas karka Faaruuq (Caanoole) oo Maalmahanba waday Midaynta Garabyadooda ayaa waxay soo wada saareen Maanta oo ay Taariikhdu tahay 6.Safar.1430 H oo ku beegan 01.feb.2009M.Bayaan wada jir ah oo ku saabsan Xaalada uu wadanku marayo.


1) Mujaahidiinta iyo Dhamaan Shacabka Soomaaliyeedba waxaan ugu Bishaarey naynaa in ay soo dhawaatay Midnimada Mujaahidiinta 4 Garab ee aan kor ku soo sheegnay lana rajaynayo in walaalaha kale ee ka maqan ku soo biiraan, si Shacabka Soomaaliyeed aysan uga hungoobin Halgankoodii iyo Jihaadkoodii Barakaysnaa ee ay Cadowga la galeen.


2) Mujaahidiintu waxay u arkaan Natiijada ka soo baxay Shirkii shir Qoolka Djibouti mid aan khusaynin oo aysan aqoonsanayn, sababahan soo socda darteed:-



a) Dagaalka Mujaahidiintu wuxuu asal ahaan ku salaysnaa in laga hirgaliyo Soomaaliya ku Dhaqanka Shareecadda Islaamka, sidaa awgeed Shirka Djibouti waxa ka soo baxay in la isku raacay Meel marinta Dastuurkii Imbigaati ee aan waafaqsanayn Shareecadda Islaamka.



b) Mujaahidiintu waxay ka soo horjeedaan in wax lala qeybsado ama wax lagu darsado Maamulkii Ridada ahaa ee aan horey ula dagaalanay ka dib markii uu Dalka cadowga soo galiyay mana aragno wax arintaasi iska badalay illaa nin kursi laga qaaday laguana bedeley nin kale ma ahane.


c) Mujaahidiintu waxay u Dagaalamayeen in dalka laga saaro si aan kala reeb lahayn Ciidamada cadowga nooc kasta oo ay yihiin isla markaana aan marnaba la keenin Ciidamo kale, sidaa awgeed waxaa hadda muuqata in cadowgii la kala reebay kuwo cusubna la keenayo.


Ugu Danbeyntii Shacabka Soomaaliyeed waxaan ugu Baaqeynaa inaysan ku khaldamin dhagarta cadowgu maleegayo ee la doonayo in la iskaga hor keeno iyaga iyo Mujaahidiinta, ayna sii wadaan Jihaadkooda illaa ay ka gaarayaan Sharaf Aduun iyo mid Aakharaba.


Wabilaahi Towfiiq

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I practice what I preach.


I hope more people would do it.



PS: This has nothing to do with Deen, only with wadaado (individuals).

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Of course it has everything to do with deen, u are accusing them i.e the 'wadaado'.

Now what makes u think u are in a position to judge others.

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I realized, rather late, that Sh.Shariif is not worth that much time.


I hope his supporters will present a profile.




Wadaado in the sense of the Islamist warlords.

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We are giving them a chance,


Lisen to the Ulama who have knowledge of the Quran and Sunnah of the prohpet (PBUH)


Let the Ulama judge what faction is acting according to the religion and which faction not.


But they keep refusing the Ulama and want to settle their difference like the previous warlords: political and military struggle.


In that sense they are Islamist warlords.

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But why dont they let others judge over their differences?


I mean if 2 people have a fight they look for a 3th person who is capable to judge between them.


The Islamic factions all claim to be following the Quran and Sunnah of the prophet....why not let the Ulama use those 2 sources to judge what faction is actually doing what they say and which factions not?

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