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Six foreigners killed in Somalia's Puntland

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Ina Lillahi wa Ina Illeyhi Rajicuun..!


Allah uu naxaristo dhamantood - gacan ka xaq daran aya dishey.

Masiibadan halke naga heysata?

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Koonfurta??? :confused: :confused: Garoweonline


Wadaado lagu diley masjid ku yaala Koonfurta Galkacayo

12 Aug 12, 2009 - 1:51:50 AM




Shan kamid ah Wadaadda loo yaqaan Tabliiqa kuwasoo ku caan baxey fidinta diinta Islaamka una dhashay wadanka Pakista ayaa xaley lagu diley masjid ku yaala diilinta kala barta Woqooyiga iyo koonfurta Galkacayo.


Masjidkan oo ku yaala agagaarka Iskulka H/Dhexe ee Ummadda ayaa wararka soo baxaya sheegayaan in dilkaan ay gaysteen koox Maleeshiyo ah oo afku u duuban yahay kuwasoo xoggo lagu kalsoon yahay xusayan iney ka tirsan yihiin kooxaha islaamiyiinta ee ku dagaalama gobolada dhexe.


Shanta qof ee dilka loo gaystey ayaa kamid ahaa 25 Wadadd oo Tabliiq ah kuwaasoo malintii shaley 11 August,2009 kasoo dagey Garonka Galkacayo kadib-na ay gacanta ku dhigeen ciidamada amniga Puntland balse la sii daayey markii wax laga waydiiyey wadaada tabliiqa ee reer Puntland ah.


Alaha u naxariisteen wadaadaan oo ayaa labo kamid ah dhaawacooda la dhigey Isbitaalka guud ee Galkacayo iyadoo xaalkooda gacanta ku hayaan dhakhaatiirta..


Warar aan la xaqiijin ayaa sheegaya in dilkaan ay fuliyeen maleeshiyaad ka tirsan Ahlu -sunah wal-jamaaca kuwaasoo dagaalada ka socda gobolada dhexe kula jira ururada Al-shabaab iyo Xis-bul-Islaam.


Afhayeen u hadley Ahlu-sunah Waljamaca ayaa beeniyey iney ku lug leeyihiin dilkaan isaga oo sheegey iney baarayaan.


Garowe Online oo wax ka waydiiyeey maamulka Puntland dhacdadan ayaa waxey noo sheegeen in dhowaan warsaxafeed kasoo saari doonaan dhacdadaan.


Ma aha markii ugu horeysay oo Wadada Tabliiqa lala beegsado dilkaan oo kale iyada marar hore waxyeelo loogu gaystey masaajidyo ku yaala magaalada Muqdisho.


Wadaadda Tabliiqa ayaa alaaba waxaa bartilmaameedsada kooxaha tuhunka ka qaba in ururka Al-Shabaab ay tageero ka helaan dad ajaanib ah oo ka yimidaada aduunka daafihiisa kale sida Koonfurta Barri ee Asia.


Garowe Online, Garowe

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Not exactly the South ,, more like within the green line ,, that is what i heard.


Apparently they had problems with the immigration when they arrived the Northern part of the town yesterday which was solved through some negotiation ,,, They then crossed that part and stayed in a Masjid in the green zone where this incident happened during the Fajr time this morning ,,

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It's sad news. Another reason for the admin to keep up the hard work and Tame the city, it's an extension of the religious war going on in the country and as one knows the Ahlu Sunna groups have presence in the city on both sides.

The attack also took place in an area on the south border controlled by militias who are at war with what the see as foreigners.

Alas there is no problem with Putland hate of foreigners is found everywhere.


Poster the title is misleading.

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