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Ladies and Ramadan

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lucky, sorry sis, when yr at work u know how it is, i read the title and this following line,


"I aLways hear girLs you had better be extra carefuL...."


then came to the conclusion of women being careful in ramadan, then refered to fact that gossip must be 'controlled' during this holy month.


i better leave it there, for my own good!

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^^ it should be controlled...your right!

Gossip is like an instinct for some women.....hopefully we can control it.



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^^true. But do you know what I find worse than gossip to control? TV...waa dambi socda and I'm addicted to it! Am gonna have to force myself to stop watching it during Ramadan... :(


Back to the topic...


Yes, if I don't watch what I eat, I do gain some weight during Ramadan...because all sorts of special food is cooked on every single day and tis difficult to say no...but then I guess thats what Ramadan is about...practicing self-control.

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Northerner oh so thats what you were referring to my bad.I thought you meant 'we' need to stop gossiping.I didnt know you were connecting it with Ramadan<---reducing the gossip that is.My bad i just didnt see what you were taLking about at first is aLL.

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Bee Looks LIke youre in addict Just Like my sis here.TeLL ya what either cut the cabLe/digitaL/sateLite or whatever eLse you use and get rid of the remote.Or take the whoLe set and put it away to a PLace that you cant see it or reach for it.


ALhamduLiLah im not a tv addict but we'LL pray for yaLL out there.

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Bee I feel you hon...I'm addicted to t'v too! I'm working on that though...hopefully I can stop...but only if I keep myself busy with other things.

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Yeah, I kno. I have tried to wean myself off but the problem is, I don't feel like I have relaxed unless I watch some mindless TV after a hard day. I'm determined, however, to stop watching TV completely...Insha'Allah.



Originally posted by Lucky:

Bee Looks LIke youre in addict Just Like my sis here.TeLL ya what either cut the cabLe/digitaL/sateLite or whatever eLse you use and get rid of the remote.Or take the whoLe set and put it away to a PLace that you cant see it or reach for it.

Yeah, that would make it a lot easier, but I don't live alone, I have a huge family, some of whom happen to be worse addicts than me. So, no...they won't let me touch it.


I'll probably lock myself in my room after I get home and read the Quran. Thats the only appropriate solution, I can think of....

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Hey Bee dont do anything thats gonna make the rest of the addicts come after you...u dont want no WWIII up in the house.So go with the Last option-best way to go.

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Qac Qaac   

solution. Lucky, fellow the sunnah way of our beloved prophet muhammad scw.


he ate less food, 1/3 food, 1/3 drinks, and 1/3 for air,


then go for a walk. after you eat a meal. make sure u call someone needy to eat with u. so that u don't finish that big plate.


3. don't become like the muslims today, and eat the most food you can. and sleep on it.


the trueth is, ramadaan makes us fat, and lazy, the sahabas and the good muslims that were before us. used to work, in ramadaan, make them all skinnier, it supposed to make u skinny.

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