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No more Middle Men(TFG stooges), What do you think?

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It is obvious the clan elders in Muqdisho have outmanouvered cleverly and dealt with the real rulers of Muqdisho, The Xabashis. This reduced A/Y and his farcical TFG to a mere band of thugs who failed their masters. The TFG planned to devide Muqdisho into rival clans then use Ethiopian might to massacre one clan and exile them. It obviously backfired.


What do you think of this development and how it will affect our support for the islamic movement we wanted to see materialize once more in Muqdisho?


Are these clan elders at fault in dealing with the issue this way keeping in mind the declarations they made which I quote below me? Would you share the downsides and the upside to this development if there are any on your mind please?



After the meeting, Abdi Imam Omar, the chairman of ****** tribes read out the statement to the reporters as below:


The third ****** declaration.


- After the third conference in Mogadishu on 25, March 2007, the ****** elders agreed on several articles of their statement:


- We (the clans of ******) here be indicating that we have implemented the ceasefire agreement in which we signed with the Ethiopian military officials on 22, March 2007.


- We suggest the international community to support the truce and help keep it emplaced and also not turn blind eye to the humanitarian disaster in the capital.


- The ****** elders called on the Somali population living in the capital to remain in their homes and not comply with the warning by the puppets within the government in which they said to abandon some villages in the city.


- The Ethiopian government should immediately pull its troops out of our country as it had already pledged to quit Somalia after the arrival of the African Union peacekeepers.


- The Puntland militia should be brought back to their settlements in northeast Somalia until to find national government.


- The elders of ****** decided to release the misled militiamen that caught in the Mogadishu clashes three days ago and hand them to their clans.


- ****** is ready to attend the all-inclusive national reconciliation conference after the implementation of the ceasefire.


- We again appeal the ****** people within the interim government to come before the elders to them into accountability for the responsibility they area holding for the ******.


- Finally, we call on the Somali people wherever they are to vividly attend defending the religion and the country against the enemy.



Thanks for your contribution and all are welcome to voice their views on this Thread.

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Horta su'aal ma xumee aan wax isweydiino. [And let's take the Xabashi occupation out for a minute, since we all know that, and aan iska meel dhigno dowlad ku sheega for another minute.]


Where were those collective clan 'elders' the last 16 years, oo maxaa ka reebay in isku imaadaan those years ay dhistaan maamul Banaadir xukumo? Ma Soomaali kalaa dhibka la waday?


Maxee qabqabliyaasha shib ugu ahaan jireen 16 lasoo dhaafay haddee awoodaan ay lasoo baxeen leeyihiin ama lahaan jireen? Or mise qabqabliyaasha ayee ka cabsan jireen? Uma maleeyi awoodee maanta lasoo baxeen haddee lahaan jireen inay taas jirto.


Intee jireen markii so-called 'looma ooyaanka' had iyo jeer la iska baacsan jiray in Xamar? Maxee ugu qaban waayeen calooshood u shaqeystiyaashaas moooryaanta saas u gali jirtay masaakiintaas.


Either wixii waayadaas dhici jiray waa ku raacsanaan jireen, a cruel satisfaction or a blind eye siin jireen, or either qabyaaladdii ayaa ka badatay maanta, oo xanuunkii 'looma ooyaanka' waxee ugu wici jireen ayaa qabatay. If it is the latter, well, at least Xabashi occupation equalized dadka Xamar wada dego, all of them -- finally.


Waligeey ma maqlin bishaan kahor those collective 'elders' from every sub-clan in the large clan oo meel isku yimid oo danta guud ka hadlaayo. I never heard or read it ka ahayn bishaan. Now suddenly, 'elders, elders' ayaa naga badbadatay.


I hope those same 'elders' have a plan oo haddee Xabasho bari baxdo in lagu noqon doonin sidee Xamar ahayd the last 16 years. I only hope there is a Plan B la isku raacay, oo inay bari isqabqabsasho jiri doonin.

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:
I hope those same 'elders' have a plan oo haddee Xabasho bari baxdo in lagu noqon doonin sidee Xamar ahayd the last 16 years. I only hope there is a Plan B la isku raacay, oo inay bari isqabqabsasho jiri doonin.

Let us hope so. They don't reject the AU troop presence in town nor deny A/Y's presidency, which leaves a room for the TFG to manouver and work out a deal with them. Problem is, and if these opponents of the TFG insist on Ethiopian withdrawal, Will men like A/Y and Geeddi whose sole power comes from Ethiopian presence be accepting to Xabashis' withdrawal? Also, no one can trust men of bad faith, and the TFG stooges are nothing but the worst among Somalis. It is difficult for anyone to look at these men and take their word. Their speeches inflame passions and they spew nothing but hatred and devision. They don't act as representatives of all somalis.


I think the TFG is a gonner and I pray to God that the sheekhs are available when the crunch time comes before Muqdisho descends into what it used to be of green lines and devided city. I don't want to see Qeydiid, Yalaxoow, Qanyare again laying claim to their fiefdoms in the name of a clan.



PS: Apart from the well-founded condemnation, do you have any thoughts as to how this might turn out to be? These Elders have to speak out now because the men who were elected into A/Y's organization are nowhere to be seen addressing the concerns people whom they represent have. They are insignificant members of a defunct TFG parliament, silenced and fearful. Geeddi and Jeelle, two cousins, are only interested in advancing their personal fortune. Even large part of their own clansmen despise them. The old rivalry inside their clan exists still. So, what do you think again?

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War meesha ******* aa dabada lasoogashay. hadana inata ******** socoto ayaa odayaashuna isuiman karaan.


[ March 26, 2007, 02:45 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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