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Why Islam...

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Assalaamu Alaikum Waramatullah Wabarkatuh


First question in mind, if indeed being a Muslimah is a symbol of oppression, then why is it that many woman {especially in the West} are converting/reverting to Islam nowadays? "Why", asked many puzzled "FREEMEN" of a society where Islam is an alienated word.


What makes an inquiry mind think that a Muslimah [Muslim woman] leaves her Freedom of Life just because she reverted to Islam?


This is one grandiose misconception that None Muslims have about a Muslimah and one favorite target of the media to spread rumors that "We" are oppressed covered little creatures. It is however, convenient for them to label "us" oppressed and subservient women in order to cover up their very own mask of deceptions.


The Qur'an and the Sunnah [traditions] of our beloved Prophet Muhammad Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him has taught women how to be a woman and not a man. Since the word "RESTRICTION" is a flashy little word used to define Islam, I will give you exactly what it means from one who enjoys the word "Restrictions". Restriction in this sense means the essence of guidelines, which of course oppose to the Freedom of the West.


What is the so-called "FREEDOM" that the West has to offer me? Allow me to enumerate just a few...


*The West has given me the choice to wear skinless clothing and even allows me to bare it all where both men and lesbians just could not wait to get their hands on me.


*The West allows me to tease, be playful with men, and raped me with consent and file charges afterwards.


*The West offers me a position where I am compelled to compete with man in all angles of domination where my status as a woman makes me a provider rather than an individual who deserves to be cared for and treasured.


*The West allows me to take my marriage for granted. Divorce, infidelity, and promiscuity are just but a norm of the society.


*The West allows me to wake up one day and be a homosexual pervert, wife/husband swapping, and adulterous bestial drunkard person.


*The West allows me to be a liar, murderers, scoundrels, and thieves and be able to get away with it "freely".


*The West allows women to be abused, battered, disrespected, exploited, and use my state of consciousness as part of their charitable affairs.


*The West allows me to dumped my children when they reached certain age of maturity in order for me to free myself from any further burdens and responsibilities.


*The West allows me to disrespect my parents and teaches me how to sue them however and whenever suits my purpose.


*The West teaches my children at school that "safe sex" even outside marriage is perfectly justifiable which is a deliberate act that teens pride among themselves nowadays.


These are just some of the choices on the table for me. These are the choices that I do not wish to be readily available for me. Simply because it contradicts building the kind of society that I see Islam provides, which is MORAL JUSTICE.


What does Islam teaches me?


*Islam teaches me not to live in a backward mode. Islam teaches me to move forward and use my given freewill in an intellectual and rational manner where it pleases my Allah [God] primarily.


*Islam teaches me how to live with dignity, act gracefully, modest and simple.


*Islam teaches me how to live healthy.


*Islam teaches me what it means to be content with the things that I have and the things I do not or cannot have.


*Islam teaches me to learn and seek knowledge that will please my Allah, the Merciful.


*Islam teaches me why it is important to respect my parents and care for them when they are no longer able for themselves.


*Islam teaches me that the bounty of this world is not my property but Allah the Most Gracious and that I should share and use these favors sparingly.


*Islam teaches me how to counter these oppressive life made by humans who acts like animals in order to make my life miserable.


*Islam teaches me to be soft and strong at the same time whenever there is a need to apply neither one.


*Islam teaches me that I am not superior to anyone except only by ways of my worship of God that excels my status from any others.


*Islam teaches me self-esteem, a badge that I am proud to wear as a Muslimah.


*Islam teaches me the definition of equality defined as role rather than competition.


*Islam allows me to take part in political and social affairs of my community.


*Islam teaches me how to be a leader and a model [not Cindy Crawford ways by any means] that would make me an example for all others to shape and reform an ill society.


*Islam teaches me that I can be a progressive individual where my profession and talents can be an asset to the moral society. However,


*Islam teaches me how to be a honorable mother first, where my priorities and concerns lies within my household. What this means, Islam teaches me not to be subservient to my husband rather Islam teaches me how to respect the rights of my husband and be loyal committed partner in all of our joint affairs as a family unit. Islam shows me what it is like to be treated as a queen and not a piece of object disposable at given time or that of a slave where I am strictly confined to household duties. Islam teaches me to be the teacher of my children so they can be better teachers and leaders of tomorrow.


What Islam provides both men and woman is not a matter of choices. It is a gift, an irreplaceable value in this life and in the Hereafter. The Freedom that the West has to offer me is all temporary illusions, which does not provide any security both present and future. Nevertheless, of course Freedom thinkers care only what appears to be the present and that the present is the object of "REALITY". This is not in the case of the Muslims.


