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Once a warlord, always a warlord!

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After the attempted façade of disarming of the most feared marauding Mogadishu militias accused of committing some of the most hideous atrocities ever in Somalia, and after the attempted façade of publicly signing false peace accords by the contemptible warlords as a lure for clannish support, The ineffectual so-called Somalia Transitional Federal Government - based in the provincial town of Jowhar, led by the notoriously divisive figure Warlord Yeey - is on the verge of recruiting and arming tens of thousand fighters from certain region in an effort to crush the powerful warlords turned ministers, the country's new dissident group.


There are sinister repercussions in this short-sighted venture, for it entails that conditions which made the country a living hell for more than 15 years with horrific consequences for peace and stability - which still linger- will be exacerbated. Even if the unorthodox splinter group are defeated (which is improbable considering their proven meanness and huge muscle), these armed clan fighters would remain a plague on a society already on its knees in chaos, leading to spreading insecurity and therefore an unsuitable climate for reconstruction and reconciliation.



Following a failed attempt to reconcile with the opposing Mogadishu warlords, Warlord turned President Abdullahi Yusuf (Yeey) has now pledged to exploit his clan militia of unproven ex-fighters.


The Mogadishu Warlords either couldn’t fulfill their unrealistic promises of better economic prospects than the roadblock option for their militiamen. They can't use clan card which served as key incentives during the heydays of the unfortunate civil war has became a thing of the past. These promises are far from being fulfilled in the face of new moves to rearm a ragtag reservoir of discontented fighters who feel cheated over the allotment of the war's booty - money and status.


Knowing the grim reality that failed Mogadishu splinter group, The Jowhar faction has thought of recruiting a new army of untrained and amateur zealots from the president’s clansmen. This thinking may be a convenient, short-term means against Mogadishu Adversaries, but it definitely carries frightening long-term implications.


The problem with these marauding clan based militias is that once armed, disarming them after the armed offensive becomes a difficult dilemma. And once they are not disarmed, they turn on the population for their livelihood because experience has shown that the opportunistic warlords of Somalia have no visionary strategy to make the lives of their killing machines better. The warlords are not interested in the welfare of their ruthless fighting militias after their service, and only entice them when they are cornered by their foes.


Where is the assurance that these clansmen will not turn against those that have supported them in Hiiraan and Shabelle? The skirmishes in Beled-Weyne between locals and these militias should give us an indication of what could take place in other areas. We are talking about undisciplined clansmen uprooted from rural life against other undisciplined clansmen from urban squalor who were made to believe that life can be better with an AK-47 in hand.


We have all to be aware that old tribal and regional divide is prevailing at a time when the country's is in ruins and its political leadership is a laughing joke in the eyes of the world. This divide did not originate with the current group. It is the result of decades of manipulations for economic and political dominance by competing clans. However,this tribal divide and animosity assumed its crudest form since the inception of the current government of warlords by warlords for the warlords in Embagathi.


In his bid to strengthen power, Yeey is adopting some sneaky tactics such as aligning himself with two dim-witted sons of the native majority. Short and shifting political allegiance is a plot that has become so common in Somalia and Yeey is using it to weaken his opposition. This plot seems working as frustrated Mogadishu groups are lined up to blame each other on their ineffectiveness.



We are back to square one. The worst crime of the international community against the people of Somalia is to have allowed warlords to stand for election. The innocent people of Somalia are once again the vulnerable victims in this clannish dominance game.

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back to square one!! why cant he just take a green leaf and wave! peace. some ppl neva learn


after all this yrs, we still have to kiss a military azz! where is the educated ppl..ppl


i give up! do we have to just follow another killa soldier! :confused:

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Rudy nothing wrong with following soldiers.there educated soldiers around the world who succesfully led their countries.our soldiers are about nation breaking but not building.

i am soldiers advocate, but not the ones you are talking about.

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