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General Duke

72hrs till OBAMA 08: Update, latest polls Duke prediction

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Election 2008 Obama McCain RCP Average

National 50.2 43.8 Obama +6.4


Battlegrounds Obama : McCain RCP Average


Florida 48.5 : 45.0 Obama +3.5

Ohio 49.2 : 43.4 Obama +5.8

North Carolina 48.6 : 46.1 Obama +2.5

Virginia 51.0 : 44.5 Obama +6.5

Colorado 51.0 : 44.4 Obama +6.6

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Obama takes campaign into Republican


Obama's team demonstrated its confidence of victory by yesterday announcing it is to extend its campaign deep into the Republican heartland, even into John McCain's home state Arizona.


While warning against complacency, Obama's campaign manager, David Plouffe, yesterday told reporters he was "thrilled" by the support for the Democratic candidate among early voters. "The die is being cast as we speak," he said. "We think we have built up an advantage in all the states, so that Senator McCain on election day is not just going to have to carry the day, but carry it convincingly."


But McCain's camp, defiant of Obama's poll leads and the US media, which has all but written him off, claimed McCain was on the verge of a surprise result.


"We're pretty jazzed up about what we're seeing," his campaign manager, Rick Davis, told reporters. "We are witnessing, I believe, one of the greatest comebacks since John McCain won the primary."


With strong Democratic turnout in early voting, Obama's team expects to hold all the states that John Kerry won in 2004 and add Republican states from Colorado to Virginia. They are to advertise in Arizona for the first time, and are putting fresh resources into Georgia and North Dakota. The decision to target Arizona may be designed to try to spook McCain, who has not campaigned in his home state, assuming it was solid. Florida, one of the states that has decided past elections, remains too close to call.


Plouffe described the Obama campaign as building to a crescendo this weekend, with 1.4 million volunteers in 770 offices. Early voting figures have raised their hopes of taking Georgia, which has been a no-go area for Democrats. Obama was set to take a break from campaigning last night to take his daughters out for Halloween, but he is due to visit eight states in a final burst of campaigning before election day on November 4, and Al Gore yesterday made an emotional return to Florida, where his hopes for the White House evaporated in the 2000 elections.


The McCain camp, meanwhile, is diverting resources to a last-minute advertising blitz. Mike DuHaime, a McCain adviser, said canvassers had contacted 5.3 million potential voters over the last week, either by phone or in person, compared with 1.9 million at the same stage in 2004. McCain will spend the weekend canvassing in Virginia and New Hampshire. DuHaime disputed a poll in the New York Times suggesting McCain's running mate, Sarah Palin, was a drag on his campaign - with 59% saying she was not ready to be president. He said she had attracted 20,000 to a rally on Thursday, in contrast with 800 for Obama's running mate, Joe Biden.


But a longtime McCain ally and former Republican cabinet member, Lawrence Eagleburger, speaking on National Public Radio on Thursday was categorical in saying Palin was not up for the job.

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The Duke's prediction, though I am a bit shocked at the November 1st suprise, news that Obama's Kenyan aunt was in the country illegaly has taken me a back a little.


However considering the early votes and the energy of the democtratic voters.


Obama should win on Novemebr 4th.


And the red states that I belive he will win are.


1. Virginia

2. North Carolina

3. Colorado

4. New Mexico

5. Nevada

6. Iowa


Florida and Ohio look troublesome but Obama might win them as well.

States that he will come close are .





One of the Dakotas....

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I think Coleman has done allot to foster the Somali vote. Thus we might get a split vote, Obama for Pres and Coleman for senate..


How do you see the overall election NN, you was always a keen observer of politics.

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Honestly, mccain lost this election before it bigan. I remember once walking from west philly to center city in 1999 to get him to sign a book for me. LOL, the distance is not much but there were not a lot of politicians walk to get them sign anything. After losing to Bush thanks to roves tactics, he become an outsider in his own party, maybe even before that, and the Dems gave him a chance to join them. When he refused was the day he lost. There were scary moments like the revern wright none sense but it seems, Mccain did everything to lose. I was lmao when i heard couple a days ago that the Mccain campaign, in trying to tie Obama to proffessor Khalidi, tied Mccain to both Khalidi and Bill Ayers.

The real election is in the races for the senate where the Dems need to gain nine Senate seats to get a filibuster proof majority. Jersey and Minnesota especially. If they Send Republicans to the senate, both states will lose in forming the new Agenda.

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blk man for pres! so what could go much in the land of red-necks. watch u might see joe the plummer multiplying like tfg supporters on crack.


its gonna be a long one. my gun is loaded.

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My dear Dukey, I do not think Obama has much to worry about when it comes to his illegal alien aunty and her legalities.


McCain camp has so much on their plate. For one thing, their VP was a victim of a prank call by Canadian comedians from Montreal. They successfully prank called to Sarah Palin. Over a 5 minute conversation and the comedians had her convinced of Quebec and Canada as separate sovereign states, among other things such as Cheney and hunting and the classic" I'm nicolas Sarkozy". In addition, the McCain Camp knows where to draw the line. (desperation can only take you so far)

Sarah, This is Nicolas SarKozy Calling...


As far as Arizona and Georgia Ads are concerned, thats just driving the hopeful train wreck off the trails. Georgia? For heaven's sake, Georgia? Are you kidding me. There is no way in hell that he will win in Georgia. As for Arizona, its just wishful thinking. Even their camp(obama) admitted to just taking advantage of what they are hearing in the field, its an opportunity, a long shot. Personally, I think they made the move to just sweat the old man and his folks, thats all. They know they will not win those states.



This thing is wrapped up. He did all he could and now its up-to the voters to elect him. If he loses its because it came in the form of rigging the election. Its an expected move from the part of the great old party but its highly unlikely that their dirty tricks will pay off this time around. The lines on those voting polls says otherwise. This election is dangerous and fascinating all at the same-time. Its a shame that hilary is not in the driver seat, because God only knows that this election would have been long decided.

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Lyzie G, what is the surprise news of the immigration status of his aunt? Will it have any impact on Nov 4. I will be glued to my plasma Tv on Tuesday night.

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