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The two Sharifs, What will the result be....

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Wafdiga waxaa kaloo ku jira Geesigii Weynaa ee Jinni Boqor! Walaahi ninkaas waa muwaadin soomaaliyeed oo dhab ah, ilaahey kheyr ha siiyo.


Waa shaqsi aan runta ka gaban, oo qabiilka iyo qabyaalada ay ku yartahay qalbigiisa.


Welcome Shariif to the capital, and doom to those stoogies in Baydhabo.

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Alla-Ubaahne, this visit is symbolic. Shariif xasan will go back to Baydhabo and predictably it will be difficult for him to achieve anything.


Nabadeena hanaloo xajiyo and the islamic laws Allah bestowed on us. That is what matters. Dowlad meesha kama soo socoto.


Abshir BACADLE put it well when he said:


Raxmadi iyo nabadii Rabiggey nooma kala reebin


Maraakiibta raranoo marsada rogaya saabaanka


Diyaaraadka raxan raxan u degi raacid iyo keenis


Roob nagama koco tuugadii sidaan u raacdeynay


INSHA ALLAAH rajadu waa Tigraha inaan ka reynaaye



If the courts can keep to that front line without a war confining the warlords to baydhabo, that is good enough.

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Xoogsade, waa runtaa saaxiib, walaahi anba goortaan iyo mar u dhow filimaayo heshiis labada dhinac dhexmaro, iyadoo la ogyahay sababaha jira.


Laakiin waxaan qabaa in dagaalka uu yahay oo kaliyah inta aysan bishan dhamaanin maadaama ay Itoobiya na dultaagan tahay, raggii ilaahey iyo diinkiisa difaaci lahaana ay sugi la'yihiin Jannada iyo Shahaadadooda.


Ilaahey kheyr ha siiyo walaalaheen Soomaaliyeed ee jiida hore ee dagaalka heeganka ku ah, ilaahey guulna sii, adaa weyn oo waaxid ahee, aameen.


Xoogsade, aniga iyo adiga waa inaan meeshaan qabqablayaasha jooga halmar qabqabanaa intaan IP Addresska ka qorano, guryahooda ugu tagnaa, lol.



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Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne:

Xoogsade, aniga iyo adiga waa inaan meeshaan qabqablayaasha jooga halmar qabqabanaa intaan IP Addresska ka qorano, guryahooda ugu tagnaa


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Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne:

waxaa tahay maskiin lasoo qalday, barrina waxaa suuragal ah inaad nagu soo biirtid anakoo ah
Xulka Xoreynta Soomaaliya

Sharif (bubaye) maad i modey aniga?

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^ Saxib, Some in the TFG are optimistic while others are not. Sida caadada ah waa la kala qeybsan yahay. Wixii u arkaayo heshiiska inay carqalad ku tahay jagadooda iyo danahooda shaqsiyadeed waa diideen nabadda, inta niyad samida lehna waxba kama qabaan safarka shariifka.


TFG ministers

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Xoogsade setting aside your exitement, could you please tell me how this will benefit ICU in any sense? Or other wise how this will avert looming war in which neither will nor gain anything but will result in a dramatic loss of life. Sharif is not here for peace, he is here to endorse the ICU after been humilated by President Yusuf. This latest expedition of him is a show to the TFG that he can make damage. How deep and effective it is will be determined in the International packing the TFG has, and to date it has not declined.

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Juje, I don't know how the visit of Sharif will benefit anyone considering the existing differences within the TFG. Sharif may have come lookig to broker peace as he stated, but the outcome will depend on what A/Y and his group in Baydhabo want. they will ultimately decide for the TFG and Sharif Xassan means nothing to them. On the other hand, The Courts are geared for a war already and won't make concessions on what they deem important to their objective. It is a war, preparing for a war and buying time for a war.



Personaly, I think the courts should forget expanding their ideas to areas beyond the current areas they rule or have influence(they should go to Galkacyo south by ll means if they can and when they can), work with those other somalis in other regions willing to be on board for islamic law implementations in their localities. Provide moral support only. And finally, never let A/Y and his TFG come to Muqdisho unless he agrees to islamic laws and shares power with the courts to ensure such laws are implemented.



PS: The TFG can take a serious look at warlord Aydid Jr's proposal of moving to Galkacyo. That would be best option in my opinion. Meesha taageerada looga hayo inay iska aadaanaa fiican instead of waging a war they won't/can't win in a region they are met only with hostility. They will be safe there in Galkacyo and Beyond. It will be a win win for all.

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^^^Mr Xoogsade some great points and an insight into your thinking at last.


1. The TFG has deep rooted support in Bay and Bakool, much of the former RRA leaders except Xabsade support and are integral part of the TFG, thus Bay and Bakool should remain the seat of government.


2. Minister Aydeed suggested to the President to move to Galkacyu and Mogadishu, I belive it will be Mogadishu in the near future either through negotiation or war.


3. Galkacyu is out of bounds for the courts, south or north, I respect the fact that the courts being a clan entity you supposed they should get a foot hold in their clan area, but the opposition there is too deep, with A/Qaybdeed and Puntland admin not to mention the religious leaders or Sufi's who hold much sway in that area of Mudug.


4. You are right, in that it seems like war, but you seem to over estimate the power of the courts, I trully belive that looking at both sides and their support bases, the fact that the area is not even the clan courts, and should be seen as against them, the locals experience of living under occupation the people of Bay, Bakool and Lower Shabbele have no love for Indacdae, Cirfo, Dhuxulow and their clan courts, I dont see the advantage you give to the courts. Mogadishu will be a tough nutt to crack but not pushing them back up to Afgoyee.

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