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Breaking news Fighting between Hiirshabelle and Hiraan state allot of casualties

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Six dead as Hirshabeelle and Hiiraan state forces engage in overnight battle


Thursday March 14, 2024

Beledweyne (HOL) — A prolonged clash between Hirshabeelle forces and Hiiraan State erupted on Wednesday evening, resulting in the death of six people, including both combatants and civilians. The battle lasted over six hours and began around 11:00 PM in the Lamagalay camp area.


Having retreated from Hiiraan State, government troops continue to secure the regional and Beledweyne district administration centers. Meanwhile, Hirshabeelle forces have consolidated their presence in and around the Baledweyne district's base.

The incident unfolds following the Djibouti army's recent departure from strategic administrative locales, triggering a confrontation between the opposing factions for control.

The engagement, marked by intermittent exchanges, resulted in casualties among residents who were inadvertently trapped in their homes during the overnight violence.

The conflict is a direct continuation of deep-seated political tensions that have plagued the region since June 16, 2023, when Hirshabelle State President Ali Abdullahi Hussein dismissed Hiiraan Governor Ali Jeyte Osman. The dismissal followed Osman's opposition to the state government's plans to centralize tax collection authority, a move that sparked significant local and federal controversy. Osman, a central figure in the anti-al-Shabaab operations and a key mobilizer of Hawadle clan militias rejected his ouster, declaring Hiiraan's independence from Hirshabelle. This declaration received backing from federal and local Hiiraan lawmakers, further deepening the rift.

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Hirshabeelle oo dagaal culus looga saaray guud ahaan magaalada Baledweyne


Khamiis, Maarso, 14, 2024 (HOL) - Dagaal xoogan oo Xalay ilaa barqanimadii maanta soo gaaray oo u dhaxeeyay ciidamo kala taabacsan Hirshabeelle iyo Hiiraan state ayaa ugu dambeyn goordhaw istaagay, kadib markii guud ahaan magaalada Baledweyne si awood ah looga saaray ciidankii Hirshabeelle.

Dagaalkaan ayaa ahaa kii ugu cuslaa uguna waqtiga dheeraa ee Baledweyne ku dhexmara labadaan maamul ee isku haysta gacan ku heynta Baledweyne.

Khasaare dhimasho iyo dhaawac leh oo kala gaaray labada dhinac iyo dad shacab ah ayaa ka dhashay dagaalkaan, waxaana guulo la taaban kara ka sheegtay maamulka la baxay Hiiraan State oo haatan gacanta ku haya guud ahaan xarumaha kala duwan ee maamulka gobolka iyo kan degmada Baledweyne.

Ciidamadii iyo saraakiishii hoggaamineysay dagaalka ee dhanka Hirshabeelle ayaa gaaray xarunta ciidanka ATMIS ay ku leeyihiin duuleedka magaalada Baledweyne, kadib markii looga awood roonaaday dagaalkii ka dhacay gudaha Baledweyne.

Dadweyne aad u farabadan oo diidan nidaamka iyo maamulka Hirshabeelle ayaa haatan ku dhex dabaal degaya gudaha magaalada.

Majirto wax war ah oo kasoo baxay maamulka Hirshabeelle oo ku aadan khasaaraha kasoo gaaray dagaalka loog saaray guud ahaan xaafadaha Baledweyne ee xarunta gobolka Hiiraan.

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