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Puntland Police Unfoil Explosive In Galkacyo.(PICS)

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Ciidanka Booliska Gobolka Mudug Oo Fashiliyey Qarax Miino Oo Dhulka Lagu Aasey (Sawiro).


Cawil Maxamuud Cabdi


RBC Radio, Gaalkacyo


Gaalkacyo (RBC Radio):- Ciidanka Booliska Gobolka Mudug ayaa maanta fashiliyey qarax miino oo lagu aasey guri ku yaal xaafada Israac ee magaalada Gaalkacyo, iyadoo Ciidanku gacanta ku dhigeen ninkii qaraxaasi dhulka ku aasey.


Ciidamada amaanka ee gobolka Mudug ayaa waxaa ay gaareen halkii looga soo sheegay in lagu aasey qaraxa, kadib markii dadka xaafadaasi degan ay ka heleen xog ku saabsan in qarax la geliyey guri ku yaala xaafada Israac.


Saraakiisha Ciidanka Booliska Gobolka Mudug kuwooda u tababaran soo bixinta waxyaabaha qarxa ayaa hawlgal adag oo ay qaadeen ku guuleystay in ay soo saaraan laba shey oo ah noocyada qarxa, waxayna ka koobnaayeen daasado ay ku jiraan baaruud isla markaana ay ka soo jeedaan laba fiilo oo maynis iyo balaas ah.


Taliyaha hawlgalkaasi miino soo saarista fuliyey oo la yiraahdo Dhame Qalinle Yuusuf ayaa waxaa uu sheegay in ay ku guuleysteen soo saarista miinooyinkaasi si nabad gelyo ah, haatana ay gacanta ku hayaan ninkii qaraxaasi dhulka geliyay iyo laba shey oo ah waxyaabaha qarxa oo ay soo saareen.


Goobta qaraxa miino laga soo saarey oo ah guri ku yaal xaafada Israac ayaa waxaa tagey Gudoomiyaha gobolka Mudug Col, Axmed Cali Salaad, Taliyaha Booliska Gobolka Mudug G/sare Muuse Axmed C/raxmaan (Xasaasi) iyo mas’uuliyiin kale oo u badan Saraakiisha ciidanka Booliska.



Guriga la geliyay qaraxa miino ayaa ah guri filo ah oo ku yaala xaafadaha xiga dhinaca Garoonka Diyaaradaha magaalada Gaalkacyo, waxaana darbiyada guriga lagu xardhey digniino ku aadan in aan guriga la geli karin, gaar ahaan far ay ku qoran tahay Khatar oo uu ka hooseeyo sawir gacmeed qof laga matalay.


Eedeysanaha la sheegay in uu geliyay qaraxa gurigaasi ayaa waxaa uu sheegay in uu san wax lug ah ku laheyn qaraxaasi, balse isagu uu guriga wax ka leeyahay, maalmihii la soo dhaafeyna ay muransanaayeen isaga iyo kuwa la dhashay oo isku heystay lahaanshaha gurigaasi oo dad badan oo walaala ah ka dhaxeeya sida la sheegay.



Ciidanka amaanka gobolka Mudug ayaa eedeysanihii qaraxa la sheegay in uu geliyay guri ku yaal xaafada Israac waxay si toos ah u geeyeen Maxkamada Darajada Koowaad ee degmada Gaalkacyo, halkaasi oo lagu qaadi doono dacwad ku saabsan talaabada lagu soo eedeeyay.


RBC Radio.











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unsophisticated mini IEDs buried just deep enough to blow someones leg or foot off... almost looks more like a scare tactic than actual explosive device.

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Amistad, these explosive devices has been unfoiled by the competent security appartus in puntland, it proves how alert and experienced they are getting by the day and foiling these cowardly acts by troublemakers.


I commend the puntland police force who has time and time again proven how competent they are in keeping the peace and safeguarding human life. Good job

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Good job, of course, goes without saying. These troublemakers as you say should be labeled as more than that though, they should be labeled as potential killers.


Those devices have the potency to kill people and the folks that are planting them should go to jail for a very, very long time.


Label them as Enemy Combatants to the State, not troublemakers.

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Amistad the sad thing is these sort of incidences are becoming so regular that the puntland authorities has created special tribunal court to try and sentence these thugs because the justice system in puntland is just overloaded and usually these scumbags sitt in jail for years and years without gettng their trial.


This special tribunal will speed up these ppl and carry heavy sentences life inprisonment.


Farole needs to let the PIS do their job because keeping the peace inside the cities needs police/pis/and community to work together hand in hand.

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Good job indeed. These thugs wo put that thing there only want to create chaos in places where is order. And that is their biggest enemy order and peace.

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Chief Its quite sad people want to see chaos on puntland streets because we dont wish that upon anyone.


Like the erigavo issue we let that go because nabad ba ka jirta, if we wanted we could of caused chaos however the las anod thing is totally different because 1 clan lives there therefore 100% under puntland.


Anyways its sad that ppl wish this for our state. Notice it never happens in galmudug lol because its obvious the source is from related clan of galmudug

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Cowke, no normal person would want to see chaos in Puntland.


Regarding the whole Sool and Sanaag issue. its one to have a disagreement. But you can negotiate or fight like grown up men under a tree, outside the city. Fight in the morning, then pray together, have lunch and then chew and laugh together. Like we always have done.


But these bombs are put there to create chaos, murder innocent women and childres. You dont know who put it there, why, from which tribe, you can not negotiate with a bomb, you cant sit down and chew together with a bomb nor does it tell you its conditions.


Its the tactic of a coward. xaaaqqq tuuff.

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