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What happened to the Fartaag Helicopter?

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Does anyone know how it flew to Somalia from Iraq?


Was it shot down by a christian "Jihadist" from eritrea?


whats next untruth from Mugadishu ICU who declare they are hollier than others?

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The picture used for the post was an apache, but anyone who saw it would know that that picture was used because the picture of the real downed helicopter was not available.


No need for an Eriterian to shoot down planes, there are enough Somalis trained to do that.


Enough pictures on the net of dead invaders. maybe you should see for yourself, how the invaders are being welcomes in Somalia.

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Originally posted by me:

Enough pictures on the net of dead invaders. maybe you should see for yourself, how the invaders are being welcomes in Somalia.

You don't need to welcome us, if you don't want us as friendly guests. Just welcome your countrymen and kinsmen and your president and federal government.


we are there to eliminate eritreans, OLF, Pakistanis all terrorists.


Just be careful. we all live in glass houses. If you use your house to harm me, expect nothing less in return.


Somalia and ethiopia are not like You and I. Millions of somalians and ethiopians have introduced each other in the last 15 years than they ever did in centuries before.

There are enough somalians in Addis Ababa to make a city, I am sure there are similar ethiopians in Northern parts of Somalia.


somalians is to differenciate as citizens of somalia republic and not ethnicity.

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Body count didn't help the eritreans from signing away almost a third of their territory to UN.


Its also a lie.


Only advancing armies have the opportunity to count dead and left wounded of opponent. Retreating armies can't.

Even a child knows this. Don't make more Fartaags.


ONLY the TFG has the opportunity to tell terrorists killed and left wounded, as well as its side. If TFG wants or not is another matter. But ICU cannot tell of Beletweine from Jowhar or Mugadishu while running in panic.

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You are right allot of Ethiopians in Somalia now, all refugees that have fled the Ethiopian state terror.


Are you suggesting Somalis welcome the warlords that have been sucking our blood for the last 16 years? The same warlords that have been armed time after time by the Ethiopians, why should we welcome then while we have kicked themout, Somalis don't wan the warlords and Ethiopia is trying to send then back by force. Ethiopia has invaded Somalia, its not the other way around. It is Ethiopia that is the aggressor.


Do you ahve any prove that there are OLF, Pakistani's or terrorists in Somalia? or are you venting hot air again? come with proves. Gievme locations, names.


Another question, what is the OLF? Is there no OLF in Ethiopia? Shall we invade Ethiopia and help you search for OLF in AIDS Abeba.

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Originally posted by Somali_Friend:

Body count didn't help the eritreans from signing away almost a third of their territory to UN.

It is good of you to recognize that the land righly belongs t Eriteria and that Ethiopia is an immoral aggresive country that wages wars on its own citizens and citizens of neighbouring countries. Ethiopia is a country thats built on injustice and your have just admitted that.


The fact the leadership was willing to sacrifice so many of its own soldeirs for an immoral cause shows everyone here with what kind of people we are dealing with. we are dealing with SAVAGES. You are no different, you are a liar and you can't answer anything.


You can not answer one thing. You are always repeating the same lies. Be a man an answer the questions.

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Originally posted by me:

Do you ahve any prove that there are OLF, Pakistani's or terrorists in Somalia? or are you venting hot air again? come with proves. Gievme locations, names.


Another question, what is the OLF? Is there no OLF in Ethiopia? Shall we invade Ethiopia and help you search for OLF in AIDS Abeba.

Check Kismayo for Pakistani and OLF. You will also find it here on SOL if you check the times the terrorists invaded Kismayo.


As for OLF, if you have the capacity you are welcome. All we want is peace to get out of poverty and backwardness. nothing else. If you want to help us achieve thse you are welcome anytime. We are poor, but we try to be rightous and generous to the best of our ability.

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You are the one justifying invasion, come up with evidenceand since when is SOL a place where we can search for evidence. In SOL everyone can say whatever they want including people like you.


Come up with evidence don't say things like check Kismayo. Come with evidence, UN reports, Intelligence reports. Any evidence that can be independantly verified.


Ethiopia will not get out of backwardness and poverty as long as backward and intellectually poor people rule it.


If you want to move forward, war is not a way fo movng forward, dictatorship and wars against neighbours are not the way forward, its actually the way backward.



So how do you justify the war against Somalia? If you want to move forward.

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Originally posted by me:

So how do you justify the war against Somalia? If you want to move forward.

First of all its not a war against somalia, unless your somalia is only ICU.

The war in a small part of somalia is being waged by imposters who claimed and misused Islam when they are simply warlords. They are worst than the warlords in one aspect. The warlords were somali and their soldiers were somali. ICU leaders maybe somali, but most of their forces are foreigners.


Somalia is being reconstituted and reconciled. The TFG is the choice of somali of somalia for this process.


So the war is ICU vs. TFG

ICU as cheaters wanted first to use Islam, when that didn't work tried nationalism and when that didn't work maybe they will start clan or sub-clan names and propaganda.


Ethiopia's policy to all our neighbors is clear and simple:

We all live in glass houses, lets not play with stones.

Sudan got it in a decade we never have a single incident.

Kenya got it, Djibuti got it, Most of somalia got it.

We are willing to do our part and everyone that want peaceful neighborhood should do their part.

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