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Dr. Fikre Tolossa: A Culpable Credentials of Misinformation

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This Ethiopianist Tolosa is making too many ignorant mistakes.


Who should inform him that Mogadishu is a Persian name Muuk dee Shah, the seat of Shah. It was never ruled by any Ethiopian kingdom but Sultanates of Ajjuraan, a Somali tribe, then Arab Muslims later ruled from Zanzibar by Sultan Said. The furtherst Ethiopian expansionist rulers reached was Harar. A case in point is a British soldier in Harar who witnessed the incidence, reported that Ethiopians fear Somalis so much that they would give their guns to the children to show the West that they had troops there. (look at Jstor, search engine, under the title of "the history of the Mad Mullah")


Another serious mistake the Ethiopianist author seems to be making is that Nuruddin was born in Oggaden contrary to the fact that Farah's birth place of Baidabo, southern Somalia. He is quite fooled by the current occupation at the behest of Somali stooges, war criminals , and the West. Sooner or later, Somalia will be liberated , including Oggaden.


DR. Fikre Tolossa: A Culpable Credentials of Misinformation


Mohamed Abdikadir Daud (Stanza)


As an author, I believe in academic gerrymandering and ideological antonym - variance; but, some days ago I was perusing the creative work of the Somali gifted novelist, laureate Nuruddin Farah, on the internet. Suddenly, I was mesmerised by an invidious critique entitled "Nuruddin Farah: Denial of Identity and distortion of Facts" written by an Ethiopian academician, Dr. Fikre Tolossa.


It is the right-birth of every author to criticise another author that he or she flaters, what I mean is that, Dr. Fikre Tolossa has the sole right to criticise Nuruddin Farah; but it is shameful to be an historical misinformer, albeit intellectual distinction is acceptable for the respect of the Creator - the Almighty God.


The jaundiced bigot, Dr. Fikre Tolossa, did not only ashamed himself in public but he also tarnished the long-time epoch of his homeland, Ethiopia, by fabricating a fake history in front of our eyes. His injudicious critique that was an intellectual injunction against the man that carries the insignia that bears "One of the best African novelists and world great writers of the century" that he (Dr. Tolossa) acquiesced in his article, was too bleak in terms of semantic parlance and critical or analytical explication or evaluation.


According to my mental conviction, Dr. Tolossa is so callow historically or even critically.


He said, "Nuruddin said, 'I was born and raised in Somalia ...' It is very true that the author, Farah, is a Somali born and bred patriot. He was born in Baidoa in 1945. I construe that Dr. Tolossa is jealous of the creative acumen of the influential Somali number one novelist. If not so, how did he happen to quash the pristine identity of the distinguished writer? The answer is wanted from him (Dr. Fikre Tolossa).


On the other hand, it is gullible of Dr. Tolossa to distort and skew internationally accepted history and pride of a whole nation. He (Dr. Tolossa) is overwriting a false history that has never been taught in and at schools. He said, "2000 years ago when Somalia was not called Somalia, and Oggaden was called "Awlat", Somalia and Oggaden were ruled as one entity by an Ethiopian king named Mogadishi ..." What a plain prevarication! That time there was nothing called Ethiopia, he could better say Abassynia. If a primary kid reads the critical article of Dr. Fikre Tolossa, he or she will infer vicious sadomasochism from the semantically murky critique which Dr. Fikre Tolossa aims at colonising the Somali thinkers intellectually. The egocentric drift that can be depicted from the cheap charade of Dr. Fikre Tolossa, will only mire him in the world of shameful shenanigans as he is expatiating on hurtful historical falsehood. If he is a blind novice at the history of his country, Ethiopia, and its counterpart neighbour, Somalia; then it is amoral of him to insufferably berate the brilliant thinker, Farah, for his humanistic mettle.


Dr. Fikre Tolossa, seemed pained at the comment of the noted novelist about the harrowing and fraught situation of the susceptible Oggaden civilians that are maimed for life by the brutal Ethiopian military that wants to rule them by barrel of the gun only. Dr. Tolossa foundered to twig the root cause of the Oggaden insurrection against the Ethiopian despotic dictatorship. They (Oggaden people) want free Oggaden state that befriends both Ethiopian and Somali governments in peace and harmony. But Ethiopia is not ready to end the illegal occupation of the Oil-Rich Oggaden region as Israel is not ready to concede to the rights of the troubled citizens of Palestine.


Dr. Tolossa is supposed to be as quixotic as the reputable Turkish peace activist, Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis, for the sake of humanity. Any way, this is the high time for Dr. Tolossa to spur on Ethiopian government to stymie the indiscriminate carnage of Oggaden innocent people, therefore, his historical mistakes can be condoned by the Somali and Oggaden thinkers and peace-lovers that were piqued by his shoddy and baseless critique which is virtually unacceptable. It is also his personal onus to ruminate on the historical rudiments of his surroundings before perfunctorily spurning the geo-political tenacity of other human fellows. Otherwise, he (Dr Tolossa) will be a victim of his culpable credentials. I would advise him to sturdily apologise for his errors, so that, his contrition will whitewash the grisly faults he committed against the prominent novelst, Farah, as well as the poeples of Ethiopia, Oggaden and Somalia.



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The guy is dreaming if he thinks Nuurudiin Faarax is an "Ethiopian." He, too, writes Soomaaliya never existed, earlier; well, he should know Soomaaliya is older than the name "Ethiopia" itself. "Ethiopia" is a bogus, misconstrued name, whose entire existence depends on the subjection and occupation of other people's land. Abyssinia, which should be the real "Ethiopia" if it ever existed, is only a small part of so-called "Ethiopia" now. Let him claim Abyssinia and its historical land; we will have no problem with that.


Nuurudiin would not be ashamed if he was born in Soomaali Galbeed and never would he consider himself as an "Ethiopian." Though he was born in Baydhabo, he grew up in Soomaali Galbeed and he says so all the time.


The people Soomaali Galbeed are not "Ethiopian." They are oppressed, occupied Soomaali citizens -- a citizenship that was and is guaranteed by the Soomaali constitution. The Xabashi writer too should have known that.

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He also invokes the time of Lij Yasu and his political relationship with Mohamed Abdule Hassan as a gesture of good will in our struggle against the colonial power, but doesn't mention that Lij Yasu converted to Islam and was in the process of making the Ethiopian kingdom an Islamic state. Lij Yasu's conversion to Islam was short lived as his Ethiopian kingdom was deposed as well as his escaping a near assasination.

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^What is more serious is that he intentionally distorts the Muslim Somalia chain of history, perhaps depicting Somalia historically as a vassal state of Christian Ethiopia.

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