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Secular civil society molding Islamists to better serve the needs of the community.

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Collaboration at its most interesting in southern Somalia; Islamists undergoing "leadership training" by secular institution.


Siminaar ku saabsanaa maamul wanaagga iyo culuumta shareecada oo lagu soo gabagabeeyey Baardheere


Waxaa magaalada Baardheere ee gobolka Gedo lagu soo afjaray siminaar ku saabsanaa maamul wanaagga iyo culuumta shareecada islaamka kaasoo loo qabtay xubno ka mid ah maamulka islaamigaa ee ka arrimiya gobolka Gedo iyo xubno kale oo ka socday bulshada reer Gedo. Waxaa degmooyinka gobolka Gedo ka kooban yahay laga soo xulay dad ducaad ah iyo dad ka tirsan maamulka islaamigaa ee ka jira gobolka Gedo dadkaas oo caddakoodu gaarayey ilaa 40 xubnood.


Siminaarkaan waxaa soo qaban qaabiyey hayad samafal ah oo wadani ah oo lagu magacaabo Al-khayr taasoo kafaalo qaaday qarashaadka ku baxayey dadka ka qayb galay sinimaarkaas ee ka kala yimid degmooyinka gobolka.


Waxaa iyaduna gacan weyn ka geysatay fulitaanka iyo habsami socodka sinimaarkaan Jaamacadda Gedo oo iyada hoygeeda lagu qabtay sinimaarkaas. Jaamacadda Gedo oo astaan u ah fidinta cilmiga iyo horumarinta bulshada xag cilmi diineed iyo mid adduunyaba ayaa gudanaysa kaalinkeedii ay bulshada u haysay. Waxaa halkaas ammaan iyo bogaadinba uga soo jeediyey Jaamacadda Gedo dhamaan dhinacyadii kasoo qayb galay siminaarkaas oo ay ka mid ahaayeen, hayaddii soo abaabushay ee Al-khayr, maamulka degmada Baardheere, iyo kasoo qayb galayaaashiiba.


Siminaarkaan wuxuu ahaa mid aad ugu habboon xiliga la qabtay oo ka soo qayb galayaashuna ay caddeeyeen inuu munaasib ku ahaa xilligaan oo loo baahan yahay maamul wanaagsan oo ummadda lagu dhaqo si dhibka iyo xanuunka gaajada ay uga baxaan. Waxaa kaloo uu siminaarku u faa’iideeyey maamulka qaabka ugu habboon ee loogu dhaqmi karo shareecada iyo ku maamulida bulshada si wafaaqsan shareecada.


Waxaa xafladdii lagu soo afjaray siminaarka ka hadlay ugu horeyntiiba Gudddmiyaha hayadda samafalka wadaniga ah ee Al-khayr Sh. Xuseen Ismaaciil Cali kaasoo ballan qaaday inay har iyo habeenba u taagnaan doonaan wax u qabadka bulshada soomaaliyeed inta ay ka gaaraan ayna soo qaban qaabin doonaan siminaaro kale oo kuwaan la mid ah. Waxaa kaloo xafladdii xiritaanka siminaarka ka hadlay Guddoomiyaha Jaamacadda Gedo ahaana mushrifka(kormeeraha ) siminaarkaan Prof. Bashiir Cumar Ciise Nuunuule isagoo adkeeyey in Jaamacadda Gedo ay ka madax banaantay dhamaan ururada siyaasadeed, kuwa qabaa’ilka iyo kuwo diineedba islamarkaana uu waajib ka saaran yahay horumarinta bulshada xagga cilmiga, wuxuun.a mahad weyn huwiyey hayadda samafalka wadaniga ah ee Al-khayr kuna booriyey inay inaysan ka caajisin hawlahooda samafalka ah.


Hayadda Al-khayr waxaa kaloo ay magaalada ka wadaa biyo gelin la doonayo inay ka hirgasho degmada Baardheere taasoo looga kaaftoomi doono biyaha webiga ee kareetooyinka lagu keeno. Waxaa mar hore ka faa’iideystay qoysas badan oo ka mid ah dadka deegaanka Baardheere, waxaana qorshuhu yahay in muddo sannad gudahiisaa magaalada ku hesho biyo nadiif ah oo tubooyin laga cabayo.




Guddoomiyaha Al-khayr

Sh. Xuseen Ismaaciil Cali



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Great news. Shows that there is a synergetic progressive relationship between traditional civil society and triumphant Islamism that now controls a full third of Somalia(and will soon conquer the remaining areas). This is the model that will be extended to the rest of Somalia.(by force, if necessary.)


The equation for the salvation of Somalia and the birth of a strong, independent, clan-free Somali state goes as follows: Islamist oversight + Honest, qualified, and able technocrat administration = Success, Progress, and rapid economic growth inshallah.

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"The equation for the salvation of Somalia and the birth of a strong, independent, clan-free Somali state goes as follows: Islamist oversight + Honest, qualified, and able technocrat administration = Success, Progress, and rapid economic growth inshallah.



Inshallah brother.

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My old friend Oodweyne, forgive me if my topic accorded those in Gedo region a sovereign and independent status they do not deserve, at least in so far as looking from a national perspective. Clearly it is not the case and certainly not my objective. Still, this region has largely been saved from the both physical and spiritual ideological war-game that has affected much of southern Somalia. It has attained its somewhat, if not independent, but autonomous status as a result of not being an environment where a large ideological battle was waiting; credit due to the 90s Al Itihad of course.


With respect to this specific topic, it is clear they do exercise some autonomous moving room and it shows they value their connection with the people, even if the groups to which they bestow fealty might have national and even international objectives. From observation, it is not everyday Somalia's latter day Al Shabaab-leaning Islamists are willing to undergo leadership training. Indeed by virtue of their cause, the Islamist have shown an almost unbridled arrogance that bespeaks their confidence of a divine right to rule, as if they were ordained for such a task. In that regard, it is not everyday they take leadership training, and certainly not in partnership with an announced secular institution whose representative himself said at the venue "we do not support any political, tribal, or religious group except for the advancement of knowledge". That in itself is a profound statement for an institution in partnership with an ideological group who are under the impression only they are Muslims and only their followers will taste paradise.


Unless you mean to say the institution itself is not secular or independent from the Islamists? Of that I will say, that institution has existed longer than the Islamists and the particular brand of Islamists in Gedo, the Shabaab, are not one to hide their tracks or affiliations. Such wordly political maneuvers are beyond their ideological philosophy that damns what the world thinks.


Now if I move to the general socio-political consequence of their rise to power, it has largely been positive. Friend and foe will recognize their tenure in power has catapulted the region into an era of peace, security, interconnectedness, and even development. During the span of the civil war, the region was one of the most unstable if not sharing the title with the capital. For 15 years, wars of all magnitude and levels took place and even both the Ethiopian and Kenyans had their own proxies that were under their payroll and worked for their interest in the region. Peace was never allow to make root, and the region and its people suffered. No security, no services, no infrastructure, no development. Nothing. Now with respect to the issues surrounding the reemergence of the national Somali state and issues surrounding international relations, trade, political linkage and joining the family of nations, clearly these groups are not the future, but for the moment they have given the people a moment of respite and breathing and from my own observations the people of the regions appreciate and recognize it.

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