Bear in mind that being a Muslimah does not come in cheap nor think that there is no inconvenience because there is. Islam challenges you to come out "Clean". Therefore, I took advantage of the "Freedom to choose" that Islam is rightfully my choice. I would think you ought to try it unless the fear of trying undermines your form of security.

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Originally posted by Raxmah:

What Islam provides both men and woman is not a matter of choices. It is a gift, an irreplaceable value in this life and in the Hereafter. The Freedom that the West has to offer me is all temporary illusions, which does not provide any security both present and future.

Walaahi thats so true... Raxmah thanks hon for that reminder. We should all be thankful that we have such a beautiful religion that provides us with true freedom.


Peace and luv

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Flying still your welcome sis.


I just find it so ardous to understand, why so many somali muslims are so baffled about the importance of Islam, and that this western lifestyle is nothing but a mere illusion that is not going to get them anywhere.

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Thanks Raxmah.

But if you ask me its not reaLLy freedom*why you may ask* because it is nothing more than a mere manipuLation;to deceive and make peopLe beLieve that it is freedom.Of course anybody without any common sense and faith wouLd beLeive it-Look at them...taLking about oppression when reaLLy it is they who are oppressed. Our(women)freedom started over 1400 years ago whereas there's started in the 1960s or something-which they had to fight for-ours on the other hand was a gift from ALLah.

How is being a sex object having freedom? :mad: Women shouLd have more seLfrespect for themseLves than that.They are so brainwashed that they think wearing skin-tight,bare-it-aLL attires is a freedom and individuaLity. :rolleyes: :eek: What a bunch of BS.

Its obvious they hate IsLam because it is says nothing but the truth-i guess some peopLe cant handLe the truth.And they are envious about the way it is expanding-they cant bring it down or break it down-not in this Lifetime-they can say aLL that they want to but in the end words wiLL aLways be words and nothing more.

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Originally posted by Raxmah:

What is the so-called "FREEDOM" that the West has to offer me? Allow me to enumerate just a few...


*The West has given me the choice to wear skinless clothing and even allows me to bare it all where both men and lesbians just could not wait to get their hands on me.


*The West allows me to tease, be playful with men, and raped me with consent and file charges afterwards.


*The West offers me a position where I am compelled to compete with man in all angles of domination where my status as a woman makes me a provider rather than an individual who deserves to be cared for and treasured.


*The West allows me to take my marriage for granted. Divorce, infidelity, and promiscuity are just but a norm of the society.


*The West allows me to wake up one day and be a homosexual pervert, wife/husband swapping, and adulterous bestial drunkard person.


*The West allows me to be a liar, murderers, scoundrels, and thieves and be able to get away with it "freely".


*The West allows women to be abused, battered, disrespected, exploited, and use my state of consciousness as part of their charitable affairs.


*The West allows me to dumped my children when they reached certain age of maturity in order for me to free myself from any further burdens and responsibilities.


*The West allows me to disrespect my parents and teaches me how to sue them however and whenever suits my purpose.


*The West teaches my children at school that "safe sex" even outside marriage is perfectly justifiable which is a deliberate act that teens pride among themselves nowadays.

I wouldn't call that freedom. Tis more like punishment. :D


On a more serious note, is there really a Muslim person in this world who questions the goodness of Islam and the fairness of Allah (SWT)? Deep down inside, where it matters, I don't think there is.


It is very obvious that the problems experienced by Muslims in this world are created by humans (be they Muslim or non-Muslim) rather than by the Islamic religion. Understanding the difference is fundamentally important. Individuals and leaders may twist and use the religion for their own interests and against their people (and yes we should fight against that), but the important thing is to know that there's no-one between Allah (SWT) and His servant. No-one.


Thanks Raxmah for the article. smile.gif

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Barwaaqo I agree that every problem faced with in the muslim ummah is caused by us muslims or non muslims. I would like to lean on the muslims more becuase we are giving the non muslims the chance to take advantage of Islam to their benefit.


But I know many muslims who question their beleif, thinking that god is unfair and Islam is just a burden on their life, yet they walk around saying they are muslims.


Now I dont see how those munafiqeens could be sending good image about islam.

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I myself have come across alot of people who say that Islam is too hard to follow and that all they do is make their lives even harder...subxana alaah!!!

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Raxmah.....jaza kallah........xafsa u did :eek:

its so true and yet its hard for us to think about it in a daily basis!..we have it better than the kafir women yet we envy them aint it sad :mad: ....

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